"No…No…No…No.. No...No..... I cannot accept this. I can"t accept that I again lost my everything and that too because of this little foolish girl. I cannot accept my defeat against her." Jiang Biyu wailed and wriggled her arms from the hand of police officers who were holding onto her tightly.

"Brother, we can"t lose. How can we go so wrong?" she wailed and looked at Jiang w.a.n.gyi. Jiang w.a.n.gyi was looking down, not able to believe that he was defeated.

When Jiang w.a.n.gyi had agreed to help Jiang Biyu with her plan, his father had warned him about the consequences. In his words,

"w.a.n.gyi, it"s not easy to get your hand on the property of the Su family. You should not blindly believe in the plan of your sister. You know well that if you fail, then our Jiang family will fall apart. This time Su Yuchen will not leave us."

Jiang w.a.n.gyi did not stop upon hearing his father. He trusted his sister. He trusted his smart sister who was able to marry into the Su family and was able to kill their first daughter in law.

"Xin Mei, I never lied. Ask Su Lingtian, he was the one due to whom Lu Weiwei left the house. Su Yuchen, Su Lingtian was the one who forced your mother to divorce your father." Jiang Biyu yelled as she was getting pulled by the police officer.

"I know." Su Yuchen spoke for the first time in all this ordeal. "Don"t a.s.sume for a second that you will make me hate grandpa by telling me this small truth."

"No…No…No…" yells of Jiang Biyu faded away as she was getting pulled away by police. Jiang w.a.n.gi was silently following behind them with his head hung low in shame and defeat.

Once everyone was gone from the Su residence, Su Yuchen slumped down on the couch in a frozen state. His mind was not working. He did not know what was happening around him.

"G.o.d, what was all this? It feels like a dream. I am not getting anything." Su Yuchen groaned and held onto his head. "Mei, care to explain?"

"I also want to know about this new drama of Jiang Biyu, how did she know you, Xiao Mei? and what is the story of those property papers?"

"I will tell you everything but first, can I have some food? I am h.e.l.l hungry."

Hearing Xin Mei, everyone realized that they had not had their lunch and all thanks to the drama of Jiang Biyu. They walked toward the dining room where servants served food to them.

Once their stomachs were full, they collected in the living room where Xin Mei started to tell them about how she knew Jading Biyu and how she had tried to con her.

"Geez, that girl will never change, still so evil." Bai Yue frowned and inwardly cursed Jiang Biyu.

"Hash, I can"t believe that I was fooled by elder Jiang for so long. I always thought that Jiang Biyu died from the hands of Chen. What not I have done for their family as compensation for their loss." Su Lingtian shook his head in dejection.

"We should praise Xiao Mei. She had smartly tackled that ugly b.!.t.c.h. What did she think, she can fool my Xiao Mei, in her dreams?" 

Bai Yue grunted and huffed loudly before looking at Su Yuchen. 

"Why are you sitting like a statue? Come on, praise your smart wife." Bai Yue pocked his chest.

Su Yuchen came out from his frozen state and looked at Xin Mei. slowly, his mind started to work and he realised what had happened with him in the last few days.

"If you knew that my stepmother was alive, then why did you not tell me about her?" he accused her. "I was crying in your arms, calling myself murdered then why?"

"I have told you that I met your stepmother, Gu Biyu but you did not trust me." Xin Mei shook her head. "Besides, it was my revenge from you. You have hidden about your past from me for so long."

Su Yuchen shook his head when he heard her. He then lovingly wrappped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"I am glad to have you as my wife Mei. How smartly you have handled that Jiang Biyu. I hope, now she will never be able to cross our path ever again."

"She will not." Xin Mei smiled and evil tint appeared in her eyes. "Besides, I have asked Huang Chu to release all the information about the Jiang family. I am sure, by now, the Jiang family is already searched by the authorities for more evidence. They are all over because of their foolishness."

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard her. He chuckled aloud, letting all his heaviness go away with his laughters.

The thought that he had murdered someone was always heavy on his shoulder, pus.h.i.+ng him down with its weight. But today, that burden was lifted off from his shoulders and he wanted to thank his Mei for that.

"I love you so much. Especially your smart witty brain."

"Love you too Chen. Besides, I have inherited this wittiness from you only. Otherwise, I was an innocent fool." She chuckled.

Su Yuchen smiled at her before leaning toward her lips.

"Kids, we are still here." Su Lingtian deadpanned where Bai Yue pocked his chest. She enjoyed the view of two love birds and now she was waiting to see them kiss but Su Lingtian interrupted them.

Xin Mei who heard Su Lingtian blushed hard. She had forgotten that Su Lingtian and Bai Yue were sitting in the living room. She was all ready to get kissed by Su Yuchen.

Su Yuchen simply chuckled upon seeing her red cheeks. He tenderly rubbed her cheeks and looked at her with a gentle smile.

"By the way, what did Jiang Biyu meant by Tian has forced Lu Weiwei to divorce Nian?" 

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