Xin Mei looked at Su Yuchen with wide eyes. He was standing opposite to her and was glaring at her. She gulped and looked at Su Zixin. He shook his head and gave her a look, "I told you he will get angry on you."

"What are you doing here?" 

"I should ask you the same." Su Yuchen spat and glared at her. Rage could be seen in his eyes. "Had I not ordered you that you are not allowed to drive the car at a high speed? Had I not warned you that you are not to race opposite to Song Daiyu? Then what are you doing here?"

Xin Mei again gulped and looked at him with a guilty smile. She knew there was no use of making excuses, so she surrendered without putting forth a fight.

"I am sorry. I got provoked by Song Daiyu and decided to race opposite to her. I forgot about your warming and orders." She looked at him with a puppy face. "But I am not the one fully at fault. Song Daiyu is also responsible. She is the one who suggested we should race. She also called me a p.u.s.s.y cat. That was why I raced opposite to her. She provoked me."

Xin Mei wrapped her arm around the arm of Su Yuchen. She rubbed her cheeks against his arm and looked at him with a guilty smile.

"You know how I am. I don"t like it when someone calls me weak." Xin Mei pouted and looked at him. "Now don"t be angry. I promise you, I will never car race again. I will not drive the car at a fast speed."

Su Yuchen looked at Xin Mei who was acting meek and obedient. He wanted to get angry with her but he could not, not after looking at her face and especially when it was the mistake of Song Daiyu.

Song Daiyu looked at Su Yuchen with fear in her eyes. She could feel his anger directing at her.

"Song Daiyu, six years back, have you not promised me that you will not race again? You have already taken a life Daiyu and what were you planning to do today? Kill my wife?"

Song Daiyu paled when she heard Su Yuchen. She clutched her jeans tight to control the s.h.i.+vering of her hands.

"It"s not like this Bro Chen. Now I don"t drive like six years back."

"Don"t lie." Su Yuchen yelled. "I have seen the live video of the race and I have seen the way you were driving. I am no fool to not know how rashly you were driving."

During the race, Song Daiyu had tried to collide her car with Xin Mei"s not only once, but she had tried to collide her car with Xin Mei"s repeatedly. Song Daiyu had also pushed on the car of Xin Mei. Xin Mei was luckily able to dodge all the attacks of Song Daiyu.

"Song Daiyu, I am very disappointed in you. You are not my sister whom I knew. You are changed and I don"t like this changed you." Su Yuchen looked at her with sadness in his eyes.

"In the last one month, instead of Song Daiyu, I am seeing someone else, someone who has this craze and manic in her eyes. You are no longer that sweet and innocent Daiyu."

Su Yuchen sighed and turned his face to the other side. "Daiyu, today"s incident has left me in shock and after today, I cannot keep you at my house. I cannot let you around Xin Mei. I was already warned that you may have some ill intention against my wife, but after today…." Su Yuchen again took a deep breath and looked at Song Daiyu.

Song Daiyu was crying while looking at him. She could not believe Su Yuchen was going to kick her out of his house. The sadness, anger, and disappointment on the face of Su Yuchen churned her heart.

"I have called uncle. He will be here as soon as possible. Then he will take you home. Till then, you can stay at our house but be in your limits."

Su Yuchen wrapped his arm around Xin Mei and pulled her toward his car, driven by Huang Chu. Su Zixin also followed behind them. He was still feeling lightheaded. He could feel somersaults in his stomach.

Song Daiyu looked at the retrieving figures of Su Yuchen and Xin Mei with anger and hate in her eyes. Not only she failed to kill Xin Mei but she had also disappointed Su Yuchen. She knew he was very angry with her.

She took a deep breath and clutched her jeans tight.

"Xin Mei, I will not leave you. I don"t know if I will get Su Yuchen or not, but I will kill you." She muttered under her breath.

"Who told you I and Song Daiyu were racing?" Xin Mei asked once she was seated inside the car with Su Yuchen.

"Don"t forget, w.a.n.g Wei is following behind you like a shadow." Su Yuchen poked her head.

w.a.n.g Wei had done many casual mistakes when looking after Xin Mei. So, he had taken some extra training and now was more serious when looking after Xin Mei.

He followed behind her like a shadow. So, when Xin Mei drove her car toward Sleek hill, he followed after her. His eyes went wide when he looked at Xin Mei and Song Daiyu driving toward Sleek hills. He did not waste any second and reported the same to Su Yuchen.

Su Yuchen was sitting in his office at that moment. The moment w.a.n.g Wei told him that Xin Mei was racing against Song Daiyu and that too on sleek hills, Su Yuchen was on his feet and was making his way out of the office with Huang Chu following behind him.

After the incident where Xin Mei had driven her car at top speed to reach the airport, after knowing that Su Yuchen was in an accident; w.a.n.g Wei had recruited an expert driver to drive him and other guards. His recruited driver was closely following behind the cars of Xin Mei and Song Daiyu.

w.a.n.g Wei had also flown a drown in the sky using which Su Yuchen was getting live video of the race on his mobile. He had watched everything.

After reaching home, Xin Mei cooked a delicious meal for Su Yuchen and gave him a ma.s.sage to cool down his anger. She knew he was still a little angry on her and what could be better than a home-cooked meal to cool down his anger?

After returning home, Song Daiyu also asked for forgiveness from them. She asked forgiveness for everything and promised to stay in her limit till the arrival of her father. She wanted to come in the good books of Su Yuchen and Xin Mei before executing her next plan.

Song Daiyu looked at the small bottle of poison in her hand and a smirk appeared on her lips. Viciousness flashed in her eyes.

She had bought this bottle a long back from a merchant who had promised her that the effect of this poison was very strong, killing a person within seconds with only a single drop. She did not plan to use it but now she was not left with any other option to kill Xin Mei.

Song Daiyu looked at the gla.s.s of Mango juice and poured half a bottle of poison in it, to get a faster effect. She mixed the poison in the juice and hide the bottle in her dress. She started to wait for Xin Mei, who would be down anytime soon to leave for her sets.

"Xin Mei, bro Chen had asked me to give you this gla.s.s of juice." Song Daiyu stopped Xin Mei and pa.s.sed the gla.s.s of juice to her.

"But we already had breakfast." Xin Mei frowned her brows. "Why did he ask you to give me this gla.s.s of juice now?"

"In his words, he thinks you didn"t have breakfast to your fill. He especially asked me to give you this gla.s.s of juice before you leave for the sets."

Xin Mei nodded her head and took the gla.s.s of juice from the hand of Song Daiyu. Song Daiyu smirked when she saw Xin Mei drinking the juice or we can say poison!

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