Bai Yue started to tell Xin Mei about the incidents from the life of Su family, his awards, and everything. They were so engrossed in talking that she lost the track of time.

"Xin Mei, you know Chen"er fears the injection. He can faint at the sight of injection."

"You are kidding me?" Xin Mei shook her head in rejection.

"It"s true," Su Lingtian also supported his wife. "When Yue was getting injected for her heart problem, I didn"t know if I should handle Yue or Chen who had paled and was about to faint. He fears injection more than anything."

"He is a strong man. I didn"t think he is afraid of injections."

"He isn"t strong," Bai Yue said in a sad voice. "He shows himself as a strong man but in reality he isn"t. He has many weaknesses which he hides from others. Now, you have to find his weaknesses. You have to be his shoulder."

Xin Mei nodded her head. They talked for some time when Su Lingtian received a call from Su Yuchen.


"Grandpa, is Xin Mei there with you?" Su Yuchen asked in a serious voice.

"Yes, she is here. Let me give her the phone."

Su Lingtian removed the mobile from his ears. He covered the receiver of the phone and looked at Xin Mei with worried eyes. "He sounded angry. Now you only handle him."

Xin Mei took the mobile with wide eyes. Why was her husband angry at her?

"Husband," she greeted him in a small voice.

"Xin Mei," he coldly spoke her full name. She felt fear in her heart when she heard his voice. "Where is your mobile?"

"My mobile." She quickly shuffled in her bag and found her mobile. Her eyes widened when she saw her mobile was on silent mode and it had twenty missed calls from Su Yuchen.

"Ahem…husband, I think I forgot to turn on the volume." Xin Mei apologized guiltily.

"And what time it is?" he gritted his teeth.

Xin Mei looked at the time and the mobile nearly slipped out of her hand. It was half an hour past nine. She was late to return home. She had even rejected his bodyguards. No doubt he was angry on her.

"I am sorry husband I lost the track of time."

"Sorry?" Su Yuchen yelled. "Do you have any idea how worried I got when I didn"t find you at home and your mobile wasn"t connecting?"

His voice was so loud that Xin Mei pushed mobile away from her ears. Bai Yue and Su Lingtian were also able to hear his yell and they looked at her with sympathetic eyes.

"Husband, don"t be angry on me. I am coming home now. Then we will talk."

"No need, I am already on the way. I am coming to get you." and with that, he hung up the phone.

Xin Mei looked at the mobile with wide eyes. Su Yuchen seemed very angry with her...super duper angry.

"All the best Xin Mei, you will have to spend a lot of energy to mollify Chen"er. These grandfather and grandson have anger in their blood. Once angry, they don"t make the name of forgiving the other person. They are also Alpha males."

"It"s nothing like that wife. Stop making Xin Mei afraid." Su Lingtian protested.

"It"s nothing like that?" Bai Yue raised her voice in accusation. "I still haven"t forgotten how angry you were when I had spent one extra day with my family. You didn"t talk to me for the next five days. You kept blaming that I didn"t care for you and cared only about my family."

"It was only one time wife." Su Lingtian looked at his angry wife with a fearful smile.

"One time? I still haven"t forgotten about my car accident. Instead of asking me how was I, you were so angry that I had tried to drive the car without your supervision. You want to hear more incidents...….."

"Wife, instead of scolding me think about Xin Mei." Su Lingtian pointed towards Xin Mei who was looking at Bai Yue with wide eyes filled with fear.

No one had ever gotten angry on Xin Mei. If what Bai Yue said was true and Su Yuchen had anger issues, then only G.o.d save her from his anger!

When Su Yuchen entered inside the hospital room, Xin Mei could see the vibes of anger around him. There was a dark aura around him and his eyes were also red with anger. His pulses were also fast.

"Grandma, grandpa." Su Yuchen greeted his grandparents. He asked them about their health before turning towards Xin Mei. "Wife, we should go home. It"s very late."

Xin Mei could feel hidden anger beneath his voice. She nodded her head and stood up from the bed.

"Grandpa, grandma, I should get going. I will come to meet you again."

Bai Yue and Su Lingtian watched Xin Mei with sympathy in their eyes. They watched their grandson angrily pulling her out of their room. They knew their grandson would never listen to them in his anger.

"Husband, please forgive me I lost the track of time." Xin Mei ran after Su Yuchen who was angrily making his way out of the hospital.

"Husband….." Xin Mei trailed and shrugged her shoulders with a sad smile.

"Stop calling me husband!" Su Yuchen yelled. "Do you really think of me as your husband? If you did, then why didn"t you call me that you will be late? Don"t tell me you got so lost in talk with grandma that you forgot about me."

"Husband, it"s not like...."

Before she could say anything more, Su Yuchen cut her off. "Don"t talk to me. I am angry and I don"t want to say you something which we both will regret in the future."

Xin Mei pouted sadly and looked at Su Yuchen.

Su Yuchen entered in the car and angrily closed the door with a loud bang. Xin Mei took her seat beside him and looked at his face which wasn"t warm like usual.

Before she could buckle up her seat belt, Su Yuchen pressed the accelerator of the car, throwing Xin Mei off her seat. He ignored the small yelp of Xin Mei and focused on his driving.

"I am…" she again tried to apologized but cut herself when she saw the glare of Su Yuchen.

When they reached home, Su Yuchen left the car with the loud bang of door. They entered inside the house, Xin Mei following behind him like a lost kitten. Her brain was running for a way to console Su Yuchen.

"Xin Mei, you know how to spoil the mood of a person, don"t you?" Su Yuchen mocked and looked at her. He pulled her hand and placed a box on it.

"What is it?" she asked with surprise in her voice.

"I wanted to give a gift to you. I wanted to make it special but guess what, you have spoiled my mood."

Xin Mei looked at an angry Su Yuchen and then at the box in her hand. One thing was sure to her, she would need to work hard to console her angry husband.

How problematic!

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