Su Yuchen walked towards Xin Mei and smiled at her. 

"Congratulations Miss Xin." He took two flutes of wine and gave one to her. "May you have many more successful movies in your bag."

"Thank you, Mister Su." She smiled back at him and clicked her gla.s.s with his.

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei started to talk with one another where again the guests were left in shock. Many guests had heard that Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were very close but they did not believe the news.

But now that they had seen them together, they could deduct that Su Yuchen was very close to the Xin family, especially Xin Mei. Otherwise, why would have Su Yuchen come for the celebration party of Xin Mei?

The investors or the clients, who were with Xin corporation at the time when Qian corporation and many other corporations had left their support, now felt lucky. They were lucky to know Su Yuchen via Xin Jin.

"Can I have your attention please?" He Ye spoke on the microphone. "I have a small announcement to make. My sweet little sister here is a big fan of the "Rock on" band. And to celebrate her first success, I have specially invited them here to perform for her."

The teammates of "Rock on" climbed on the stage and hoots filled in the hall. Stars and other guests started to clap when they saw Rock On team. They could not believe the family of Xin Mei was able to invite this famous band team.

Rock On team climbed on the stage and started their performance. All this while, Xin Mei was looking at the scene with wide eyes. She looked at Su Yuchen who smiled brightly at her.

"Miss Xin, would you like to have a dance with me?"

"Sure," Xin Mei placed her hand in his and he pulled her on the stage. Both were sharing an eye lock with love in their eyes.

They climbed on the stage and Xin Mei wrapped her hands around his back.

"Thank you for this beautiful surprise, Chen." She spoke freely now that no guest would be able to hear them.

"I am glad you like it. Finally, my hard work paid off."

"He Ye told me how hard you have worked for this party. He told me how a worker bought you camellia in exactly five hours." She chuckled and Su Yuchen shook his head.

"Couldn"t he have kept his mouth closed?" He chuckled and twirled her around. "You are looking so beautiful today."

"You too are not looking bad." Xin Mei smiled and then looked around. She saw how everyone was looking at them.

"I am sure, by tomorrow, everyone will be again gossiping about us."

"Let them gossip, I don"t care. What I care about is that I got to dance with a beauty like my love."

Su Yuchen twirled Xin Mei around the stage before pulling her close to himself. His lips leaned close to her.

"What are you doing?" Xin Mei looked at him with surprised eyes.

"Don"t worry, I will not publically kiss you, not now." He looked at her with a teasing smile. "But I can"t wait to give you our first public kiss."

"You are not going to get a chance to do that." Xian Mei teased.

"And why not?"

"Because I will be the one to kiss you first." Xin Mei giggled and teasing breathed in his ears.

Su Yuchen chuckled and shook his head before again twirling Xin Mei on the dance floor.

Su Zixin had worked very hard, he had used many connections to invite the "Rock on" band for the party. But his all hard work was waste because Xin Mei was not listening to the music in the background. She was lost in the arms of Su Yuchen.

When the song ended, every guest clapped out aloud. They clapped for the dance of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen, not for the band. Band members were themselves mesmerized by the dance which was taking place in front of their eyes.

Xin Mei thanked the teammates of the band who came to her party. Then Su Zixin showed them the way towards their room where they could get refreshed before starting their journey to the neighbouring city where their concert was taking place.

"Mister Xin, your daughter is really lucky to catch the interest of Mister Su." One of the partners of Xin Jin spoke. "I must warn you, she is new to the film industry and public will not stop from slandering her after knowing that Mister Su is showing an interest in her, you know what they will call her, right?"

"I know," Xin Jin nodded his head and took a sip of wine. 

He knew people would call Xin Mei a gold digger. Her each success would be attached with the name of Su Yuchen once her relations.h.i.+p was disclosed to the public and that was why they had kept their marriage hidden.

After the dance of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen, Xin Yan invited Xin Mei and the whole team of "The flying women" for the cake cutting. How could a celebration be complete without cake cutting?

Xin Mei and Han Yi cut the cake and everyone howled loudly their names. Everyone was feeling the adrenaline rus.h.i.+ng in their veins at the happiness that their hard work paid off so beautifully.

Everyone kept parting for late at night. They got drunk and danced on the dance floor like crazy. Director Zhang was also very happy when he looked around. His movie "the flyting women" was already a hit and now he could not wait for the success of the revenge.

The flying women was acknowledged in many foreign countries and was screened on many big occasions and director Zhang was invited on all such occasions. 

Xin Mei was still not a big name so she was not invited anywhere but she was happy that her movie got acknowledgment worldwide.

© 2024