Accompanied by Xin Mei, Da Chun stepped down the staircase which would lead her inside the ballroom where everyone was waiting for her, especially Xin Yan.

Her eyes met with that of Xin Yan and she smiled. She looked at Xin Yan who was smiling brightly when looking at her. It felt as if his world belonged to him.

That was when Da Chun again realized that Xin Yan truly loved her and she would be foolish to think that her presence in his life would not give him the desired happiness.

Xin Mei looked around in the hall and she smiled when her eyes caught Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen smiled back and raised his hand with a wine gla.s.s in acknowledgment.

Su Yuchen was talking with some of the business partners of Xin corporation when he had seen Xin Mei descending down the stairs with Da Chun. From that moment, his eyes were fixed on Xin Mei. This time, he took his own time to take in her beauty. 

"This girl always leaves me bewitched with her beauty." Su Yuchen smirked and slyly looked at her.

Su Yuchen wanted to go near the staircase and give his hand to Xin Mei just like Xin Yan was giving his hand to Da Chun. But he controlled himself. 

"This is not the right time or place." He murmured to himself and looked ahead. "Otherwise, she may kick me out of our room tonight, the same way she kicked me out from the hotel room."

Xin Yan, Da Chun, and his parents climbed upon the stage to perform the ring ceremony where Xin Mei and her close family stood near the stage to watch the said exchange.

Su Yuchen walked toward Xin Mei and stood behind her. Xin Mei exchanged greetings with He Ye and his family before smiling toward Su Yuchen.

"You are looking very ravis.h.i.+ng tonight." He whispered in his ears. He ensured that no one was looking at him. "Tonight, love."

Xin Mei felt a s.h.i.+ver in her spine when she heard word tonight. She knew what tonight meant and to say the truth, she would be waiting for tonight, to get pleasure in his love.

"He is very quick." Su Zixin commented and walked toward her. He stood in between her and He Ye.

"He is indeed very quick." He Ye nodded his head. "And look at me, Gu Nan is not ready to marry me before turning twenty-five."

Gu Nan poked his arm and glared at him. "Can"t you think of something else other than marrying me?" 

Xin Mei chuckled when she saw their banter. "By the way, what are you doing here? How come Director Chang gave a leave to you?" she teased Su Zixin who looked at her with a dark look.

"Don"t be so happy, Xiao Mei. After making me a scapegoat you can"t stay happy. I will have my revenge from you for destroying my vacation." He glared at Xin Mei due to whom he was filming even when he was planning to have some break.

"Both of you quiet. They are going to exchange rings." He Jichen scolded both.

Xin Mei looked at the stage and smiled when she saw Da Chun making Xin Yan wear the ring. She grinned widely once Xin Yan wore the ring. She clapped her hands hard.

Soon the fingers of Da Chun also held the ring. Xin Yan felt very happy and he forgot about all the shyness and kissed Da Chun in front of everyone.

Su Yuchen who looked at Xin Yan, boldly kissing Da Chun looked down at Xin Mei. He felt a bitter taste in his mouth. His heart clenched with thirst.

"I also want to kiss Xin Mei like that, without any worry that someone else will see us."  

She looked so beautiful tonight and he felt helpless that he was not able to kiss her, forgot kissing, he was not even able to touch her in front of everyone.

Unaware of the turmoil in the heart of Su Yuchen, Xin Mei started to meet her relatives, her father"s cousins, their children, her maternal uncle, and her maternal grandmother.

"Granny, I am so happy that you came." Xin Mei smiled brightly and kneeled down on the floor. She placed her hand on the knees of her grandma. Fresh tears appeared in her eyes.

"How are you now? You do not know I was so afraid when mother told me that you had a heart attack. I thought I will never see you again. I am so glad that you are here."

"I came specially to meet you my moon. How are you my moon? I hope your husband is keeping you happy."

"He is keeping me very happy." Xin Mei grinned widely.

Both grandmother and granddaughter started to talk about everything. Xin Mei felt calm and serene in the company of her grandmother. Oh, how much she loved her.

Xin Mei remembered that she had spent quite a good time in the company of her grandmothers. She still wished if her paternal grandmother was still alive.

Xin Mei remembered how these two ladies had taught her many traditional food recipes. They had also taught her the traditional art of cooking. They had taught her many other skills and she felt blessed about that.

If there was a person in her family whom she loved more than her parents then they were her grandmothers. 

"By the way, where is your husband about whom we are talking from quite some time?"

"He is here at the party itself. I will introduce him to you in the private." She smiled at her grandmother.

She took her excuse after sometime when He Lin walked towards them, to talk with her mother.

Xin Mei went towards the friends of Xin Yan and got mingled with them. His friends used to visit their home so many times so Xin Mei was very familiar with them.

She started to chat with them which was not liked by Su Yuchen. He was standing not very far from her and was tasting vinegar in his mouth. He did not like how young men were surrounding Xin Mei and were even able to make her laugh.

"Xiao Mei, do you remember how you have beaten Han Min when he had proposed to you?"

"How can I forget that?" Xin Mei chuckled and looked at Han Min who involuntarily covered his nose remembering the beatings of Xin Mei.

He had dared to propose Xin Mei and when he did, Xin Mei had given him a good beating.

"By the way, I am glad that you are no longer with that jerk Qian Fan."

"Everyone knew that he was a jerk. How could I be so blind to not see that?" Xin Mei rolled her eyes and then looked at Han Min. "By the way, Min gege, have you found a girl to settle with?"

"I am still waiting for your yes." He teased and Xin Mei rolled her eyes.

The next second, Xin Mei felt a familiar palm on the small of her back and her eyes went wide.

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