"Now what is wrong?" Su Yuchen ma.s.saged his forehead and looked at Su Zixin.

Su Zixin was crying as if he was a small girl who got bullied by some bad boy.

"Brother, Xiao Mei, I am leaving both of you. I am going to America and I will miss both of you." Su Zixin yelled and started to sob. He placed his head on the kitchen counter and wailed loudly.

"I don"t want to go. Who will look after me in America?"

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei rolled their eyes when they saw this drama of Su Zixin. He was crying as if he was going to the hostel for the first time.

"Enough of your drama, Zixin." Su Yuchen spoke in a cold voice. "I am sure you are hardly going for one month."

"One-and-half-month brother, one and a half month. I will be gone for so long. How am I to survive there? I will die without having the delicious, mouth watering, appetizing food from your hands."

"Stop acting." Su Yuchen poked his head with the spatula. "It"s not like you are going to the states for the very first time."

Su Zixin pouted when he heard him. Was no one sad that he was again going to states for the shooting of his Hollywood series?

In the evening, he visited Su residence, only Bai Yue was slightly sad otherwise Su Lingtian had teased him that he would throw a party in his absence, and now, the reaction of his brother and Xin Mei was also similar.

"Brother, aren"t you sad?"

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard him. "You are acting as if you are going out for the first time and that too for a lifetime."

Xin Mei also chuckled and looked at Su Zixin who stumbled down on the island.

Su Zixin left for the states the next day. He was in a very gloomy mood where Su Yuchen and Xin Mei happily send him off. They happily waved their hands when Su Zixin entered in the car taking him to the airport.

"Su Zixin, try to delay the filming of the movie by one or two more months. That way I will not be seeing your ugly face for some more time." Xin Mei teased and Su Zixin pouted. He looked at Su Yuchen who also supported Xin Mei.

Xin Mei started to actively promote her movie, Relations.h.i.+p with her team. Wherever she went to promote her movie, she was welcomed very royally and by a large crowd of fans.

All the venues wherever some press conference of the relations.h.i.+p was held were always full because of the fans of Xin Mei. Everyone was eager to get a single glimpse of hers. They wanted to get her photographs and autographs.

Xin Mei felt very overwhelmed wherever she looked at her fans, calling her name out aloud. Many times, she felt it was a dream that now she was so famous, with so many fans following after her.

One day, Xin Mei was returning after promoting her movie in one of the reality shows when she received a call from "Lee Woo." He was the producer of Suspicious wife. He was the same producer who selected Ning Xiao because she spread her legs for him.

"Miss Xin, I have an offer for you." Xin Mei heard his voice and drew her brows together in confusion. She could not expect any less from this jerk who gave roles in exchange for the body.

"What offer?"

"I am ready to give you the role of female actress in movie "Suspicious wife."

"Why this sudden change of mind Mister Lee?"

"I noticed you are more famous than Ning Xiao, so...moreover, I noticed you were eager to get this movie." He paused over the phone. "I will give you this role if you are ready to give something to me in return." There was slyness in his voice.

Xin Mei squeezed her mobile in between her palm. She had an idea what that jerk was asking for. Xin Mei hated men like them the most. She hated them to her core.

"What do you want in return? I am ready to give anything in exchange for this role." Xin Mei spoke in a soft voice, trying to control her temper.

"Ah, I knew you will be ready to give me anything in return for this movie. I talked with your manager but she rejected saying you will not agree. But look at you now." Mister Lee chuckled in delight. "Come and meet me at hotel Heights, room number 50. There I will tell you what you have to do in exchange for this movie."

"Ok, I will be there by seven."

Xin Mei ended the call and looked at the dark screen of her phone. Her eyes were dark with rage. It was not new that the producer or director forced an actress to have s.e.x in return for giving the role.

"This Lee Woo is a jerk. He will regret that he called me to sleep with him. From now onwards, he will not think about using the weakness of any female for a role!"

Xin Mei reached the hotel and in front of the said room number. She looked around at the camera"s and knocked on the room number fifty.

"Come in. The door is not locked." She heard from the other side and entered the room.

She looked at Lee Woo. He was standing in the room, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Slyness flashed in the eyes of Xin Mei but she quickly hide it.

"Ah, Miss Xin, you are right on time." Lee Woo smirked. "I was waiting for you only. Come inside."

Xin Mei entered the room. She looked around and raised her brows when she saw many erotic photos that were decorated around the walls. His photos, nude photos were also there on the wall.

"It seems as if this is your home, not some hotel."

Lee Woo chuckled when he heard her. "You can say this is my home only. I bring all the girls like you in this room. This is my place to get my pleasure. It is my pleasure cave."

Lee Woo walked towards the bar and Xin Mei stopped a few steps away from him. She adjusted her s.h.i.+rt b.u.t.ton and looked at what he was doing.

"So, Mister Lee, what do you want from me in return of the role?" she asked casually.

"Nothing much, one hot night with you." Lee Woo turned in her direction with two gla.s.ses of wine in his hand. "Here, I am sure you will feel quite relaxed after drinking it."

Xin Mei took the gla.s.s from his hand and swirled the drink. She was not a fool to drink the wine. She knew what such wines could contain.

She was here to expose this jerk and she would do the same.

Xin Mei looked at Lee Woo with viciousness in her eyes. This fool did not even realize what problem he had gotten himself into.

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