"Mister Su, Miss Xin, what is the relations.h.i.+p in between both of you?"

If not for the recent slandering of Xin Mei, Su Yuchen would have answered that he was courting her but now he would not do that foolishness.

"Miss Xin and I are good friends. Miss Xin is quite a good girl and I like her company. And above that, her father is my business partner so I know her personally."

Reporters asked many more questions to him to which he replied without giving any diplomatic answer. He replied in short, keeping their relations.h.i.+p hidden.

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei arrived inside the hall which was fully packed with the guests. Everyone was looking at the cinema screen or talking among themselves. They were waiting for the movie to start.

Xin Mei"s seat was located beside Su Zixin. She walked towards him and took her seat. She looked at the vacant seat beside her seat and realized that Su Yuchen was going to sit there.

Su Yuchen had specially ordered Fang Lue to arrange seats in such a way that his seat should be in the row of director Zhang and the main cast, beside the seat of Xin Mei.

Su Yuchen shook his hand with some important VIP guests present in the hall. They exchanged greetings before Su Yuchen walked toward his seat. He took his seat and started to talk with director Zhang who was sitting on his left. He itched to look at Xin Mei sitting on his right.

He was itching to turn and place his hand over the hand of Xin Mei. But he controlled himself till the lights of the halls were off.

After talking with director Zhang, Su Yuchen signalled to Huang Chu. Huang Chu instructed the hall manager who first switched off the lights and soon movie started to play on the big screen.

Once the lights were off, it was completely dark in the hall, Su Yuchen did not think twice before placing his hand on the thigh of Xin Mei. Xin Mei smiled in the darkness and took a hold of his hand.

Xin Mei was feeling very excited and nervous at the same time. This movie was going to give wings to her career. She would fly high if her acting skills were liked by the critics and citizens.

Xin Mei squeezed hard on the hand of Su Yuchen when initial credits appeared on the screen. She needed his support at this time.

(I am giving a short description of the Revenge movie because this was asked from me from some of my readers.)

The movie opened with the scenes of young Emperor Kai, of age seventeen, he was still the prince of Kai Kingdom. His scenes followed by the introduction scenes of Young Ruyi, of age sixteen. 

Ruyi was a normal citizen of the Kai Kingdom. She was playing with her friends when prince Kai saw her for the first time. He immediately fell in love with her. He tried his best to court her.

Father of Prince Kai was against him marrying Ruyi and making her his princess. So, the prince decided to take her as his lover, his mistress.

Then many scenes about their love were shown in the movie. Both were very deeply in love with one another. Prince Kai did many promises with Ruyi, promise to make her his queen, promise to always remain loyal to her.

After the death of his father, Prince Kai became Emperor Kai and Ruyi became Imperial concubine. They made a journey toward the Han kingdom, on the way itself Emperor Kai again promised her that he would make her his queen.

Then entered Chunhua in their life, she was the princess of the Han Kingdom. She was strong-headed and a powerful politician. She was already helping her father in running the kingdom. She was an expert in everything, politics, and war tactics.

She was prepared to become the queen of a big kingdom!

When emperor Kai saw her for the first time, he forgot his every promise to Ruyi and fell hard for Chunhua, willing to marry her at every cost.

"Ruyi, I will make you my queen." He promised to Ruyi and the next second when Chunhua put forth the condition of the marriage that she wanted to be his queen, he said, "I am ready."

Su Yuchen squeezed hard on the thigh of Xin Mei when he saw the hurt expression on the face of Ruyi. They were so perfect. 

Revenge was close to his heart, especially the role of Ruyi and so far, Xin Mei had done justice to this role. He could imagine the expression and emotions of the person from whom this role of Ruyi was inspired.

Xin Mei also squeezed hard on the hand of Su Yuchen. She could also imagine herself at the place of Ruyi. Wasn"t this how Qian Fan cheated on her?

Xin Mei turned and looked at Su Yuchen and smiled. She was lucky that Qian Fan cheated her and she got a husband like emperor Jun, Su Yuchen.

