The next day, every entertainment and business news channel and newspaper was filled with news from the party last time. Everyone was talking about it.

The drama created by Zhou Mingyu in her party had gone viral and now everyone was slandering her. Her fans were also slandering her. They were cursing themselves for being her fans.

Other than the news of Zhou Mingyu, the dance of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen was also the talk of the town. Everyone was talking about how good and perfect they both looked together. Many people had started to predict about their relations.h.i.+p with their single dance.

"Don"t we look good together in this photo?" Su Yuchen pointed towards their photo which was covering the front page of the newspaper.

Xin Mei rolled her eyes when she heard him. "And it"s all your fault. Now your female fan following are going to run after me, to kill me."

"Nothing like this will ever happen because I am here to protect you." Su Yuchen protectively wrapped his arm around her. "Besides, didn"t I tell you that I am planning to officially court you."

"Don"t you think it will be too early?" 

"Nah, I don"t think so. I have already waited long enough. I think now it"s time for me to show my interest in you."

"Just wait for movie Revenge to release. Till then I don"t want any scandal that I seduced a Richie boy with my beauty."

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard Xin Mei. "As you order Mei. But now I am eager to see my name attached to your name. I want to tell everyone that we belong to one another."

Xin Mei smiled and kissed on his lips.

Conditions on the side of the Zhou family were turning worse with each pa.s.sing second. Many shareholders had withdrawn their shares from the Zhou Corporations and the rest of them were demanding the resignation by Zhou Zichen from the board.

They were not happy at all by the drama of Zhou Mingyu and by the declaration of Su Yuchen that he would not invest in the Zhou corporation. Shareholders had nearly lost their golden fish.

Qian"s were also very disappointed with Zhou Mingyu. They were regretting their decision to side with the Zhou"s instead of Xin. They wanted to break this marriage contract between Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan but could not because of the secret which they held against one another.

Qian Fan also wanted to break everything with Zhou Mingyu. He was fed up with her. He was fed up with himself also because he had again messed up everything with Xin Mei.

"Now how am I supposed to pursuit here again?"

Condition of Zhou Mingyu had turned worse, many of her fans who were earlier supporting her had turned their backs to her. Instead of b.u.t.tering her with their praises, they were now badly slandering her. They were demanding from her to leave the film industry.

"You Xin Mei…how can you became so smart to backfire all my plans?" she gritted her teeth and squeezed an old photo of Xin Mei in her hand.

"Mei, what do you think we should do about the video of Zhou Mingyu and little Jing?" Su Yuchen asked Xin Mei on one evening.

"Let us blackmail Zhou Mingyu and get some money from her. She had always squeezed money out of me and now it"s my turn to squeeze money from her."

An identical smile appeared on the faces of the couple. 

The very next day, they called w.a.n.g Wei and gave him the details of their plan.

"Missus, I don"t think I can act." 

w.a.n.g Wei felt nervous when Xin Mei told him that he had to act like a stranger who had the video.

"Don"t be nervous, you only have to read the line which I have wrote for you." Xin Mei pointed at the script in his hand.

"Ok missus, I will try." 

w.a.n.g Wei sighed and picked up his phone. He cleared his throat before calling on the number of Zhou Mingyu.

Zhou Mingyu was feeling a headache because she had not slept from two nights straight. Her father was yelling at her for the whole night and not to forget the fans who were on a strike, outside her home. They wanted their old, good Zhou Mingyu back.

"Argh, who is calling me now?" Zhou Mingyu groaned when she received a call from an unknown number.

She ignored the call for the first time it rang but later, she picked up the call.

"Who is it?" she nearly yelled.

"Zhou Mingyu," she heard a deep and threatening chuckle from the other side of the phone. "I see you are deep in problem and I am here to add one more problem to your small list. I have a video against you. In the said video, you are paying to little Jing to change the sword of Xin Mei. You are also confessing your motto that you want Xin Mei to get slandered for the crime which she hadn"t done."

Zhou Mingyu paled when she heard the words from the other side. How could someone get a video that she had given money and commands to little Jing?

"You are lying…it is not possible. I do not believe you." Her voice was shaky with fear.

"You will believe me after seeing the video which I have sent on your mobile." w.a.n.g Wei again chuckled from the other side.

Zhou Mingyu quickly opened her mobile and her eyes went wide when she saw the video of confession of little Jing and then a video of herself and him. The video was very clear and it had the power to completely destroy her career.

"What do you want?" Zhou Mingyu whispered yell over the phone.

"What can I want? I want money. I want money to keep my mouth shut and to keep this video hidden from the world." w.a.n.g Wei humourlessly chuckled.

"I will give you. How much money do you want? One million, two million, five million…how much?" Zhou Mingyu asked desperately. She could not let that video be out, especially not now when everyone was already slandering her.

"I want sixty million and that too in cash."

"What sixty million?" Zhou Mingyu yelled in shock. She nearly had a heart attack upon hearing such a huge amount.

"Pay me the said amount within twenty-four hours. Otherwise, I will not think twice before uploading this video online." w.a.n.g Wei warned and quickly hung up on the shocked Zhou Mingyu.

Zhou Mingyu fell on the floor and looked at her mobile. She looked at the video which she received from an unknown number.

"Why is this happening to me? Why?" she yelled angrily and threw a vase angrily against the mirror.

As per the curse of Xin Mei, she was going to receive the fruits of her misdeed this coming year!

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