Su Zixin abruptly stood up. He forgot that he was sleeping on the floating bag, so he fell in the pool with a loud splash.

Su Zixin coughed hard and came on the surface. He looked at his house and found it all final. He then glared at Xin Mei. She was grinning widely.  

"That was not a joke." Su Zixin spat and glared at Xin Mei. He swam toward the surface and came out from the pool. He glared at Xin Mei who did not glance at his hot wet body for which girl could easily die for and he knew the reason now! His brother!

"What are you doing here?" he asked with anger. "Don"t tell me you wake me up like that without any reason."

"Do you know any Daiyu?" Xin Mei asked without beating around the bushes.

Su Zixin stiffened when he heard the name Daiyu.

"Why are you asking about her? And from where did you hear her name?"

"She is returning to country and Chen has gone to pick her up."

"What?" Su Zixin looked at her with a clear shock on his face. His towel fell from his hands and he froze like a statue.

"Don"t give such a dramatic effect." Xin Mei groaned and walked toward his mansion. Su Zixin followed behind her. He did not care that he was still wet and half nude.

"Is she coming back?" Su Zixin gulped. "Are you sure that she is Song Daiyu only? Not someone else."

"I don"t know if she is Song, but I know her name is Daiyu and she is yours and Su Yuchen"s childhood friend."

"s.h.i.+t." SU Zixin cursed under his breath. "Xiao Mei, you sit here and wait for me. I will come back after getting changed. Then I need to give you some heads up."

Xin Mei frowned when she saw his reaction. With her own eyes, she saw him running toward his room and within a minute, he stumbled out, all changed.

Su Zixin took his seat opposite to Xin Mei and looked at her with concern filled eyes.

"Xiao Mei, prepare yourself because one of the dangerous love rivals is coming in your life."

"What do you mean?"

"That Song Daiyu is crazy for brother. She is badly in love with him."

"But Su Yuchen said she thinks of him as her brother only."

"And that"s because Daiyu is good in acting and brother is a blind fool."

Heartbeats of Xin Mei picked up when she heard Su Zixin. Her decision to meet Su Zixin and to knew about Song Daiyu was right. Su Yuchen was not aware of the true feelings of the Song Daiyu.

"Tell me everything about her."

"Ok, so here I start. Song family and my parents were close. So Daiyu used to visit our home regularly. She and I were very good friends as a child. But then, she lost her mother in an accident and after that, she changed. She stopped talking with me and sometimes acted crazy as if she could see and hear her mother."

"I remember uncle was worried about her. Grandma was also worried for eleven years old Song Daiyu who acted crazy. They were worried about her bright future. It was until grandpa brought back brother at home. That was the time I saw an old glimpse of Daiyu, but I was wrong."

Su Zixin sighed and then looked at Xin Mei with sad eyes. "You know she is my first love and I planned to marry her?"

"You kidding?" Xin Mei yelled and looked at him with wide eyes. "Isn"t she two years older than you?"

"Who sees age when in love?" Su Zixin looked down sadly. "As a child, our parents used to say that one day we will marry and being silly me, I started to think we will marry. During high school days, we also dated and sigh…she dated me only to get close to brother."

"And that was the time I realized how crazily she feels for brother." Su Zixin lifted his head and looked at her with concern. "Daiyu knew how to conceal her true feelings. If I have not stumbled in the secret room in her bedroom which was full of brother"s pictures, I would have also thought that she treated brother as her big brother only."

"Later, I started to follow after her in silence and realized she had committed many wrong deads, to be close to brother. I still remember a female cla.s.smate of brother was paired with him for some project and the next day, the same cla.s.smate fell from the stairs and no one knew how. Only I knew it was Song Daiyu who pushed her."

Su Zixin told Xin Mei about many incidents about the craziness of Song Daiyu which made gooseb.u.mps all over her body. 

"And the worse thing here is, brother treats her as his little sister. He don"t like it when someone scolds her or complaint about her. Daiyu is a superb actor when acting pitiful. So, you should be varying from her. She may not directly s.n.a.t.c.h brother from you but she can try to create misunderstandings in between you and him or worse kill you."

Xin Mei nodded her head when she heard Su Zixin. She realized that Song Daiyu was a psycho. She would plot against Xin Mei to s.n.a.t.c.h Su Yuchen from her.

"Zixin, Daiyu may be very smart but she cannot s.n.a.t.c.h Su Yuchen from me. Nor she can do anything to me. I trust Su Yuchen and I know he will not let her in between us. He will protect me."

"I hope so." Su Zixin sighed. "But I am quite fearful of her craziness, especially after becoming a fool in her hands."

Xin Mei returned home. She also invited Su Zixin. She would need his help if she wanted to go unharmed from the attacks of Song Daiyu.

"Zixin, is there anything that Daiyu doesn"t like in particular?"

"Yes, there is, she doesn"t like capsic.u.m. She hates them but she eats them only because brother likes it."

Xin Mei smirked when she heard him and prepared the dinner where every dish was full of capsic.u.m. Xin Mei could not harm Song Daiyu till Song Daiyu herself did something to her but she could play such silly pranks with her.

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