"How can Su Yuchen agree to go out with that B? How can he be such a big fool to trust her blindly? And why the h.e.l.l his guards became fail to follow after him?"

Xin Mei angrily ma.s.saged her head. She could not believe, it was so easy to kidnap Su Yuchen. How could he so blindly believe that Song Daiyu was changed?

"I have told you, Song Daiyu has an important place in the heart of brother. It"s not easy for him to hate her." Su Zixin pointed out and Xin Mei cursed before calling Huang Chu.

"Huang Chu, what is the report about Chen?"

"Missus, I am sorry," Huang answered guiltily.

"Stop feeling sorry and tell me what actions have you taken? You know very well that Song Daiyu is psycho and she could do anything to Su Yuchen. We have to stop her before she does anything in her craziness."

"Don"t worry about that missus, our best team of the guards is already searching for Song Daiyu and boss. But I must say, miss song has planned the kidnap of the boss with very smartness. We have blocked all the roads but still, we are unable to find her or boss."

"Keep searching for him. Search airports and railway stations. I am sure, she will try to take him out of the city or worst, country so we would not be able to find him."

"We are on it only, missus."

"Keep reporting to me."

Xin Mei desperately bounced her feet on the car floor. She was eagerly waiting for the call of Huang Chu. She wanted to get the good news that Su Yuchen was found but unfortunately, the teams of guards were still clueless about his location.

"Where can she take him?" She muttered to herself.

"Xiao Mei, stop worrying. I am sure we will find him." Su Zixin squeezed her hand to give her some comfort. "Now eat some more fruits. You will need the energy to find the brother and also to beat Song Daiyu once you get your hand on her."

Xin Mei nodded her head and started to eat the fruits. She would need power, the power to beat that B who dared to kidnap her Su Yuchen.

Song Daiyu felt lucky that a stranger called her and gave her this mind-blowing plan. Now all thanks to that stranger, she had Su Yuchen sleeping beside her.

That stranger had not only given her the plan, but he was also helping her in accomplis.h.i.+ng this plan.

His plan was very simple- act as a good girl, who had already moved on from Su Yuchen, make everyone including Su Yuchen believe the same. Ask Su Yuchen to go out and then kidnap him.

The plan of that stranger did not stop at simply kidnapping Su Yuchen. He was aware of the secret force of Su Yuchen, therefore he had sent some hidden men to help Song Daiyu to reach the airport of city F, which was a neighbouring city to city A.

On their way to the airport of city F, she also changed their cars many times with a motto to confuse the guards of Su Yuchen. She also threw away the mobile of Su Yuchen.

Song Daiyu had also changed her and Su Yuchen"s look in the way so no one would be able to identify them.

"He is very smart." Song Daiyu muttered to herself. "If it was not for him, then I would have planned to catch my flight from city A itself but he is so smart. He knew guards of Su Yuchen would be surrounding airport of city A. They will have no idea that I will be leaving city A from the airport of city F."

Song Daiyu looked out of the window and at the undeveloped, secret roads which were taking them toward the airport. No one would get an idea that Song Daiyu was using this way to leave the city A.

After a ride of roughly one and a half hours, they finally reached the airport. There, with the help of people arranged by the stranger, Song Daiyu s.h.i.+fted Su Yuchen on the wheelchair.

"Thank you for your help. I can handle it from here." She smiled at the men.

"Miss, you sure?"

"Yup, I am sure."

Song Daiyu again smiled at the helpers before pus.h.i.+ng the wheelchair inside the small airport. She sighed in relief when she saw that there were not many people present at the airport.

She adjusted her disguise and pushed Su Yuchen inside the airport. She retrieved the airport tickets from her purse, the ticket which was not given to her by the stranger.

Sure, the plan of that stranger was the first cla.s.s but she was not a fool to blindly trust and follow his plan. Who knew if he had something planned for her the moment she reached the country decided by him?

Not to forget, he could also harm her and Su Yuchen the way she had harmed Xin Mei, by planting a bomb in her car. So, to stay safe, Song Daiyu decided to take a flight of different location instead of the one decided by that stranger.

According to the stranger, from city A, she was to take the flight to city L and from city L to country G. But now, to stay safe, she was taking a flight to city M, from there she was going to country U.

Song Daiyu knew many people in country U who were loyal to her. She could take their help. Besides, she knew a man who could make any person forget his memory by using hypnosis. She planned to use that man, instead of a man appointed by that stranger to erase the memories of Su Yuchen.

"My plan is perfect. No one will be able to ever find us. You will forget about Xin Mei or anyone else, and then, together, we will start a new and fresh life in some small town of country U." She whispered in the ears of Su Yuchen and smiled brightly.

Song Daiyu checked her purse which had a huge dose of sleeping pills and injection which would keep Su Yuchen unconscious till the time she found a man to erase his memories.

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