Emperor Kai brought Chunhua to the Kai kingdom, after officially marrying to her. He declared her as his queen. He started to ignore Ruyi. 

Ruyi was not from some political family nor she was smart. From the age of sixteen, she had learned only one thing and that was to serve emperor Kai. So, when he cheated on her, she started to fell apart. She fell apart more badly in front of the smart tricks of Chunhua.

It did not take Chunhua much time to kick Ruyi out of the Kai kingdom. Her baby was also termed as illegitimate. 

When Ruyi was getting kicked out, she promised herself that she would have her revenge. She may not be smart but soon she would return as a smart woman for her revenge.

Ruyi knew the names of some kingdom who had enmity against emperor Kai. She knew many of them who would help her in the exchange of information which she had collected against the Kai kingdom in the last few weeks.

Ruyi started to travel from kingdom to kingdom in search of an emperor who would help her. One day, due to fatigue, she fell on the hunting ground of Emperor Jun and then, she was found by his soldiers!

On another side, Chunhua had become very powerful. She may be evil to get Ruyi kicked out from the Kai kingdom but she was shown as good at heart. She was a dutiful wife and a very wise queen.

She was helping emperor Kai in making his kingdom strong. She was helping poor people in the city. She became the much-liked queen of the Kai kingdom and gave birth to the first prince.

Back to Ruyi, Emperor Jun took Ruyi under his care. He took her to the Jun kingdom and slowly, he started to fall in love with her. He fell for her everything, her innocence, her smartness, her love for her baby. Ruyi also fell for him, unbeknown to herself.

Ruyi gave birth to her first baby boy and emperor Jun gave him his name!

Ruyi who still wanted revenge started to prepare herself. She started to learn sword fighting and shooting skills. Emperor Jun helped her in training. He also tried to seduce her in the meantime.

Soon enough, emperor Jun put forth the marriage proposal in front of Ruyi but she was not ready to accept it. She felt she was not pure for emperor Kai, he deserved someone better.

Emperor Jun kept pestering her hard and finally when they were making a journey to the Kai Kingdom, she said yes!

Su Yuchen smiled and looked at Xin Mei. She was so similar to Ruyi. She would have also made him beg like emperor Jun if her family was not in the dire need of money.

Xin Mei also smiled and looked at Su Yuchen. Wasn"t her story very similar to the story of Ruyi?

Emperor Kai was shocked when he saw Ruyi after a long time, standing beside his enemy, Emperor Jun. She was looking more beautiful than before. He again felt l.u.s.t when he looked at her. Chunhua was aware of it.

She may have become a good queen, she may be a good wife but she knew this l.u.s.tful nature of emperor Kai. He wanted his harem to be full of beautiful women. He could never be loyal to only one woman.

Ruyi and emperor Jun stayed at Jun kingdom for some time. Chunhua burnt with jealousy whenever she saw the love that emperor Jun gave to Ruyi. Longingness could also be seen in her eyes.

Chunhua felt so envied of Ruyi that she slapped her hard. That made emperor Jun angry and he called a war against kingdom Kai. He was waiting for this moment only.

War broke out between the two kingdoms. The filming of war scenes was done in a very royal manner. Visual effects were also used perfectly in the movie. It made the war scenes a must watch.

The acting skills and expressions on faces of every one were of top-notch. 

The audience in the hall was looking at the war scenes without any blink of eyes. They were waiting to know who would die and who would live.

The battle ended with the death of emperor Kai. Chunhua ran away from the battlefield only to find that her son was killed by another wife of emperor Kai. She had lost her everything in the war. She could not bear her loss and committed suicide.

Ruyi also broke down on the battlefield when she saw so many soldiers were killed because of her. She cried for the loss of soldiers and her family members. She cried for her brother in law who lost his life.

Emperor Jun consoled her and took Ruyi back to his kingdom. They mourn over the dead for a month before emperor Jun officially married Ruyi and made her his wife, he declared her son as his heir.

Ruyi also learned politics and helped emperor Jun for the progress of their kingdom!

Then they lived happily ever after.

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