The next day, Xin Mei came out from the bathroom with a towel tightly wrapped around her body. Su Yuchen looked at her and whistled in delight.

"Don"t act like you are seeing me in the towel for the first time." Xin Mei rolled her eyes when she saw the hazy look on his face. "Have you not become habitual of seeing me like that?"

"Have you become habitual of seeing my buddy?" Su Yuchen teased making Xin Mei blush who threw a comb in his direction which he easily caught while laughing.

"Mei, control your towel which is teasing me. You don"t want me to ravish you again, do you?"

Xin Mei shook her head and adjusted her towel. "Stop gawking at me. Enter the bathroom and have your shower. Otherwise, you will get late for the office."

"I am ready to get late if you…."

"Chen," Mei yelled with irritation.

Su Yuchen chuckled when he saw the fl.u.s.tered expression on the face of Xin Mei. He loved to tease her like this in the early morning, this teasing always made his day.

Xin Mei sighed loudly once Su Yuchen was inside the bathroom. She quickly combed her hairs and changed into her dress for the day. 

She blushed as she remembered how a few days back when she had removed her towel to get dressed, Su Yuchen had come out from the bathroom at the excuse of forgetting to take his towel and then, they had ended up on the bed. 

"He is crazy." 

"Crazy for you." Her inner thoughts spoke to her.

After getting ready, Xin Mei made her way toward the kitchen. She smiled when saw Su Yuchen had already done all the preparations for breakfast.

She started to prepare breakfast when she received a phone call from Gu Nan.

"MeiMei," she heard the squeal of Gu Nan the second she picked up her call. Xin Mei groaned and placed her phone away from her ears.

"Does she want me to become deaf after hearing her cries?" Xin Mei muttered to herself before placing the phone back to her ears.

"MeiMei, there is news for you."

"What news? Now, what new gossip reporter Gu Nan wants to give to me."

"It"s not a gossip but some other news. I am sure you will become happy after hearing it. Now guess, what news it can be," Gu Nan paused, again creating a curiosity for Xin Mei.

"NanNan, I don"t have any time to play your guessing game. Tell me the news, otherwise, I am hanging up."

"Don"t hang up, I am telling you. I…I…. I…" Gu Nan stuttered in nervousness and Xin Mei"s eyes widened.

"NanNan, you are stuttering? This is the first time that you are stuttering. Are you all right?"

"Stop teasing me." Gu Nan chided before taking a long deep breath. "MeiMei, I and He Ye married yesterday."

"Come again, I think I heard you wrong."

"No, you heard it right. Now I am your sister in law, wife of He Ye."

"Really?" Xin Mei squealed with happiness evident in her voice. "How? I mean, did you get your promotion?"

"No, I did not."

"Then how? As far as I remember, you were not ready to get married until settling down in one place. You were so stubborn regarding your decision, then how come this sudden change?"

"Actually," Gu Nan hesitated and groaned the next second. "MeiMei, I didn"t get any promotion in my job but I got promotion in other terms."

"What do you mean?" Xin Mei frowned in confusion.

"MeiMei, I am pregnant."

"Oh, my." Xin Mei chuckled happily and a huge smile adorned her lips and that was how Su Yuchen saw Xin Mei when he entered the kitchen. "Congratulations NanNan, I am so happy for you. I can"t believe that you are going to be a mother."

"And you a G.o.dmother."

"That I am. Oh my G.o.d, I can"t believe that you are going to be a mother and are now my sister in law."

"That I am." Gu Nan giggled. "You should have seen the expressions on the face of He Ye when he realized that I was pregnant. He jumped like a kid who got his favorite Christmas gift."

Gu Nan groaned with a chuckle. "He didn"t miss a single second and took me to the civil bureau and then, we were married. From yesterday, he is grinning like a fool. Can you believe, for whole last night, he slept with a huge grin on his lips."

"I can imagine that." Xin Mei laughed and smiled at Su Yuchen who took a spoon in his hand and started to steer the soup which Xin Mei was preparing. 

"Ye gege was waiting to get married to you for so long."

"Ask me, I have rejected nearly twenty marriage proposals by him."

Both girls chuckled and chatted for some time. Gu Nan ended the call after inviting Xin Mei to a small family gathering at their place, to celebrate their quick wedding.

"So, Gu Nan and He Ye got married?" Su Yuchen asked and placed a spoon of soup in front of her mouth.

"Yup, Gu Nan got pregnant and Ye gege didn"t leave this chance to get married to her. His dream finally came true." Xin Mei chuckled and took the spoon in her mouth, tasting its content.

"So, what should we gift to both of them as their wedding gift?"

"I have an idea." Su Yuchen smiled and a wicked grin appeared on his lips.

In the evening, both Xin Mei and Su Yuchen visited the He mansion where the family gathering was taking place. He Ye still lived with his parents hence the gathering was at the mansion.

When Xin Mei and Su Yuchen arrived, the Xin family, Gu family and He family were already present in the living room and they were teasing the newly married couple. 

Xin Mei entered the living room and took her seat on the couch before actively partic.i.p.ating in all the teasing.

"I don"t know anything, I want to see a proper traditional wedding of my candy." Grandmother of Gu Nan declared with stubbornness. She looked at Gu Nan with love filled eyes.

"Don"t worry granny. We will have a proper wedding. This wedding certificate is only a confirmation that now Gu Nan is my wife. She can"t back off." He Ye grinned and showed off his wedding certificate.

Xin Mei rolled her eyes when she saw He Ye who was still grinning from ear to ear. He held his wedding certificate in his hand to make himself believ that he got married to Gu Nan.

"Oh my G.o.d, I can"t believe that I am finally married to Gu Nan." 

A girly squealed left from the lips of He Ye. Everyone around him shared a chuckle and Gu Nan blushed. They all could see how ecstatic He Ye was to get married to the love of his life.

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