"Please G.o.d please, please don"t let Xin Mei become the victim of Jiang Biyu"s plan. You cannot kill her G.o.d. You cannot kill her. You cannot punish me in this cruel way. You cannot."

Su Yuchen looked down and tears flowed from his eyes. Su Yuchen felt something was breaking inside him. He felt as if he was dying.

"Boss, we are here."

Li Si spoke in a soft voice. He looked at Su Yuchen from the rear-view mirror and felt his heart clench upon seeing the condition of Su Yuchen. It felt as if Su Yuchen had lost his mind.

Li Si stepped down from the car and opened the door of the seat of Su Yuchen. He shook Su Yuchen hard and yelled, "Boss we are here."

"Huh," Su Yuchen shook his head and stepped down from the car. With the guidance of Li Si, he made his way toward the emergency ward where Xin Mei was having emergency surgery.

Once outside the ward, Su Yuchen leaned against the wall and looked at the familiar doors. Xin Mei was behind these closed doors so many times.

"She will be safe and fine like all those times." Su Yuchen consoled himself and closed his eyes. "Nothing will happen to her. She will be fine. This is not the time for you to break down. Su Yuchen, you cannot break down."

Su Yuchen did some peep talk with himself before opening his eyes. Li Si s.h.i.+vered when he looked at his blank and cold eyes. The eyes which used to belong to old Su Yuchen, before meeting with Xin Mei.

"I want the details of this accident." He spoke in a cold voice which made Li Si s.h.i.+ver in fear. He was the best bodyguard and was trained to face any fear but at that moment, he felt very afraid of the aura of Su Yuchen.

"Boss, Missus was returning home when a truck came from wrong side, catching everyone off guard and before anyone could do anything, the truck collided with the car of the missus. Her driver died on the spot where w.a.n.g Wei is in critical condition. Other guards brought them all to the hospital."

Su Yuchen shook his head and clenched his fist. That Jiang Biyu had planned well. No one could have stopped a truck even if his team was very strong.

"Compensate for the death of the driver. His family should not suffer from his loss. Also, compensate for w.a.n.g Wei."

"Yes, boss." Li Si nodded his head and left the side of Su Yuchen to make some calls.

Before Su Yuchen could again think about the accident of Xin Mei, he heard the cries of the Xin family who arrived at the hospital.

"Chen"er, where is my Xiao Mei? Tell me, it is a lie that she was in a serious accident." He Lin looked at him with tearful eyes.

Su Yuchen did not know what to say to her so he only hung his head low.

"I again failed to protect her."

He Lin looked at the sorrowful expression on his face and eyes full of tears. She broke down on the chest of Su Yuchen and started to sob. She clutched on his chest and cried. 

Xin Jin felt bad when he saw her and started to rub her back. He looked at Su Yuchen who seemed broken and lost.

"Don"t worry Chen. My Mei is strong. Nothing will happen to her. She is a strong girl. She will come out from the emergency ward like all those times."

Su Yuchen nodded his head and looked at the emergency ward. He Lin was sobbing on his chest. He felt hurt when he saw her crying like that.

"Mother, don"t worry. She will be fine. She is a strong girl. She is not going to die." He consoled her and himself. 

He Lin sobbed in the arms of Su Yuchen for sometime before she was roughly pulled back in the arms of Xin Jin who hugged her tight. Xin Yan looked at his parents with tears glittering in his eyes.

Su Yuchen smiled sadly and closed his eyes. "G.o.d, please don"t let her suffer because of some bad people. Do not let her die. If she dies then I will also die with her. I cannot live without her. I will die. I will die."

Su Yuchen was lost when he heard the voice of a nurse. "Who has the matching blood group as to the patient? We have already used two bags of blood and we need more blood. Due to many accidents these days, we are running on a shortage of blood in our blood bank. Any family member has to give her blood."

Su Yuchen looked at the nurse and then at the members of the Xin family with irritation. They were standing like a statue, without saying or doing anything.

"Father, Xin Yan, why are you standing like this? Whose blood group matches with Mei?"

"Chen"er, her blood group doesn"t match with anyone in our family. Her blood group is rare in our family." Xin Jin gulped and looked down.

"What is her blood group nurse? Tell me, I will make some arrangements."

"A positive."

"That"s my blood group. Take my blood, as many bottle as you want."

"Ok." The nurse quickly nodded her head and hurriedly guided Su Yuchen toward the station where she would draw his blood.

In the way, Su Yuchen caught Su Zixin who was coming to the hospital to get to know about Xin Mei.

"Brother, how is Xiao…." he was cut in between when Su Yuchen gripped his hand and dragged him along.

"Mei needs blood. You need to donate your blood for her."

"How can I donate my blood to her? Our blood group does not match."

"It does." Su Yuchen glared at him. Su Zixin gulped when he looked at his empty eyes. Without saying anything, they followed the nurse.

The nurse drew two bags of blood from both brothers. Su Yuchen was ready to give another bag but the nurse denied.

"We will ask if we need more blood. For now, I guess it"s enough."

Su Yuchen nodded his head with a question running in his mind, "why doesn"t the blood group of Xin Mei match with anyone in her family?"

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