The next day, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei decided to execute their plan, plan to get revenge from Zhou Zichen. They were not going to do something bad to him like killing him or anything. But they were going to do something, which would kill him slowly with tensions and worries within the next six months.

"h.e.l.lo, am I talking with Mister Zhou?" that day, Zhou Zichen received a phone call from Li Si.

"Yes, I am Zhou Zichen speaking. Who is it?"

"Sir, I am speaking from the Su corporation. Boss wants to have an urgent meeting with you. Can you come to the office right now?"

Zhou Zichen smiled brightly when he heard the words from the other side of the phone. He thought his plan to put Xin Mei on the bed of Su Yuchen as a bribe had been successful.

"I am coming, I am coming right now." Zhou Zichen spoke excitedly before ending the call.

He was grinning from ear to ear and his face was s.h.i.+ning brightly with excitement and happiness.

Zhou Zichen wore his best suit, best shoes and other accessories to show of his status. He wanted to make Su Yuchen feel that he was also someone with high status.

Zhou Zichen arrived at the Su corporations in one of his best car. He walked inside the building like a king, completely unaware as to what the real king had planned for him.

"Boss, Mister Zhou is here." Huang Chu informed to Su Yuchen.

A sinister smile appeared on the lips of Su Yuchen. "Send him in. You know what you have to say and have to do, right?"

"Yes boss," Huang Chu nodded and left the cabin.

After a few minutes, Zhou Zichen entered the cabin of Su Yuchen. He smiled brightly. Without thinking about any etiquette, he took his seat opposite to Su Yuchen.

"Good morning mister Su." He greeted.

Su Yuchen ignored him and focused on the presentation on his laptop.

"Mister Su, why have you called me today?" he asked but again he did not receive any reply. 

Zhou Zichen shrugged thinking Su Yuchen was busy with presentation and would talk with him after some time. He was not aware that Su Yuchen was waiting for a call. 

Zhou Zichen picked up a business magazine that was placed on the table of Su Yuchen and started to read it while pa.s.sing his time. 

After a few minutes, Su Yuchen received the call for which he was waiting for. He smirked and pushed his laptop aside. He picked up the face time call and smiled when he saw the screen.

"Mister Zhou, I will like to show you something." 

Su Yuchen pa.s.sed his mobile to Zhou Zichen. Zhou Zichen accepted his mobile with a small frown on his face. The moment the mobile was in his hands and when he saw the screen, his face became pale with horror.

On the screen, Zhou Mingyu could be seen. She was sitting on a bed and was slowly removing her bra. Three males could be also seen looking at Zhou Mingyu!

"What…what is…this?" Zhou Zichen stuttered with horror and nearly dropped the mobile of Su Yuchen.

"Careful here, this mobile costs more than your earning for a month." Su Yuchen s.n.a.t.c.hed his mobile from the hand of Zhou Zichen.

"What is the meaning of this video, mister Su?" Zhou Zichen yelled where his body was s.h.i.+vering. 

He was not angry because his daughter was stripping herself. What he cared about was his reputation! The bad reputation of Zhou Mingyu would directly affect his reputation.

"Why so shocked mister Zhou? I thought you love to drug innocent girls and place then in the room of a stranger. I thought why not do the same with your daughter, give you the taste of your own medicine."

"You...!" Zhou Zichen gritted his teeth. "How dare of you to drug my daughter? And how dare of you to record her video? Do you have any shame or something?" he yelled and stood up from his seat.

"I have shame and self-respect. But do you have them?" Su Yuchen yelled. Anger which was hidden in his heart finally came on the surface. "How dare of you to drug Miss Xin and place her in my room? Don"t you have any virtue? How could you use an innocent girl for your motive? What if she had died that night?"

"Innocent girl? That Miss Xin is not innocent…. she is a sl*t, a who*re and I will use her the way I want. She was stupid and was used by my daughter and now I planned to use her, so what?"

Su Yuchen clenched his fist when he heard the words of Zhou Zichen, the idiot.

"I didn"t do anything wrong by drugging her. She deserves...…" before Zhou Zichen could say any more words, Su Yuchen had already pressed hard on his neck. His eyes were dark with fury.

"How dare of you to sprout nonsense about a woman?" especially my women! "Zhou Zichen, you have done the biggest mistake of your life by insulting Xin Mei and by drugging her. This will cost you your life and business. Drugging your daughter and making her MMS is nothing for me."

Su Yuchen looked at Zhou Zichen with cold eyes and threw him on the floor. 

"I am canceling the hospital contract with you. I don"t need your services anymore."

Eyes of Zhou Zichen went wide when he heard Su Yuchen. But then again, a mocking smile appeared on his lips.

"Mister Su, you are a kid. Don"t you know the compensation which you will need to pay to Zhou corporation on the breach of this contract? It is a big sum like two billion."

He looked at Su Yuchen with challenging eyes. Zhou Zichen felt as if he had gotten the Ace of the club in his hand. He could easily suppress Su Yuchen.

How funny! 

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