Su Zixin again looked at the bed which was decorated beautifully with red roses, and that was when he noticed fragmented candles surrounding the room.

He gulped and looked at Xin Mei lying on the bed. He was sure that Xin Mei planned to surprise his brother and he had barged in the room at a wrong timing.

"I am sorry for coming here, Xin Mei. I should leave your room now and don"t worry, I will not spoil your surprise."

With that said, he quickly padded towards the door of the room but he stopped in between his steps. He frowned with confusion and again looked at Xin Mei.

"Why hasn"t she scolded me till now? Why is she so silent that I nearly spoiled her plan? Has this stupid girl fallen asleep?"

Su Zixin shook his head and walked towards Xin Mei. He thought of waking her up so she could give her surprise to Su Yuchen.

"Xiao Mei, wake up...come on, wake up. You are to surprise brother not sleep like this."

He shook her body but next second he froze when he saw her non responsive cold body.

Su Yuchen was talking with his clients when he received a call from Su Zixin. He frowned his brows before rejecting the call. He did not have time to hear about some rubbish from Su Zixin.

"Why isn"t brother picking up the call?" Su Zixin looked at his mobile with horror in his voice. "Come on brother, pick up my phone. It is a life and death situation for you."

He again called Su Yuchen but again his call was ignored. He groaned loudly before dialling the number of Huang Chu. He sighed when Huang Chu picked up the phone.

"Huang Chu, hurry, hurry, give the mobile to brother. I have something urgent about which I want to talk to him." 

"But boss is doing some important…."

"I don"t care." Su Zixin yelled, cutting Huang Chu. "It"s about Xin Mei. Hurry and give him the phone."

Huang Chu jumped when he heard the name of Xin Mei and quickly gave his phone to Su Yuchen.

"Boss, It"s second master." Huang Chu whispered close to his ears.

"I don"t have time…."

"He says it"s about missus."

Su Yuchen took a deep breath and excused himself from his clients, "Speak."

"Brother, quickly come to the room number 1001. Quick, quick, quick, it is about Xin Mei. She is here in the room and…." Before he could complete, Su Yuchen hung upon him.

Su Yuchen looked at his clients with an apologetic expression on his face. "I am sorry but I have to leave for some important work. In my place, Li Si will continue the meeting."

Su Yuchen signalled to Li Si and quickly rushed out of the room. He padded towards the elevator in fast steps and made his way towards the room number 1001.

His heart was beating fast with nervousness and fear. Xin Mei was going to the spa then what was she doing inside room number 1001. He knew Su Zixin would not dare to play a prank with him with the name of Xin Mei.

"Brother, quick, quick, quick, go in and see your wife by yourself." Su Zixin removed sweat from his forehead. Fear was visible in his eyes.

Heart of Su Yuchen started to beat fast and he quickly entered inside the room. His heart came to his throat when he saw Xin Mei lying unconscious on the bed which was covered with red roses and what she was wearing was only a pair of red lingerie.

He knew Xin Mei and he knew Xin Mei would not plan such a surprise for him.

The aura around Su Yuchen became cold and he looked at Xin Mei. He clenched hard his fist.

"Zixin, did you see anything?"

"Yeah, I did to check upon her. Now go and see what has happened to her. She is not responding to me." Su Zixin spoke with his eyes covered with his hand.

"Huang Chu," Su Yuchen yelled loudly in cold and icy voice. "I want you to interrogate who has dared to plant Xin Mei in this room. But before that, find a pair of clothing for her."

Su Yuchen removed his coat and quickly threw it over Xin Mei.

"If you want, I can offer her my s.h.i.+rt. I don"t think Huang Chu will find any dress at this hour of night." Su Zixin suggested and next second, he froze when he felt the dark gaze of Su Yuchen. "Only if you want."

"Ok." Su Yuchen replied icily.

Su Zixin quickly pulled out a s.h.i.+rt from his bag pack. He turned to give it to Su Yuchen but his eyes turned wide when he saw Su Yuchen was removing his s.h.i.+rt.

"What are you doing?" Su Zixin asked.

"Do you think, I will make her wear your s.h.i.+rt?"

Su Yuchen s.n.a.t.c.hed his s.h.i.+rt and quickly wore it while throwing his s.h.i.+rt on the bed.

"Why are you standing here till now? Out now." Su Yuchen yelled and pointed Su Zixin towards the door.

Su Zixin jumped in fear before rus.h.i.+ng out of the door.

Su Yuchen took deep breaths to control his anger. He walked towards Xin Mei and looked at her with gentle eyes.

Su Yuchen looked at the bed with a white bed sheet and on top of it was lying his beautiful wife. His throat constricted when he saw her only in invisible lingerie"s which left nothing for his imaginations.

"Su Yuchen, it"s not a time for you to lose your control. You should check what is wrong with her."

Su Yuchen took a deep breath and started to woke Xin Mei up. He lovingly called her and badly shook her body but she did not take the name of waking up, not even a movement could be seen in her body.

"Mei," he spoke with fear in his voice. "Come on baby, please wake up."

He also sprinkled some water on her in the hope that she would open her eyes or would do something but nothing.

"Mei." He again called her name and breathed hard. His heart was beating fast with fear.

"Mei, wake up."

Again no response!

With shaking hands, he pulled out his mobile from his pocket and called Huang Chu. "Prepare my car."

After ending the call, he quickly made Xin Mei wear his s.h.i.+rt and then coat to cover her completely. He carried Xin Mei in his arms, with unsteady steps, he rushed towards the door and down the party.

He ignored all the steps and quickly entered the already awaited car.

"To the hospital, right now." His voice was throaty because his throat had turned tight with fear. His eyes were filled with tears.

"Come on Mei, wakeup. What happened to you? Why are your not talking with me?"

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