After discussing about the caterers, hotel, and other things related to the party and after preparing a very long list of guests to be invited, everyone made their way towards their respective room. 

The moment Xin Mei was alone in her room with Su Yuchen, she started to threw accusing glares in his direction.

"Why were you acting to be sad when you were already planning to follow after me?" She placed her hand on her h.i.p.s and looked at him.

"In my defence, I didn"t plan to follow you. It was a suggestion given by Huang Chu which I readily accepted."

When Su Yuchen had gone to his office, he was not in a good mood knowing he was not going to see the face of Xin Mei on returning home, he was not going to see her face before falling sleep and she was not there at home to cuddle him. He was not going to have delicious food from her hand.

h.e.l.l, what about their bed life? He was addicted of eating her up before falling asleep, now how was he to fall asleep.

He was going to miss her, miss her badly.

All this made him irritated and he started to act moody toward his employees. He rejected the leave of one of his employee which he had already sanctioned two weeks back. He fired one of his most effective manager and he nearly gambled with one of his multi million deal.

His moody nature was not hidden from Huang Chu.

"Boss, can I suggest something?" Huang Chu asked in a wary and nervousness filled voice. He was afraid of the anger of Su Yuchen.

"What?" Su Yuchen snapped.

"Boss, why don"t you accompany missus to Xin Mansion? Your brother-in-law is getting engaged, and I think, you should also give a helping hand in all the preparations for his engagement party."

Words of Huang Chu rung a bell in the head of Su Yuchen.

Seriously, why was he not going to Xin Mansion? They were his family and as a family member, he should be there in their happy moments. He should be a part of every preparation.

Xin Yan was like a brother to him. So, it was his duty to ensure that everything went well during the engagement party of Xin Yan.

That way, he would also got a chance to stay close to Xin Mei!

"Great idea Huang Chu. Go and get your double pay from the human resource department." 

Huang Chu smiled when he heard Su Yuchen. He did not think his simple suggestion would beg him such a big bonus!

Su Yuchen instructed Huang Chu to cancel or adjust all his meetings for the next five days. He also called some planners to his office for their advice on engagement party. He then made his way towards the Xin mansion.

That was how Su Yuchen ended up at the Xin Mansion.

Next day, ladies went for shopping for the engagement party dresses. He Lin, Xin Mei, Da Chun, and Gu Nan, who was also invited, walked from shop to shop in search of the best engagement dress for Da chum.

"Why haven"t I received any message from the bank?" Su Yuchen frowned and looked at his mobile screen for the unkempt time.

From the time Xin Mei was gone, he was waiting for messages that money was being withdrawn from his bank account, but till now, he had received no such message and he did not like this, not even one bit.

"Is she using father"s card for her shopping? This is not done." He muttered under his breath. "I will not talk with her if she is seriously using father"s card. I am her husband, she should use my card only."

After a wait of two hours, with no message from the bank, Su Yuchen finally called Xin Mei.

"Mei, why are you not shopping using my card? You are my wife and you should spend my money not father"s money!" he spoke in a childlike manner. "So, stop asking mother to pay for your shopping using father"s card. Start using my card for making payments."

"Who said I am shopping?" he heard her reply and then her chuckle. "You have already filled my wardrobe on my birthday. I will be wearing one of the dresses purchased on that day. Those dresses are still better than the one in the display."

Su Yuchen sighed with relief when he heard her. "But still, you should purchase something. It"s your brother"s engagement after all. You can buy new jewellery or some other thing."

"Why should I waste my money on the things which I don"t need. I already have all the needed stuff from my birthday. So I am not going to waste my money."

Su Yuchen smiled when he heard my word from her mouth. It was the first time that she had openly acknowledged his money as hers.

"But still, you should buy a thing or two if you like them."

"You don"t worry about that. I will buy something if I like anything. But still now, there is nothing has caught my attention."

Su Yuchen smiled against the phone and ended the call when he heard the call of He Lin for Xin Mei from the other side of the phone.

He Lin was very excited that she got a chance to shop for a dress for the engagement party with Da Chun. She was also excited that she got a chance to buy many other kinds of stuff for her.

She was happily doing the shopping for Da Chun where a question was ringing in the mind of Xin Mei from time to time!

"Where are the parents of Da Chun?"

During the shopping, she had expected that parents of Da Chun would show their faces but they were still not present, and this was like a mystery for her.

Because last time she checked, Da Chu had parents and that too loving one.

So, where were they now?

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