Song Daiyu was feeling very irritated with the presence of Xin Mei in the life of Su Yuchen. Song Daiyu had so many plans to seduce Su Yuchen but they all failed due to the presence of Xin Mei.

With each pa.s.sing day, Song Daiyu was feeling irritated with her failure. During the night, in the closed walls of her room, she would curse Xin Mei and angrily rub a red pen over the photo of Xin Mei.

"Oh, how much I hate you, Xin Mei."

Manic could be seen in her eyes whenever she looked at the photo of Xin Mei. 

Song Daiyu had planned to drug Su Yuchen, a multiple of times. She wanted to force herself on him but she knew the result would not be of any good to her.

One night, when everyone had retired for bed, Song Daiyu started to yell loudly. Su Yuchen felt worried for her and rushed toward her room, followed by Xin Mei. Song Daiyu jumped from her bed and hugged Su Yuchen tight. She was completely nude, wearing nothing.

Su Yuchen froze with a sudden hug and looked at Xin Mei for help. Xin Mei shook her head and quickly covered Song Daiyu with a blanket.

"What happened Song Daiyu? And why are you not wearing any clothes?" Su Yuchen asked while pus.h.i.+ng Song Daiyu away. His gazes were averted away from her. Meanwhile, Xin Mei was completely fed up with her drama. She was glaring at her.

"Bro Chen, you know I love to sleep without any clothes on and when I was sleeping, I saw a c.o.c.kroach. You know I have a phobia of it." Song Daiyu looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I became afraid and started to yell."

Su Yuchen became angry when he heard her. He did not like the way Song Daiyu was sleeping without any clothes, in his house and then she dared to hug him, a man who was not her boyfriend or husband. This was not something which girls from a good house did.

"Song Daiyu, are you still a kid?" Su Yuchen yelled and glared at Song Daiyu with frustration. "How can you yell b.l.o.o.d.y murderer due to one single c.o.c.kroach? You were yelling as if someone has murdered you."

"And what is this with your excuse of not wearing any clothes? Do not forget, this is not your home where you can do anything. It is my and Xin Mei"s house, and we will no longer bear you parading around the house, wearing nearly nothing."

"I haven"t said a thing does not mean that I am unaware of your change in nature. I am noticing you Song Daiyu, and I am noticing your attics. Stop them before I am forced to kick you out, forgetting that you are my soul sister and best friend."

"I am keeping you in this house because you are my friend and sister, but don"t force me to send you away. I don"t want to do anything like this with you." Su Yuchen warned her in a dangerous voice and after that, Song Daiyu had no way to seduce him.

Song Daiyu has also planned to kill Xin Mei many times but Xin Mei was lucky and she always had guards lurking around her who saved her. Song Daiyu had played with the breaks of the car of Xin Mei, thinking Xin Mei would have an accident due to the failure of her car.

Luckily, Xin Mei took a different car that day and the car with failed breaks was taken by the guard who had caught onto the fact that the breaks of the car were not working properly on time. He avoided any type of accident.

In her craze, Song Daiyu had also thought of stabbing Xin Mei with a knife then putting the blame on the guard. She was all prepared when Su Yuchen returned home, before his expected time, stopping Song Daiyu from executing her plan.

One day, Song Daiyu and Xin Mei had gone shopping. Song Daiyu was the one driving the car and she was driving in a very rash manner. If Xin Mei herself was not a driver then she would have died because of shock or heart attack.

Song Daiyu was feeling very disappointed that Xin Mei was unaffected because of her rash driving and she planned to push Xin Mei down the escalator stairs but lucky for Xin Mei, her fans recognized her and Song Daiyu could do nothing with Xin Mei in their presence. 

Song Daiyu had also hired a professional killer to kill Xin Mei but he was caught by the guards of Xin Mei. On getting caught, the killer killed himself, saving the a.s.s of Song Daiyu. But after that incident, Su Yuchen increased the security around Xin Mei. Now Song Daiyu could not do anything and she had to keep herself low to save herself from Su Yuchen who was searching for the person who had hired the professional killer.

"h.e.l.lo, father." Song Daiyu picked up a call from her father.

Song Yang called her daily, to know what she was doing. Song Daiyu never told him about her plans to kill Xin Mei and her plans to seduce Su Yuchen but Song Yang was very well aware of them. He was very worried about his daughter.

"Princess, how are you doing?"

"I am doing good father." Song Daiyu forced a smile on her lips. "Bro Chen and Xin Mei are looking after me. I love their company."

"Then why have you hired a professional killer, Daiyu?"

Song Daiyu froze when she heard her father. "What professional killer, father? I didn"t get you!"

Song Yang sighed, "I am not in country A does not mean I don"t know what you are doing, Daiyu. I know you have used your swiss account to make payment for a professional killer and now I want to know why?"

Song Daiyu could hear strictness and warning in the voice of her father. She knew there was no use to hide anything from him. So, she came very clear to him.

"I hired him to kill Xin Mei." Daiyu clutched her bedsheet tight in her hands. "I want to kill Xin Mei who s.n.a.t.c.hed my Bro Chen from me. I know bro Chen will be sad about her death, and during that time, I will support him, making him fall for me."

"Daiyu, you know that will never happen. He looks at you as his sister…"

"I am not his sister and I will prove this to him. I do not know anything. Xin Mei will be going out of his life and then I will marry him. He is mine. He is only mine…."

Song Daiyu was angrily blubbering over the phone, putting her claim over Su Yuchen. Song Yang furrowed his brows when he heard her. He could see his daughter was again going crazy for Su Yuchen.

"Daiyu, I hope you will not take any wrong action. You know, I have only you left with me. I don"t want to lose you because of your crazy fascination for Su Yuchen."

"I am not crazy, father. I love him dearly, and if you think I am crazy, then you don"t need to call me again."

And with that, Song Daiyu hung over her father. Song Yang sighed and looked at the dark screen of his mobile. He stumbled down on the chair and took deep breaths. He could feel his daughter slipping out from his hand.

He again took a deep breath and called his a.s.sistant, Yang Bei.

"Yang Bei, prepone all of my meetings within the next two days. I also want to close the deal with Mathews in two days. I cannot delay any longer. I should leave to country A. I cannot leave Song Daiyu alone. Don"t know what she will do in her craze."

"Don"t worry Song Yang, I will talk with Robin and would see what we can do about the deal with Mathew."

Song Yang hummed and hang up the phone. He closed his eyes and threw his head back. He was eager to return to country A and stop Daiyu from committing some crime.

After talking with her father, Song Daiyu knew that he would return to the country. He would take her away from the glory mansion and would never let her return in the life of Su Yuchen and Xin Mei.

She knew she had to do something as soon as possible. She had to kill Xin Mei or make her vanish from the life of Su Yuchen before the return of Song Yang.

And she knew what she was to do!

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