The next day, breaking news. .h.i.t the new channels. The news was that Zhou Zichen collapsed and was now admitted in the hospital and Zhou Mingyu tried to commit suicide. She lost her baby and was taken to the mental asylum after seeing her poor mental condition.

Qian corporation also went bankrupt and Qian Mushan and Qian Fan ran away with the funds of their investors.

Xin Mei could not explain the happiness which she felt upon hearing about the complete fall of those families. Now only one thing was last, as per her dream, Zhou Zichen had murdered her father and now she wanted to murder him.

"Chen, I want to meet Zhou Zichen." Xin Mei informed to Su Yuchen. There was a killing instinct in her eyes.

"And how do you plan to murder him?" Su Yuchen asked and tucked her hairs behind her ears.

Xin Mei looked at him with shock because he had again read her thoughts. She then shook her head. "You decide. I am sure you will think of a clean way to murder him. A way which will make him suffer badly."

"Now you are talking as if I am an expert murderer." Su Yuchen chuckled. "But still, I have a way which would make him suffer before ending his life."

Later that night, Su Yuchen, Xin Mei and Huang Chu arrived at the hospital where Zhou Zichen was admitted. Huang Chu had made all the important arrangements for their arrival.

Xin Mei was wearing the mask for the precaution purpose. She wanted no one to recognize her because what she was going to do was a crime only.

"Who are you? What are you doing here in my room?" Zhou Zichen yelled when Xin Mei entered in his room.

Xin Mei removed her mask and showed her face to him. Eyes of Zhou Zichen became wide and he started to yell.

"You b****. What are you doing here? Aren"t you satisfied after finis.h.i.+ng my daughter and ending many family business?" he started to yell in anger. His body also started to shook.

He was thinking from so long about the reason of his fall and he could reach only one conclusion, Xin family and Xin Mei. He was sure that his daughter"s fall was due to this Xin Mei. He also remembered the threat of Su Yuchen when he had drugged Xin Mei.

"I did it so what?" Xin Mei spat. Her eyes were emotionless and cold. "Were you not planning to do the same to my family? Were you not planning to kill my father?"

Zhou Zichen paled when he heard Xin Mei. No one knew his deep desire to kill Xin Jin then how could Xin Mei got to know about it!

"I don"t know if I was planning to kill him or not. But I will kill you today, you..." Zhou Zichen gritted his teeth and tried to stand up when Huang Chu and Su Yuchen entered inside the room.

Guards were following after them who pushed Zhou Zichen back on the bed.

"Mister Zhou, am I hearing right? Did you just threatened my wife that you will kill her?" there was a dark aura around Su Yuchen.

Zhou Zichen didn"t hear any word of Su Yuchen but what caught his attention was the word "wife."

"Wii…. wa…ife…." he stuttered and looked at Xin Mei. She walked toward Su Yuchen and wrapped her arms around his.

"Yes, wife." Su Yuchen smiled and lovingly looked down at Xin Mei. "We are married from last year."

Zhou Zichen paled when he heard Su Yuchen. No doubt his hospital project failed so brutally and now he was laying on the hospital bed. Behind everything was the strong power of Su Yuchen.

"Now how should we kill him, honey? He just threated to kill me, your dearest wife. So don"t I have a full right to kill him?" Xin Mei blinked her eyes innocently and looked at Su Yuchen.

"I think we should poison him."

"And I think I should put six bullets in his heartless chest."

Zhou Zichen paled when he heard the conversation of Su Yuchen and Xin Mei. Both were planning his murder plan in front of his eyes. He knew no one would question his death if it had something to do with Su Yuchen.

Zhou Zichen started to shook violently. He tried to came out from the grip of guards who had him in their control.

"Please mister Su, please don"t kill me. Leave me. Xin Mei, forgive me for my crimes." He started to beg and ask for forgiveness. He was not ready to die.

"Got an idea." Xin Mei grinned widely. She ignored the yells and pleads of Zhou Zichen. "Why don"t we drug him the way he had drugged me?"

"I was also thinking the same, Mei." Su Yuchen smiled and then looked at Zhou Zichen. "Mister Zhou, you love to drug other people, then why don"t you too have its taste on your tongue?"

Su Yuchen smiled and then signalled to Huang Chu. Huang Chu pulled out a pouch from his pocket and gave it to Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen walked toward Zhou Zichen.

Su Yuchen looked at him with cold eyes. He wanted to drug him from the moment, Zhou Zichen had drugged Xin Mei.

Su Yuchen forcefully pulled down Zhou Zichen"s jaw and pushed the content of the pouch in his mouth. He covered his mouth with his hand and let Zhou Zichen gulp down all the drugs.

"Ensure that Zhou Zichen is fed drugs daily. I want him to become a drug addict. I want his body to suffer before claiming death." He ordered and guards nodded their head.

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen looked at Zhou Zichen with cold eyes who was suffering due to the drugs. His body was shaking and his eyes were rolling back and forth.

Xin Mei took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Finally, she had taken her revenge from the Zhou family.

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