"I am so happy that finally, our kids have found their true happiness." He Lin grinned with happiness and wrapped her arms around the neck of Xin Jin. "Do you remember your promise to me?"

"How can I forget about that?" Xin Jin smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I have promised you that once our kids are settled, we will travel around the world. We will see all the seven wonders which this world has."

"So, when are we going?" He Lin asked with excitement.

"First, let Xin Yan get married." Xin Jin poked her head. "He is only engaged not married. But once he is married, I will take you to the world tour the very next day. Here Xin Yan will leave for his honeymoon and there we will leave for our pending vacation."

Xin Jin lovingly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"I am so happy Jin." He Lin sighed and leaned against him. "Xin Yan got his happiness. Xin Mei is well settled. I cannot ask for anything more for my family. I just wish that all of us will stay happy like this, forever."

"We will always stay happy like this." He smiled and kissed the crown of her hair.

"That secret will never be able to destroy the happiness of my family. It will never be opened in front of He Lin or Xin Mei!"

The next day, Xin Mei woke up with a call from TingTing.

"Xin Mei, tell me the truth. Is something going on in between you and mister Su?" TingTing asked with slight irritation in her voice.

"No." Xin Mei lied without any hitch. And then, she looked at Su Yuchen laying beside her in his all n.a.k.e.d glory. 

"If it is not so then why does your name get attached with the name of mister Su again and again?" she yelled with irritation.

"After the last night"s party, citizens are again expecting that something is going on in between you and him, and your family business relations.h.i.+p is not helping it. Your relations.h.i.+p with Mister Su is not very good for your career. I don"t know why but citizens don"t like you with him."

TingTing sighed deeply. "Xin Mei, you should go online and see all the articles. I think, after reading them, you will be staying miles away from him." And with that said, she hung up the call.

Xin Mei quickly sat straight. She picked up her mobile and opened her social media accounts. A frown appeared in between her brows when she saw many articles about herself and Su Yuchen.

"Does people don"t have any other work other than writing about me and Su Yuchen?" she murmured and clicked the notifications.

Her eyes went wide in shock when she saw the articles. Most of the articles were slandering her. Many bad names were said about her; who*re, gold digger and what not.

The article which was trending on the top was the article where the writer had slandered Xin Mei by calling her a girl who kept changing men. The writer had posted many photos of Xin Mei with Qian Fan, some of her male cla.s.smates, friends of Xin Yan, Su Zixin and then with Su Yuchen.

Her photos from last night"s party where she was laughing with the friends of Xin Yan was posted, and then, her photo where she danced with Su Yuchen was posted. She was criticised badly only because of her good relation with all the men.

The purpose of posting this article was clear, to declare Xin Mei as a characterless woman who kept changing her man.

She was called many names. She was called a seductress who did not lag behind in seducing the opposite s.e.x.

In the comments section of the said article, fans of Xin Mei were trying to protect her but the person who wanted to slander was very powerful. His team of the expert was giving fitting answers to the fans of Xin Mei.

Xin Mei felt a headache when she read the article and the comments.

Why were citizens so against her relations.h.i.+p with Su Yuchen?

And who was the person that hated her so much, to slander her in such a manner?

Su Yuchen also fumed with anger when he read the said article and other articles. That was the reason he was not ready to come public with Xin Mei!

"This must be a job done by Song Daiyu. It must be her plan to distress you. She can"t come out and attack you but she can always attack you by using social media." Su Yuchen gritted his teeth and the next second, he called Song Yang.

"She is not behind this article." Song Yang said the moment he picked up the call.

"How can you say that? If not her, then who? For now, Xin Mei does not have any enemy other than her. She is the only one who can write such an article about her! Also, there are some private photos of me and Xin Mei which can be only posted by her."

"I don"t know who your other enemy is, but it"s not her. From yesterday, she is suffering from a high fever. From the evening, she is sleeping on her bed and her mobile is in my care for the time being. There is no way that she could have posted this article."

Song Yang looked at Song Daiyu who was s.h.i.+vering on the bed and was calling the name of Su Yuchen. 

For once, he had become afraid when he read the article but then he remembered that her mobile was with him. There was no way that Song Daiyu had posted such an article.

"Su Yuchen, if possible come to visit Daiyu. She is very sick and she needs you."

"We will see about that."

With that, Su Yuchen hung up the call and called Huang Chu to get all the articles removed and to search about the person who tried to slander his Xin Mei!

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