Next afternoon, Xin Mei woke up beside Su Yuchen, on the hospital bed instead of the chair where she slept last night. She frowned and looked at Xin Yan who was now sitting at the chair where she was sleeping last night.

"Finally, you are up. You were h.e.l.l tired that is why you slept like a horse for direct seven hours."

Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes and then she looked at Su Yuchen. "Did he wake up?"

Xin Yan shook his head negatively and Xin Mei sighed, "who s.h.i.+fted me on the bed?"

"Who else? I s.h.i.+fted you on the bed. When I entered the room, you were sleeping in a very unconformable position. So being a great brother, I decided to s.h.i.+ft you on the couch. But you were not ready to leave the hand of Su Yuchen. So, I had to make you sleep on the bed beside Su Yuchen."


"Yeah oh. Now get up and freshen up. Meanwhile, I will serve you breakfast."


"I visited home and mother had sent some breakfast with me." Xin Mei nodded her head and climbed down from the bed.

She quickly rushed towards the bathroom and quickly freshen up. She washed her face and brushed her teeth before coming out.

Xin Yan served her the breakfast which she had with a full appet.i.te. After breakfast, he forced her toward the bathroom to get a shower.

"I don"t want to take a bath, I am not ready to leave the side of Chen." Xin Mei protested.

"Come on, Mei, don"t be a kid. You are stinging. You need a shower. Moreover, Su Yuchen will not vanish in thin air if you enter in the bathroom for a shower. Now be a good girl and get a shower."

"But what if he wakes up when I am in the bathroom. I want to be beside him when he opens his eyes."

"You will be here. Now enter the bathroom and come out after a quick shower."

Xin Yan pushed her in the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Xin Mei sighed and walked toward the shower cubicle.

She had a quick shower and quickly got dressed. When she came out from the bathroom, as she had expected, Su Yuchen was already up and was sitting on the bed.

"Chen," she spoke in a soft voice and tears left her eyes. A small smile appeared on her lips.

Su Yuchen looked at her and smiled with gentleness. He opened his arms wide and without wasting any second, Xin Mei jumped in his arms.

"Enough now, you have already wasted so many precious pearls."

Xin Mei m.u.f.fled in his arms and removed her tears and smiled at him. She was finally at home, in the arms of her man who was looking down at her with the love in his eyes.

"Come on, it"s the last piece. Now open your mouth."

Su Yuchen groaned and looked at the piece of gr.a.p.e in the hand of Xin Mei. He glared at it and then at the stern face of Xin Mei before having the said fruit.

"Good boy." Xin Mei smiled and started to peel a banana for Su Yuchen where he groaned.

"Mei, it"s enough now. I am feeling as if you are taking revenge on me."

"Finally, you caught me." Xin Mei innocently blinked her eyes and smirked.

After Su Yuchen woke up, he was given a quick discharge by the doctors seeing he was all perfect and fine. But Xin Mei stubbornly declared that Su Yuchen was not fine and she was going to look after him.

She was taking her revenge only. She had seen how Su Yuchen overdid every time whenever she was injured or in the hospital. He did not care that she was healed and didn"t need his care. But still, he kept caring for her, and now, she was doing the same.

She had not let him touch his mobile, the way he always did. She had not let him do anything…. literally anything. It had been only one day of his discharge and he was already h.e.l.l bored.  

Also, he had a company to attend. He wanted to dismiss all the rumours that something serious had happened to him. 

He had not expected from Song Daiyu that she would again cheat him. He did not think that she would attempt to foolishly kidnap him, without carrying about anything.

When he was informed that Song Daiyu was dead, he was shocked and felt bad for her. That girl was brilliant and she did not deserve to die. When she had told him that she had changed, he thought finally she was going to start her new life, but Alas!

He was also thankful to Su Zixin who was ready to take bullets for him and Xin Mei. He knew how much this family meant for Su Zixin.

"Mei, even grandma does not act the way you are doing right now." He groaned.

"So, what?" Xin Mei smirked. "Remember that someone has said to me "stop comparing me to your mother and father. I will look after you the way, I want.""

Su Yuchen groaned loudly when he heard Xin Mei. Now he realized how she felt whenever he looked after her whenever she was sick or when he did not let her do any work.

Later that evening, Xin Mei received a call from Gu Biyu who was very concerned about her. She was unable to connect with her which made her more worried. She still had not forgotten about the bomb incident.

"Xin Mei, how are you doing? Director told me that you have taken urgent leave. Are you alright or are you still affected by that bomb blast?"

"I am alright aunty. Thank you for your concern." Xin Mei smiled against the phone. "And about the bomb blast incident, I have found the person behind it. So, there is nothing to be worried about."

"That"s good to hear. I hope your husband is pampering you more now, after what has happened two days back."

"He is."

After ending the call with Gu Biyu, Xin Mei made her way toward the kitchen. She leaned against the kitchen counter and thought about the incidents which had taken place one after the other.

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