"Xin Mei."

When Xin Mei and Gu Nan heard the familiar voice, they realized they were not dreaming, indeed Qian Fan was standing in front of them in flesh and blood.

"Didn"t you say that he has joined the mafia and would never return to the country, then what is he doing here?" Gu Nan whispered in the ears of Xin Mei. She eyed Qian Fan and his female companion.

"I am also thinking the same." Xin Mei replied back.

As far as she knew, Qian Fan was to suffer badly in the hands of mafia then what was he doing here?

Was the report given to her by Huang Chu, incorrect?

"Xin Mei, I am so happy that I got to meet you." Qian Fan walked towards her and gave her a slight smile. "I know you don"t want to see my face or don"t want to talk to me. Therefore, I will not waste much of your time. I only want to ask for forgiveness from you."

Xin Mei"s eyes went wide when she heard the sincerity in the voice of Qian Fan.

"Don"t fall for his act. I am sure he is acting." Gu Nan murmured.

"I know it"s hard to believe me but I repent all my wrongdoings. I am sorry for everything, I am sorry for my foolishness and greed. I am sorry for breaking your heart and then claiming that I still love you, when everything which I felt you was only l.u.s.t. From my heart, I ask for your fogginess."

"Do you think you can get her forgiveness by saying few words that you are guilty?" Gu Nan barked before Xin Mei could say anything. "I know you and I know you can never change. I am sure this is one of your tricks to again make Xin Mei fell for you. But remember fool, she is no longer that weak innocent girl."

"I am not tricking her. I have moved on." Qian Fan looked at her with a gentle smile. "I have moved on with Angela, my wife."

Qian Fan looked down at the lady who was standing beside him. That was when Xin Mei noticed the wedding ring in their fingers. She looked at their faces and their eyes. She could say they were indeed in love.

"He is a changed man. He regrets everything which he has done with you. I hope you will forgive him." Angela spoke and looked at Xin Mei.

"This man can never change, and a free advice miss Angela," Gu Nan turned and looked at her. "Leave him before he cheats on you too." Gu Nan yelled.

"No, he is changed. I have seen him change. If he was not changed then he would not have saved me from the clutches of the mafia, by risking his own life. Miss Xin, he has started a new life with me, and the only thing which attaches him to his past is what he has done with you, his guilt. I hope, you will find in yourself to forgive my husband."

"She is not forgiving him." Gu Nan wrapped her arm around Xin Mei and pulled her away from the Qian couple towards the parking.

"Geez, I cannot believe that he has changed so much." Xin Mei spoke for the first time after meeting Qian Fan.

"Stop falling for his act. I am sure this all is a drama. You should ask Su Yuchen to enquire about him."

"You don"t need to tell me about this. I will call him the first thing after returning home."

After returning home, Xin Mei called Su Yuchen and informed him how she met Qian Fan. Su Yuchen was angry when he heard her.

How could Qian Fan return?

Su Yuchen quickly called Huang Chu and asked him to do an inquiry. In his inquiry, Huang Chu found that Qian Fan was changed.

He ran away from the clutches of the mafia and now had started his new life. He was working in a small company as an accountant where his wife was working as a salesgirl in a mall.

On the other side, Song Daiyu was moving according to her plan.

On the first day of the phone call, she asked forgiveness from her father and promised him that she was ready to move on from Su Yuchen. She was ready to give up on him.

To prove the same, with a heavy heart, she threw away all the photos and all other belongings of Su Yuchen. She started to act normal.

When Song Yang saw that she was acting normally, he let her out of the room. Song Daiyu again started to act like a filial daughter. She looked after the meds of her father and cooked his dinner for him.

Song Daiyu also helped Song Yang with his business presentations and other contracts.

"Father, I was thinking of joining our business. What do you think?"

Song Yang was happy when he heard Song Daiyu. He always wanted to hand over his business to Song Daiyu. So, when he heard that she was ready to accept his business, with blind eyes, he said yes.

And just like that, Song Daiyu started to go out of her home and to the company. Sure, she had guards following after her and looking after her each step.

"Soon enough, they will also lower down their guards due to my super acting." She smiled to herself.

Song Daiyu visited her company daily and took a full interest in it. She started to act normal human being who was never crazy for Su Yuchen. When his name was taken in front of her, she never showed any reaction which satisfied Song Yang.

"Finally, she is improving. Thank you, G.o.d, thank you for giving her this intelligence that now she is no longer crazy about Su Yuchen."

Su Yuchen was also given the same information about Song Daiyu; and he felt satisfied and happy after knowing that his friend was recovering. He asked many of his guards to leave the side of Song Daiyu.

In his view, she no longer needed many guards following after her.

When Song Daiyu was free of guards, she felt satisfied. She called the stranger who had given her this idea.

"I have done my part of plan one. I think we should move to plan two."

"Ok, tomorrow we will bring the part two into force."

After hanging up, both smirked like villains. They both were happy imagining what they were going to do the next day.

"Tomorrow is your last day on the earth Xin Mei."

"Tomorrow, you are going to die Su Yuchen. You will die a b.l.o.o.d.y death!"

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