"Miss Ning, I don"t have only one bank account." Xin Mei placed her hand in front of Ning Xiao and pulled out another card before giving it to the cas.h.i.+er.

"Please try this card, Miss. I guess my father forget to unblock one of my bank accounts." Xin Mei apologized before giving another card to the staff.

Cas.h.i.+er nodded her head and tried the card, again to apologize, "Sorry ma"am but this card is also blocked."

Xin Mei frowned upon hearing the cas.h.i.+er and didn"t waste any second before calling her father.

"Xin Mei, what happened? Why are you calling me at this time?" her father asked from the other side of the call.

"Father, I was shopping at a mall but my cards aren"t working. Have you forgotten to unblock my accounts?" she asked in a slow voice and gave an apologizing expression to the staff that was waiting for her.

"I am sorry Xin Mei but the bank hadn"t unblocked our accounts till now. Even though we got investment from Su Yuchen, still bank is not ready to trust us till we give them some return."

"Oh ok father, I understand. I will think about what I have to do."

Xin Mei hung up the call and looked at her cards which were of no use. Ning Xiao couldn"t control herself from chuckling at Xin Mei.

"What happened Xin Mei? Daddy rejected to unblock your accounts. Was he angry that you are spending so much money?" Ning Xiao mocked. "Take my card and bill those dressed at my name."

Xin Mei again stopped Ning Xiao before producing the black card from her purse. She didn"t plan to use the money of Su Yuchen but now she had no other option left.

Her father wasn"t going to unblock her accounts and she couldn"t let Ning Xiao enjoy her victory. 

"Try this card." Xin Mei gave the card to the cas.h.i.+er.

Cas.h.i.+er, staff members and Gu Nan looked at the card with wide eyes. Gu Nan wanted to squeal with excitement when she saw the card but she controlled her urges.

"Ma"am, pin-code please." Cas.h.i.+er pa.s.sed the machine to Xin Mei.

Xin Mei pressed the pin-code 3009. She frowned when machine beeped with wrong pin-code. She frowned before trying her birthdate as the pa.s.sword.

A smile left from her lips when she was Su Yuchen had already changed the pin code of her card. Her husband had finally let go of his best friend.

"Here, you go. I have typed the pin-code." With a happy smile on her lips, Xin Mei gave the machine to cas.h.i.+er before turning her gaze to Ning Xiao.

"Ning Xiao, a piece of advice. Instead of eyeing the dresses in my hand, focus on the leftover dresses. I can see it has a lot of potential customers."

Xin Mei pointed toward the last two dresses which were being looked after by the other customers.

"Ma"am, payment is done. Thank you for shopping." The cas.h.i.+er beamed and returned the card to Xin Mei.

It was then that eyes of Ning Xiao fell upon the black card. Her eyes became wide when she looked at it. From when did Xin Mei have the black card?

"From where did you get it? Your family isn"t so rich to own a black card. Don"t tell me you have also opened your leg to some sugar daddy." Ning Xiao mocked and smirk appeared on her lips.

"I am not like you, Ning Xiao. I don"t need some sugar daddy for my expenses. My father is rich to cover my expenses." Xin Mei replied with anger. "Don"t think I don"t know about your affairs. Tell me, who is your current boyfriend, Old man from country D or a boy who is still in his early teenage, you who*re!"

Ning Xiao fisted her fists when she heard the words of Xin Mei. She wanted to slap her hard at that very moment but she didn"t wish to create a scene. She could see a group of people standing outside the shop, waiting to get gossip.

"Xin Mei, control your tongue. You don"t know whom you are talking with." Ning Xiao gritted her teeth. "You have recently entered the film industry, haven"t you? Beware of me, I can end your career with one flick of my finger, you don"t know how powerful my current boyfriend is!"

"Tell me, I want to know how powerful your current boyfriend is?" Xin Mei wrapped her arms around her chest and glared at her. She ignored everyone around her.

"My boyfriend is Su Yuchen. You must be aware of his name." Ning Xiao leaned towards the ears of Xin Mei and whispered the name of Su Yuchen. She ignored the scoff which appeared on the lips of Xin Mei.

"So, beware of me! And my boyfriend, I remember," Ning Xiao adjusted her handbag. "I must hurry. Today I have a date with him, a night under the stars in his private yacht."

Ning Xiao gloated before wearing a mask. She hurriedly left the showroom. She was cursing Xin Mei. She hoped for the scene in showroom to not go viral on any social media accounts. It may not affect the image of Xin Mei but could affect her image.

"Xin Mei, who is her current boyfriend that she was gloating like a fool?" Gu Nan asked the moment Ning Xiao was gone.

"No one, she is trying to create fake rumours like always." Xin Mei sighed. "Now stop talking about her. Let me try my new dresses."

Xin Mei walked towards the staff that showed her the direction to the changing room. Xin Mei tried the dresses and gave them for alteration before making her way out of the showroom.

"In whole, I am happy that you got two dresses of Grace," Gu Nan squealed with excitement. "And I am even more happy that you have your own black card. I didn"t think your husband will give you a black card."

She again squealed, averting the attention of everyone as in their direction. She immediately apologized with silly smile on her lips.

"He gave me this, two days back. I didn"t think to use it but I have to." Xin Mei shrugged her shoulder.

Xin Mei thought of stopping her shopping trip then and there only. She didn"t have any money from her father and she didn"t want to use any money of Su Yuchen. But Gu Nan persuaded her otherwise.

"Why should you not use the card of your husband, Xin Mei? He is your husband and now it"s his responsibility to bear your expenses. Moreover, I don"t think his bank balance will have any effect with your shopping. So, cheer up and use his card. Think of it as your wedding gift."

"But what if he got angry that I spend his hard-earned money?"

"Then let him get angry. If not his money then whose money will you spend? For how long will you spend your father"s money?"

Xin Mei pondered on the words of Gu Nan. Su Yuchen was her husband and if not his money then whose money would she use? She couldn"t depend upon her father"s money and her children depended on her pay from revenge which she had decided to use for the orphanage.

"Ok, let"s go."

Gu Nan grinned when she heard the words of Xin Mei. She didn"t take a second before pulling her to the nearby showroom.

Su Yuchen was working in his office when he received a message on his mobile. He uninterestedly opened the message and a smile left from his lips when he saw a message from the bank.

Finally, his wife was using his black card, she was using his money!

He felt so happy and dedicated to work more hard. Finally, his money was coming in some use!

He started to read the contract in his hand with more enthusiasm. He had to earn more money for his wife to spend it on her luxuries!

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