"Xin Mei, how could you think Su Yuchen is cheating on you? Do you think he has a hidden girlfriend and no one is aware of her?" Xin Mei chided herself and her mind which was continuously thinking about Ning Xiao.

"You know Ning Xiao she loves to have a fake rumour about her relations.h.i.+p, only to get fame. Don"t forget, during college she rumoured herself to be the girlfriend of Ye gege and after starting the career, she joined her name with Chen Bai. Stop thinking about her claim of being the girlfriend of Su Yuchen."

Xin Mei tried to console her brain that Su Yuchen wasn"t cheating on her but somewhere her heart was feeling insecure. If Qian Fan, who, she had known for more than nine years could cheat on her then why couldn"t Su Yuchen cheat on her?

She didn"t even know him completely!

What if his promises were also a lie?

She was lost in thoughts when she received a call from He Ye. Xin Mei took a deep breath to calm down before picking up his call.

"Ye gege," she answered the call with fake enthusiasm in her voice. "Why are you calling?"

"You still need to ask me the reason?" she heard his accusing voice from the other side. "I am calling you to know the result of your selection test. Are you now an artist under Heritage? Or should I still wait for you to join my s.h.i.+p?"

"Gege, you know your sister and her skills. I got selected. Now I have a manager and her name is TingTing." Xin Mei smiled over the phone. "But I don"t get it, how did you get ready to part away from me? I thought you always wanted to have me as an artist under you."

"It"s all thanks to my brother in law, your husband. His persuading powers are great." She could hear taunt in his voice. "No doubt that he is such a big businessman."

"Why? What did he say to make you agree?"

"First, he counted down all the benefits which Heritage can give to you and global can"t. Second, now you are his wife and he should be the one to make you successful and last point which he said, the one which made me agree was I already have seven artists under me. I may not be able to give my full attention to you where TingTing only has two artists. She could give you the needed attention."

"And you agreed to give up on your gem just like this?" Xin Mei chuckled. "I never thought you will so easily loss a gem like me."

"Stop teasing me, sister. I thought about your welfare only. I know you will develop more under the wings of TingTing. Besides, I know you will always say that it is your great Ye gege who persuaded you to step your feet in the film industry."

"Sure, sure gege. In my award-winning speech for revenge, I will be announcing to the world that it is my sweet Ye gege due to whom I am winning the award."

"I will be counting on you, Meimei." She heard the threat in his voice which made her chuckle.

After some time Xin Mei cut the call. She was feeling very relaxed after talking with her brother.

After hanging up on He Ye, she made her way to the kitchen where she prepared her lunch. After having lunch, she played games on the play station. Once done with the games, she went to her walk-in closet where she took a note of dresses which she needed to purchase the very next day.

"Good evening wife." Su Yuchen grinned when he saw his wife, standing in his, no, their walk-in closet. He couldn"t help himself from lovingly wrapping his arms around her waist.

All this laziness and tiredness from the office was over once she was in his arms.

In his arms, Xin Mei could again remember the words of Ning Xiao and Tang Min. she felt like the third party who came in between Su Yuchen and his girlfriend.

"Su Yuchen, we need to talk."

Xin Mei maintained a strict decorum and pushed Su Yuchen away from her. She created a distance between their bodies and looked at him with a serious face.

Su Yuchen was confused when he saw her serious face. He could also see traces of hidden anger in her eyes.

"What happened wife? Are you angry on your husband?" he asked in a soft voice. He tried to walk toward her but she stepped back.

"Su Yuchen, I never got to ask you, did you marry me on your own will or did you marry me only to fulfil the wish of grandma?"

"Why are you asking this question?" he frowned with her sudden question. He again tried to walk towards her but this time she pushed him back.

"Su Yuchen, from someone I have heard that you are her boyfriend. If you have a girlfriend then you can tell me. I will not accuse you of cheating. It"s not late till now. We can still end our marriage, we can have an annulment."

She felt bitter on her tongue when talking about his girlfriend and annulment but she couldn"t keep him tied in this marriage when his heart belonged to someone else.

Su Yuchen felt angry when he heard the word annulment. Was this girl stupid? So many times he had asked her to trust him but still! From where the hack she thought he had a girlfriend and was cheating on her?

He angrily marched towards her and pushed her against the wall. He avoided all her protestations. He pulled up her chin and looked in her eyes.

Xin Mei shuddered when she saw raw anger and pa.s.sion in his eyes. His eyes were burning with fire.

"Who told you I have a girlfriend?" his voice was cold and serious. "Didn"t I make it clear to you that I didn"t have any girlfriend that I am true to you?"

Xin Mei panicked when she saw how angry he was. She knew she was again wronged Ning Xiao was again spreading fake news.

"I went to heritage today….there...there I heard Ning Xiao claiming…you…she girlfriend…." Su Yuchen could hear the fear in her voice. She was so afraid of his anger that she was unable to form a sentence correctly.

"My co-star also told me….You and she...didn"t you personally recommended her to Heritage? Didn"t you walk with her at the anniversary party of Su Corporation?" she looked up at him. Her eyes held fear and accusation.

"If someone claims to be my girlfriend then will you easily believe her?" Su Yuchen tilted his head and looked at her. "Why can"t you believe me wife? I will never cheat on you."

Su Yuchen leaned close to her. Xin Mei could feel his hot breath on her face. She could feel his nose rubbing against her.

"I didn"t marry you because of grandma but I married you out of my own free will. I married you because I like you."

Xin Mei looked at Su Yuchen with wide eyes. Her heart started to beat fast when she heard his confession, he liked her.

"I like you very much, wife. I will never dream to cheat on you. People can claim to be my girlfriend but this Su Yuchen only has one girl in his life and that is you."

Su Yuchen gently caressed her cheeks and lips, leaning more close to her.

"Ning Xiao was only a lucky bi*ch. She accidentally helped grandma when she was having a heart attack and being generous for her help, I had recommended her to heritage, nothing more. I didn"t remember her name until you mentioned her. There is nothing in-between us. They are all rumours."

"They all are rumours?" Xin Mei looked at him with doubt filled in her eyes. Ning Xiao was lying. Su Yuchen was not cheating on her.

"They are rumours wife. The truth is, Su Yuchen is already married to the most beautiful women in this world and he intends to be truthful to his wife, for the rest of his life."

Su Yuchen pushed her more into the wall and leaned closer to her. He brushed his lips against hers, preparing himself for his first kiss after their marriage!

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