Su Yuchen knew he had upset Xin Mei, so before they could climb in their respective cars, he suggested, "Xin Mei, I remember that my tea is pending. Why don"t you treat me with tea today? I am sure we both are free today."

Xin Mei thought for some time before she agreed with him. Besides, she was feeling less awkward about her marriage proposal now that she had talked normally with him.

"You decide the place Su Yuchen." Xin Mei informed and took her seat in the car.

Su Yuchen took the lead where Xin Mei followed behind his car. Words of Su Yuchen from earlier were ringing in her mind.

"Should I meet the kids? Am I doing wrong by not letting them meet others? Su Yuchen had lived in an orphanage, he had an experience. So should I take his advice? What if I am making my kids weak by sheltering them from the pain which they will bear one or another day in their life?"

Xin Mei kept thinking about his words and soon their cars came to a halt in front of a tea parlor.

"New tea parlor! I didn"t know that a new tea parlor was opened in our city." Xin Mei commented once she was out of her car.

"Come inside, I am sure you will like the tea."

Su Yuchen showed Xin Mei the way to inside the tea parlor. Xin Mei looked around and felt satisfied with the interior. She was sure this tea parlor would get famous in no time.

The interior and mild fragrance of tea was very catching!

Xin Mei walked deep and her eyes widen when she saw the owner. He was the same person whose tea she had loved in city B.

"Uncle, you are here? Is it your tea parlor?" she asked with surprise.

"Xiao Mei," Tea parlor owner smiled when he saw Xin Mei. "Yes, I am here. I will go and brew your favorite tea for you. You wait for me on one of the tables."

He excitedly ran toward his kitchen and started to brew tea. He also ordered his juniors to serve Xin Mei and Su Yuchen.

"When did uncle open his shop here?" Xin Mei asked to Su Yuchen.

Su Yuchen informed her that after purchasing his shop and tea fields in city B, he had sent some of his staff to look after the tea fields. He also requested the owner to come to city A which could give a boost to his tea.

Now the owner had his parlor in City A where the tea leaves for the tea were coming from the city B.

Xin Mei felt so happy upon hearing him. In her eyes, his heart was made of gold. He was so thoughtful and helping. No doubt G.o.d blessed him with so much name, fame, and money.

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen both enjoyed their tea. Xin Mei made the payment for the tea even after protestation of the owner.

"Xiao Mei, you don"t need to make my payment. Take it as a small treat from your uncle."

"No uncle, you have to take payment from me. I have come to your shop for the first time. If you want to treat me, give it next time."

After making the payment, she stepped out of the shop. Her eyes fell upon a stall of street food and she made her way towards it. She tagged Su Yuchen along with her. They hadn"t had lunch and she was sure that he must be hungry.

"Now don"t tell me you don"t eat street food," Xin Mei warned.

"I will not say that. In fact, I love street food. Don"t forget that I had lived my life in an orphanage. I had eaten a lot of street food."

"Good, good," Xin Mei nodded her head. They both made their way toward the stall where Xin Mei ordered a large amount of food.

"Madam, do you want it to be spicy?" owner of the food stall asked.

"Very spicy," Xin Mei licked her lips. "What about you Su Yuchen?"

"I will not have much spicy food."

"Rich people have a weak stomach. They can"t eat spicy food." Xin Mei commented.

Su Yuchen rolled his eyes when he heard her. "I can eat spicy food. I only love to mix spicy sauce by myself. Boss, give me extra chili sauce in a separate bowl."

The stall owner served them both their orders within a few minutes. Both Xin Mei and Su Yuchen were very hungry, they didn"t wait for another second before savoring the dishes.

Su Yuchen added chili sauce in his food and had it with so much delight. They also ordered some soda to enhance their taste buds.

While having her food, Xin Mei stole a lot of glances from Su Yuchen. He wasn"t like those rich men who couldn"t eat on a small stall like this, no matter what. From his face itself, she could see that he was enjoying his food.

Xin Mei couldn"t stop herself and compare Su Yuchen with Qian Fan. She remembered that Qian Fan and Zhou Mingo never visited the orphanage with her. They hadn"t said it on her face but she knew that they disgusted the kids.

They never visited orphanage even when Xin Mei had forced them badly. Zhou Mingyu was ready to visit once and that too for the promotion for her movie. Not only that, they both were never ready to donate some money for this social cause.

But Su Yuchen was different, he volunteered to visit the orphanage. Not only that, he brought some sports equipment and donated money for the computers. He didn"t want his name to be highlighted.

"Didn"t someone teach you not to ogle at a stranger when he is eating?" Su Yuchen commented while having his food. He looked at Xin Mei with amus.e.m.e.nt filled eyes.

"Who said I was ogling at you? I was looking at the car behind you." Xin Mei shrugged and immediately took a bit of her food to hide her embarra.s.sment on being getting caught.

"Oh really, like I trust you." He chuckled and finished his food. He swept his lips with a tissue paper and paid to the stall owner.

"Hey, it is my treat. You are not allowed to pay." Xin Mei immediately protested when she saw him pulling out his wallet. "Besides, I am sure that you don"t carry cash with you. So let me pay."

"It will be me who is paying," Su Yuchen glared and pulled out cash from his wallet. "I can"t let a girl pay for me. And for your information, I always carry cash with me. We don"t know when we need cash."

"But…" before Xin Mei could protest, Su Yuchen had already paid to the stall owner.

"Stop protesting and finish your food. You should learn some attics of girls. It"s girls who always force the opposite s.e.x to pay and look at you!" Su Yuchen pointed out.

"I am not like other girls." Xin Mei murmured and quickly finished her food. Once done, she stood up from the stool.

In silence, they both made their way towards their cars.

"Ok, let"s meet some other time, till then, goodbye." Su Yuchen said and he was about to enter in his car when Xin Mei stopped him.

"Second Sunday of next month. We will again visit the orphanage. That time, we will personally meet the kids."

Without waiting for his reply, Xin Mei entered her car. Su Yuchen looked at her figure with a smile on his face. He felt happy that she had taken his advice.

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