Su Yuchen smiled when he looked at the expressions of Xin Mei. Her expressions were changing one after another, shock, embarra.s.sment, shyness, frustration…he had seen every expression on her face. And truthfully, she looked cute in every expression.

"I didn"t know that a beautiful girl like you have a crush on me." Su Yuchen chuckled.

"Stop teasing me." Xin Mei yelled in frustration. She removed her hand from her mouth and wrapped her arm around the neck of Su Yuchen.

"So what if I have a crush on you?" she asked boldly. She stood up on her knees and looked at him with challenging eyes. "I am sure that every girl has a crush on you. You are a gentleman, handsome and rich after all. So why can"t Xin Mei have a crush on you? Besides, you should feel lucky that I have a crush on you. You are the first person on whom I ever have a crush on."

"Really? I can"t believe so? You can"t bluff me, Xin Mei." Call it the effect of some drinks in his system, but Su Yuchen was feeling quite relaxed and happy.

Su Yuchen wrapped his arms around her waist and intimately pulled her towards him.

"I am not lying. You are my first crush. Before you, I didn"t know anything about a crush. You see, I have wasted my life in loving that jerk Qian Fan. I didn"t have time to chase after some other boy." Xin Mei frowned and a trace of sadness appeared in her eyes.

"Why was Qian Fan like this? Why did he cheat me? Su Yuchen, do I have some bad quality that Qian Fan cheated on me and decided to be with Zhou Mingyu?"

A very sad and heartbroken expression appeared on her face. Su Yuchen also felt a pinch on his heart upon seeing her sad face.

"You don"t have bad qualities but Qian Fan is blind. He can"t see that you are a gem. You have so much innocence in your heart. Your heart is made of gold and he didn"t deserve to have a gem like you. That"s why G.o.d forced him to cheat on you. He wanted you to be away from that jerk."

Su Yuchen with love tucked a hair lock behind her ears. "By the way, when are you planning to leave me?" he teased, in an attempt to divert her attention.

"I will not leave you until you fall in love with me and I fall in love with you." Xin Mei grinned. "First you have to have a crush on me, then we will like each other, and then love then you are free. I know once you love me, you will never leave me like others."

Xin Mei beamed widely. "You will not leave me after falling in love with me, right?"

"I will not leave you after falling in love with you." If only I can fall in love with you. I have already given my heart to Mian a long back.

Xin Mei grinned and placed her head on his chest. "So tell me, what should I do to make you have a crush on me?" she asked and looked at him with innocent eyes.

Before Su Yuchen could reply, Xin Mei was off him. She left him and rushed in a corner of her room where a neatly pressed coat was placed with her torn dress.

Xin Mei took the coat in her hand and grinned. "Handsome, you know this coat saved me."

"Saved you?" Su Yuchen tilted his head, recognizing his coat which he had given to Huang Chu.

"Yes, it saved me from taking any favor from that jerk. You know, my dress got torn when I reached the ballroom. Some savior like you sent this coat for me. I so wish to meet that savior of mine." Xin Mei"s eyes beamed with hope. "I want to thank him for saving me."

"And what if I tell you that this coat belongs to me?" Su Yuchen asked, his lips tilted up a little.

Somewhere, something in his mind was itching him to leave her room. What he was doing wasn"t normal for him but he pushed all the thoughts in the back of his mind. He wanted to spend some more time with the silly drunk her.

Xin Mei looked at Su Yuchen, then his dress pants and coat in her hand. Her eyes widen with realization. She grinned and placed coat back on the side table.

She jumped on Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen was unprepared for her jump, so he fell on the bed with a groan. Xin Mei sat on his lap, nearly startling him.

"Thanks for saving me."

And before he could react, Xin Mei placed her soft lips against his hard lips. She laced her fingers in his hairs and pulled his face closer. She sulked his lips and bit on it.

Su Yuchen who came out from his shock also reciprocated to the kiss. He also sulked and licked her lips. Xin Mei, who was an expert after sharing kisses with Qian Fan, pushed her tongue in the mouth of Su Yuchen.

Both felt fireworks in their body when their tongues touched one another. There were kissing each other so deeply as if their life depended on that kiss. They were so lost in pa.s.sionately kissing each other that they forgot to breathe.

It was Su Yuchen who broke the kiss. He took huge gulps of breath and looked at the face of Xin Mei. Her face was red and she was also breathing hard.

Su Yuchen turned their positions, bringing Xin Mei under him. His whole body hovered over her. He liked the way she looked below him.

"Your lips are so sweet Xin Mei. I am becoming addictive about you and your lips. What have you done to me, Xin Mei?" His voice held so much love. He looked at Xin Mei with dark eyes and again placed his lips on hers.

This time his kiss was slow, he pushed his tongue in her mouth and tasted each corner of her mouth. In the twenty-five years of his life, he had never felt like this before. He loved these feelings.

He was feeling greedy, greedy for her kiss. He didn"t let Xin Mei breath and kept kissing her again and again. Each kiss was different from the last kiss. They were full of pa.s.sion. They had forgotten that they were stranger not a long time ago. They had forgotten everything. They only remembered to kiss each other.

They turned and wrestled on the bed, kissing each other like no tomorrow.

"Su Yuchen, let"s get married." Xin Mei spoke in between deep breathes. She looked at him with hazy eyes.

Su Yuchen came out from his trace when he heard her. Realization dawned upon him. How could he kiss her like this? He was giving her hopes when he knew that he would always belong to his Mian.

Call it his stubbornness, but he wasn"t ready to let Mian go. He didn"t want to accept his deep feelings for Xin Mei.

"Su Yuchen, once we are married, it will burn Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan with jealousy. They both will regret cheating with me. They will...….."

Xin Mei was having a visionary dream but Su Yuchen didn"t know what he can do? His mind was a complete mash.

Whom did he love, Mian or Xin Mei?

"Xin Mei, let me help you in changing your dress. You are not comfortable in your current dress." Su Yuchen cut off her blabbering and before she could react, he was of her.

Su Yuchen rushed toward her bags and searched them for her nightdress. When he turned in her direction, he saw a scene, a scene which he wouldn"t forget for a long time.

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