Zhou Mingyu was badly shaken with the news articles which were written about her. Her fans, haters, everyone was slandering her. The media had surrounded her house and were asking questions from her.

Zhou Mingyu could not get what was happening around her. She knew she had done many wrong deeds in her past but she was always able to cover them up then how were these evidences coming out unexpectedly? And why now? How could all actresses come together with the evidence against her?

Her father and mother were also very angry with her.

"Look, what she had done now. This daughter of yours…": Zhou Zichen yelled and slapped Zhou Mingyu hard. "So many times, I have told her to learn something but no, look at what she had done. She is doomed and with her we all are doomed."

Zhou Zichen angrily kicked Zhou Mingyu hard. 

"It was not my mistake." Zhou Mingyu yelled and looked at her father. "You were the one who taught me how to play tricks. You made me evil from a very young age. You were the one to give me an idea of how to make Ah Cy fell from the stairs. You forced me to cheat Xin Mei. It is you. It is all…. Ah…"

Zhou Mingyu yelled in pain when Zhou Zichen again kicked her hard. "You unfilial child. You said right. It was my mistake. I am the one who spoiled you. I am the one who made you so audacious. Missus, take her away from the front of my eyes. Otherwise, I will kill her."

Zhou Zichen looked at Zhou Mingyu with anger in his eyes. He was angry at himself and her. How could her plans get exposed of like this? Not only her, but his plans were also getting failed.

He had tried to make the Xin family fall but it was rising day by day and it was Zhou corporation which was struggling!

The next day, another news. .h.i.t the news channel and all thanks to Gu Nan. She was enjoying for the exposure of Zhou Mingyu. And today, she exposed how Zhou Mingyu had s.n.a.t.c.hed Qian Fan from Xin Mei.

"An year back, everyone was talking about this new couple, Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan but do you know the reality behind their relations.h.i.+p?"

Gu Nan paused to create curiosity among her viewers. Her show was live and she wanted her show to gain a lot more TRP. She looked at her show manager who gave her a thumbs up.

"Qian Fan was the boyfriend of Xin Mei and when Zhou Mingyu felt envious of Xin Mei, she s.n.a.t.c.hed him from her. Xin Mei always treated Zhou Mingyu as her best friend but she, she backstabbed her best friend." 

Gu Nan raised her voice and then pointed towards the screen behind herself. "Now, on your screens, you all will watch how Zhou Mingyu had seduced the boyfriend of her best friend."

A video started to play on the screen behind Gu Nan. In the video, Zhou Mingyu was confessing her love to the Qian Fan where Qian Fan was trying to push her.

"Zhou Mingyu, what are you doing? How can you ask me to cheat your best friend?"

"Best friend?" Zhou Mingyu made a disgust filled expression on her face. "She is a fool, a way for me to climb the stairs of fame and I know you are also using her. Why deny it? Why can"t we become lovers? I promise to give you the pleasure which she can not."

And with that Zhou Mingyu placed her lips on the lips of Qian Fan.

The video followed with many other videos where Zhou Mingyu was openly proclaiming how she was cheating on Xin Mei. The video also included the video from the cinema hall where Xin Mei was under a car accident.

The driver of the car was none another than Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu.

"After watching these videos, you all can see how Zhou Mingyu had cheated her best friend." Gu Nan looked down with a sad smile on her lips. "I have also taken an interview of some friends of Xin Mei and Zhou Mingyu. They would tell you how Xin Mei was ready to do anything for Zhou Mingyu."

Another video played on the screens were Gu Nan was taking interviews of her old friends. She had also given them heads up as to what they had to say. 

By the end of the show, Gu Nan started to cry in front of the camera. "I don"t know why Zhou Mingyu cheated Xin Mei. I still remember the day when Xin Mei realized that Zhou Mingyu was cheating her. She had cried so badly in my arms. I still remember her broken state…."

Gu Nan overdid it and made citizens sad for Xin Mei and made them hate Zhou Mingyu increasingly.

"Enjoying the show." Su Yuchen teased to Xin Mei. 

She was watching the show of Gu Nan while eating popcorn and drinking cold drink. She was enjoying the show where Zhou Mingyu was getting slandered very badly.

Her followers on her social media accounts had reduced very badly and now only alien or dead persons were following her. The demand for sending Zhou Mingyu in jail was in full force.

"I am enjoying it very much." Xin Mei replied and pa.s.sed popcorn to him. 

"Mei, this is just a start. Don"t forget both families are still pending."

And with that, Su Yuchen pa.s.sed her his mobile. "Stocks of Zhou corporation and Qian corporation had fallen very down after the controversies of Zhou Mingyu.

Xin Mei eagerly took the mobile from his hand. She did not know much about the stocks so it was Su Yuchen who gave her all the details.

"But what about the stocks of Qian corporation which you held in your hands?"

"Do you think, stocks of Qian corporation fell without any reason?" Su Yuchen raised a brow and looked at her with a smirk on his face. "I am an expert stock manipulator and using my skills, I can make their stocks fell to their lower point."

Xin Mei smiled with amus.e.m.e.nt when she heard Su Yuchen. A smile also appeared on his lips.

"Now let"s move to our next plan." She grinned and called Gu Nan.

Gu Nan was eating her dinner when Xin Mei gave her another piece of information. Gu Nan chocked on her food when she heard Xin Mei.

"You MeiMei…." Gu Nan yelled. "How can you keep such a big thing hidden from me? Why are you telling me about this now only?" she yelled in anger.

"There is something call surprise. So…."

"Don"t worry MeiMei. I know what to do."

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