Su Yuchen looked at the reports from the city lab. He could not believe that his sweet Daiyu could become so vicious to poison his wife.

"When?" he asked. His voice was hoa.r.s.e and full of pain.

"Today, in the morning, she served me a gla.s.s of juice. I doubted on the juice. So I spilled it and took the sample with me." Xin Mei informed him and hugged him tightly.

"Chen, I know you think Song Daiyu is a good girl but this is not true. She is evil and she wants to s.n.a.t.c.h you from me. I have already said it to you that I feel that Daiyu has some ill intention for me, but you thought, I was jealous. But now, you have the proofs. She is not as good as you think her to be. Her mind is full of evilness."

Xin Mei had told him on numerous occasions that she did not like the nature of Song Daiyu but Su Yuchen was not ready to listen to her. In his heart, Song Daiyu was a very good-natured and well-mannered girl. She was the girl with a heart of gold. She was the teen girl who used to run around him, calling him bro Chen.

He could not make himself believe that behind that girl was a vicious girl who could attempt to kill his wife!

And the reason was clear, she loved him as claimed by many other people around him.

Su Yuchen also called Su Zixin in his office. Su Zixin had always claimed that Song Daiyu liked him but he was not ready to believe Su Zixin. 

Su Yuchen always thought Su Zixin was trying to break their brother and sister relations.h.i.+p because Su Zixin had a messy break up with Song Daiyu.

"What, she seriously dared to poison you?" Su Zixin looked at Xin Mei and then at the reports with wide eyes. "This girl, I thought for once that her feelings for brother had changed but they are still the same. I am glad that I have already warned you."

"Su Zixin, I know I have not trusted you but now, I want to know everything which you know about the obsession of Song Daiyu toward me."

And with that, Su Zixin told Su Yuchen about all the deeds and crimes done by Song Daiyu. He also described to him about the room of Song Daiyu which was full of photos of Su Yuchen.

Su Yuchen also remembered the warnings of his friends. They had warned him that Song Daiyu had a romantic feeling toward him instead of having a brother and sister bond. But he never believed anyone.

"Why was it that I was not able to see through her feelings?"

Maybe it was because he did not want to lose the friends.h.i.+p of Song Daiyu after losing Mian. Maybe he wanted to hold on Song Daiyu and was not ready to see the darkness and evilness residing in her.


"I am sorry, Mei." Voice of Su Yuchen was heavy and full of guilt. "I am sorry for putting your life in danger. I am sorry for blindly trusting Song Daiyu. I am sorry for not believing you when you said Song Daiyu is not good."

Su Yuchen took a deep painful breath and squeezed the reports tight in his palm. There was a fire burning in his eyes. He was feeling very angry. Angry at himself and Song Daiyu.

"I will kill her with my bare hands. No one can save her, how dare of her to attack my love." He murmured angrily and made his way toward the elevator of his office when Su Zixin stopped him.

"In my advice, you should not kill him."

Su Yuchen turned his face and glared at Su Zixin. "Don"t tell me you still harbour romantic feelings for her that you don"t want to see her dead."

"Romantic feelings? My foot! I am her number one hater. I hate her more than anything and that is why I think death will be the easiest punishment for her. I want her to suffer. She has committed all these crimes to get you, and I want her to suffer on knowing that you will never be hers."

"Severe all ties with her. Throw her out of your life. Reject to see or meet her ever again. Losing you, seeing hate for herself in your eyes will be the best punishment for her. This is my thinking, otherwise, punish her the way you want to."

Su Yuchen looked at Su Zixin and nodded his head. He appreciated this advice. So, he would not kill Song Daiyu. He did not want another murder on his hand. Instead, he would send her far away from his life, to roast in h.e.l.l!

Su Yuchen called Huang Chu and informed him to do all the preparations for the house arrest of Song Daiyu in her father"s home, until the return of Song Yang. He also ordered him to call the safety party to check and clean his house.

He was afraid that Song Daiyu had put some bug in his house which could harm him or Xin Mei in the future.

Then, Su Zixin, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen made their way home. Su Yuchen dropped Xin Mei at the house of Su Zixin. They would be staying at his place till the safety party had completely inspected their house.

Su Yuchen, with a small force of bodyguards, incase Song Daiyu attacked him, made his way toward his mansion.

"Bro Chen," Song Daiyu ran in his direction, the moment he entered inside his house. "Thank G.o.d you returned back on time. Look at what your workers are doing. They are packing up my stuff."

"They are doing what they are ordered by me." Su Yuchen spoke in an emotionless voice.

"But why?" Song Daiyu tried to hold his hand but he pulled back his hand. 

"Because I don"t want a lady like you who tried to poison my wife to stay at my house for any more second." Su Yuchen spat and glared at her.

Song Daiyu froze when she heard Su Yuchen. She knew she was exposed and her game was over!

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