Revenge was breaking every record with each pa.s.sing day. The fan base of Xin Mei was also increasing in laps. Many fans of Chen Bai, Tang Min and Zhou Mingyu who went to watch the movie for their idols came out as a fan of Xin Mei.

Xin Mei was getting the maximum screen s.p.a.ce in the movie now that the screen time of Zhou Mingyu was cut. So, everyone got a chance to see more of her act and they became loyal fans to her.

Even after one week of release, the halls of the cinema theatre were still full. The condition on weekends was so bad that the shows of the movie ran for twenty-four-hour in a day.

The movie had already earned one and a half billion won and it was already expected to cross the threshold of two billion won. It had broken many records and would broke many more in the future. It was still doing business very strongly.

Many fans had watched the movie twice and thrice. They were not satisfied with just watching it once only.

Looking after such a tremendous success of the movie, Su Yuchen threw a success party. At the party, only family and friends of cast and crew members were invited. 

Outside the venue, fans had collected in a large number. They had posters of the movie in their hands and were calling the name of their favorite stars.

Xin Mei felt very overwhelmed when she looked at her posters, how her fans were yelling for her name. Many fans were wearing her attire from her movies. Many fans had changed their hairstyle to her hairstyle, their hair color to her hair color.

"Fans can be so crazy sometimes." She looked at Su Zixin and sighed heavily. Su Zixin was the one to accompany her to the success party.

Unfortunately to her, Su Yuchen got some urgent work in the neighbouring city, only an hour before the timing of the party. So, he was unable to attend the party.

"Fans can be crazy sometimes. Want to personally meet and thank them?" he asked and Xin Mei eagerly nodded her head.


Xin Mei messaged to w.a.n.g Wei, telling him that both, she and Su Zixin would be steeping down of the car to meet their fans, so w.a.n.g Wei could get ready to look after them. 

After receiving the message, he stepped down from his car and walked to the spot where fans were standing. Other guards followed after him.

"Everyone, please calm down. Chen Bai and Xin Mei have decided to meet you all but only if you will act like civilized people. They will also give you their autographs. So please act accordingly."

Su Zixin parked the car in front of the fans and stepped out of it. Fans started to squeak loudly once when they saw Xin Mei and Su Zixin.

"Chen Bai, Xin Mei, Chen Bai, Xin Mei…." Collectively they started to hoot their names.

A huge smiled appeared on the lips of Xin Mei. She could feel current pa.s.sing in her spine and goose b.u.mps all over her body. She had seen this dream of having so many fans and now her dream came true.

"Can you both give a pose for us?" fans demanded.

"Sure." Xin Mei replied and stood beside Su Zixin. He also stepped towards her, trying to maintain a small distance in between them, which would be liked by Su Yuchen.

"Xin Mei, when can we see you next?"

"For now, I have not sighed any movie, except for one with director Chang." Xin Mei replied because she had already received the official contract of his movie "earth 2050" and she had already signed it.

"And when can we see you Chen Bai?"

"You can see me in my Hollywood show. Soon I am flying to the state. And…" Su Zixin paused and smiled teasingly. "You will also see me in the movie of director Change, I will be playing a role opposite to Xin Mei."

Fans started to squeal loudly when they heard the announcement of Su Zixin.

Fans then took autographs and photographs of Xin Mei and Su Zixin. Many fans also gave them some gifts which they had brought with themselves. Xin Mei smiled with grat.i.tude when receiving the gifts.

"Thank you all. I will try to work harder and will give more movies only for you. Keep supporting me like this. I will not disappoint you." Xin Mei thanked and bowed to her fans. Su Zixin also did the same.

Both of them made their way towards the party hall where everyone was waiting for them. While meeting their fans, they had forgotten about the time and now they were one hour late!

After entering the hall, Xin Mei met all her co-stars and crew members. Tang Min also hugged her with excitement and she let him hug her. She also met with the sister of Tang Min.

Tang Xinyi was a big fan of Xin Mei and she kept praising her. She also clicked a photo of Tang Min with Xin Mei which made his day. 

"Xin Mei, I promise to watch your every movie and if possible, do act opposite to my Chen Bai."

Xin Mei smiled at her.

Xin Mei met another cast and crew members before walking towards her family. They were also invited and were present there. Xin Mei met her father and mother then she walked towards Xin Yan.

"Finally, brother." She teased him when she saw Da Chun standing beside him. "Nice to meet you, Da Chun."

Da Chun looked at Xin Mei with hesitation. She turned and looked at Xin Yan before forwarding her hand to Xin Mei for a shake. 

"Nice to meet you, Xin Mei."

"You know me?"

"Who doesn"t know you?" Da Chun chuckled. "I have watched both your movies and Bro Yan here can"t stop speaking about you."

"I hope he has told everything positive and good about me." Xin Mei chuckled.

"I also hope the same." Da Chun joined her in chuckling.

Da Chun was hesitating at first but when Xin Mei started to talk with her, she opened up. Xin Mei wrapped her arm around Da Chun and pulled her towards Gu Nan.

"MeiMei, finally I am seeing this day." Gu Nan squealed with delight. "Finally, I can report about you. I feel so happy whenever there is some news piece about you." Gu Nan chuckled and hugged Xin Mei tight.

Gu Nan broke the hug and looked at Da Chun. "She is Da Chun." Xin Mei informed.

"Da Chun?" Gu Nan narrowed her eyes, trying to remember who this Da Chun was. "Is she the one who slapped Xin Yan?"

Da Chun blushed in embarra.s.sment when she heard Gu Nan. "I am sorry, being a reporter I forget to put a filter on my mouth most of the time." Gu Nan apologized sincerely.

"I don"t mind. It is the truth that I have indeed slapped him." Da Chun smiled and three of them shared a chuckle.

It did not take the three of them a long time from becoming good friends. Gu Nan was happy that she got to meet the future wife of Xin Yan, her future sister in law.

"It"s too early to say we will get married." Da Chun blushed and looked down. "We are still in the initial stage of our relations.h.i.+p."

"I know my brother and I know he will make you my sister in law, no matter what!" Xin Mei declared. "Now stop shying in front of us. We are friends and friends deserve to tease friends."

They again started to talk about random topics. Da Chun sighed and opened up with them.

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