Xin Mei shuddered and s.h.i.+vered in fear just imagining it.

What would have happened if she was inside the car?

 She felt glad that the director had requested for an another scene from her. Otherwise, she would have been driving this car towards her home and boom...!

Fear filled in her mind and sweat appeared on her forehead. Her heart was beating very fast because of the anxiety. Her breath was coming out in loud pants.

"Xin Mei, are you alright? Have some water. You have G.o.d to look after you. No evil plan can do anything to you." Gu Biyu gave her a bottle of water.

Xin Mei took the bottle with s.h.i.+vering hands. Bottle nearly dropped from her hand if not for Gu Biyu who tightened her hold around the bottle.

Gently patting the back of Xin Mei, Gu Biyu made her drink water in little sips. She also rubbed her back and took her to the spare bench where Xin Mei could calm herself... down.

w.a.n.g Wei and his team were looking after the scene. They were not able to believe that someone planted a bomb in the car of Xin Mei under their nose.

w.a.n.g Wei had also called the expert to stop the news of this bomb blast in the car of Xin Mei from leaking out. Many guards had surrounded Xin Mei to make a safety wall around her.

Hiding behind a pillar in the parking, a stranger man was gritting his teeth in anger. He was looking at Xin Mei who was so close to her death.

That stranger quickly sent a thank you prayer to G.o.d that nothing happened to Xin Mei.

He could not believe that he was helping that b! tch, Song Daiyu in getting Su Yuchen and that unfaithful b! tch planned to backstab him by killing his Xin Mei.

It was a good thing that he had also planned the same with her and Su Yuchen, and another good thing was that Song Daiyu was under his radar. She was doing everything according to his plan.

That stranger quickly pulled out his mobile and called a number. "Kill Song Daiyu and Su Yuchen the moment they land in the country G."

He ruthlessly chuckled and ended the call. "No one can save you Song Daiyu. You are going to die today. I thought I will spare your life but now I will not, especially after how you planned to kill my Xiao Mei."

With raw anger in his eyes, he looked at Xin Mei. She looked so shaken because of this incident.

Looking at her, he decided to come out from his hiding, to approach her and give her his shoulder. Wasn"t this what he had planned to do from the start?

w.a.n.g Wei was inspecting the burnt car when he received a phone call. His face became pale when he attended the phone.

With hurried steps, he walked towards Xin Mei who was already in shock.

"Missus, someone has kidnapped our boss and guards are not able to find him!"

Breath of Xin Mei hitched in her throat when she heard the words of w.a.n.g Wei. Tears appeared in her eyes which started to flow on her cheeks.

Xin Mei wanted to say something but she felt her throat was clogged. She wanted to stand but her legs were frozen. She was not able to do anything. Tears were falling from her eyes and her stomach was in knots.

Who could plan such an incident with her and Su Yuchen? She wanted to yell but no voice came out from her mouth.

"Xiao Mei, are you alright?" Su Zixin rushed towards her and took his seat beside her. He took his seat beside Gu Biyu.

Gu Biyu who saw that Xin Mei was getting emotional and her family was now there for her, decided to leave for her house. It was a crucial moment for Xin Mei and she didn"t want to become an unwanted disturbance.

Xin Mei looked at Su Zixin and sobs left her lips. Her body started to shock and hiccups left her lips.

Su Zixin looked at her with worry filled eyes and quickly hugged her. He then looked at w.a.n.g Wei, "Quick, prepare a car for her."

"Yes, second master. I am glad that you came here on time. We did not know what to do after seeing missus in so much shock and after receiving the news that...."

"I should be the one thanking you for calling me. This is a crucial time for Xin Mei and she needs my support."

w.a.n.g Wei nodded his head and rushed to prepare a car for Xin Mei. He was continuously on a call with Ning Yan, who was one of the guards of Su Yuchen.

"Su Yuchen…kidnapped…blast…bomb…" Xin Mei said incoherent words in her shock. Her face was tear stricken and her eyes were red because of crying.

She was taking shaky breaths and her heart was beating fast. Her hands were s.h.i.+vering and tears were continuously falling from her eyes.

"Don"t worry Xiao Mei, Huang Chu, and guards and searching for brother. No one can take him away from you. I am sure we will find him very soon."

Xin Mei nodded her head.

With the support of Su Zixin, Xin Mei entered the car, driven by w.a.n.g Wei. Once inside the car, Su Zixin helped her in drinking the juice and give her some food.

Xin Mei took a few long deep breaths before accepting the juice and food items from Su Zixin. She knew this was not the time for breaking down. She had to find Su Yuchen before any danger fell on him.

She could only guess one person who could be behind this kidnapping, Song Daiyu!

"Tell me, how did Su Yuchen get kidnapped?" she asked in a composed manner, hiding the shakiness in her voice.

w.a.n.g Wei gave her a brief on how Su Yuchen was kidnapped!

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