Next day, Xin Mei was all free. She didn"t have much work to do. She visited TingTing and sighed for a new advertis.e.m.e.nt contract before returning home.

"What should I do now?" She was thinking of what she could do for the rest of her day when she received a call from director Zhang.

"Xin Mei, how are you? I hope my Ruyi is healthy and fit."

"I am good director. Why did you call?"

"I wanted to remind you about the next schedule. I hope you received the notice about prepone of the next schedule."

"Yes, director, I got one."

Xin Mei remembered that three days back itself she had received an email that the scenes to be shot in the hill city were preponed, instead of being shot in next month, they were being filmed in within a week.

"Director, but why this sudden change? Have you filmed all the scenes in between Zhou Mingyu and Tang Min?" Xin Mei asked with curiosity.

She wanted to ask the question on the same day when she had received this email but she forgot due to the anger of Su Yuchen.

She couldn"t believe Zhou Mingyu was able to finish her scenes before the scheduled time.

"Frankly Xin Mei, I am not enjoying to shot the scenes of Zhou Mingyu. I feel her acting fake. So, I have decided to give her a less screen s.p.a.ce. Lot of her scenes had been already deleted from the script hence I was able to complete scenes of Tang Min and Zhou Mingyu before time."

"Oh." Xin Mei bit on her lips to control the smile which was threatening to appear.

"Xin Mei, your role in the movie is going to increase. I hope you will be able to give your best."

"Yes, director. I will be giving my best as usual."

"Good, by the way, your second male lead has come on the board. You will be finally able to meet him during the hill city schedule." Director Zhang teased her.

"Director," Xin Mei scoffed. "You know how desperate I am to know about his ident.i.ty but still you are teasing me. Not done director, not done."

"Ok, ok, I will not tease you." director Zhang chuckled. "You prepare well for the scenes in hill city. I will ask the a.s.sistant Gong to send you all the details of the schedule."

Xin Mei hung up the phone and sighed. Soon she was going to leave her husband for her work. She didn"t know what his reaction would be when she would break the news about Hill city in front of him.

Xin Mei didn"t know what she could do for the rest of her day, so she decided to test her husband. She wanted to play a prank on him and know if he would get angry on her or not.

What she did was she hid all his undergarments. Su Yuchen owned many undergarments and Xin Mei packed all of them in a suitcase. She placed the suitcase on the top floor of her cupboard where he couldn"t find them.

"Let"s see husband, what will be your reaction when you will not find a fresh pair of undergarment."

Xin Mei grinned with a hint of evilness in her eyes.

When Su Yuchen returned home, he found Xin Mei in the living room. A smile left his lips when he saw her. Oh, he had missed her so much. It was so tough for him to sit on his chair in his office. He wanted to rush back home.

"Wife, I am home." He spoke sweetly and walked behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "What are you reading?"

He looked at the magazine in her hand to find the photo of her bag advertis.e.m.e.nt.

"You know, head of heritage reported to me that everyone is very happy with your photoshoot. TingTing is planning to make you the new superstar of the film industry. You have performed well in the bags advertis.e.m.e.nt."

"She praised me?"

"Hmm..." Su Yuchen ruffled her hairs. "And why shouldn"t she praise you? You are looking so beautiful in the advertis.e.m.e.nts."

"Thanks for the praises husband." Xin Mei folded the magazine and placed it aside. "Now go and have a bath. I will prepare dinner for us."

"Ok wife."

Like an obedient child, Su Yuchen nodded his head. He made his way towards their room when he heard the call of Xin Mei. "Don"t forget to take your undergarments and towel with you."

"Ok wife."

Xin Mei grinned when she saw the back of Su Yuchen. How was he going to take his undergarments when she had already hidden them all?

Xin Mei tiptoed behind Su Yuchen. She placed her hand over her lips to control the laughter which was ready to skip from her lips. She entered inside the room and sneakily looked inside the walk-in closet where Su Yuchen was searching for his undergarments.

There was a fl.u.s.tered expression on his face. He had opened all the drawers where he secured his undergarments but he found none.

"Wife," he yelled when realization dawned upon him.

It must be his silly wife who had played a prank on him.

"Wife..." He again yelled when he didn"t receive any reply from her.

Xin Mei heard his call and straightened herself. She neutral her faces expression and walked inside the closet.

"What happened husband? Why are you calling for my name?" she asked with an innocent smile on her lips.

"Wife, where are my undergarments? In the morning they were here and now they have vanished. I can reach to an only concussion that you have hidden them. So tell me, where they are?"

Su Yuchen placed his one hand on his hip and looked at Xin Mei with a raised brow. Xin Mei looked at his facial expression and found a hint of irritation, nothing more. He wasn"t angry with her.

"He isn"t angry on me now, but what if he gets angry with me after some time?" she thought.

"Husband, I don"t know where they are. Let me remember." Xin Mei placed her finger under her chin and acted like she was thinking.

Su Yuchen looked at her face and he very well knew that she was testing his patience. She was testing if he would get angry on her or not. He also knew that he couldn"t get angry on her, no matter what!

"Husband, I tried to remember but I think your wife has a poor memory. She can"t remember the place where she had placed your undergarments. I was arranging the walk-in closet and forget about the location of your undergarments."

Xin Mei gave a silly smile to Su Yuchen.

"Now what should I do wife? I can"t repeat my undergarments. So what should I wear?"

"I don"t know." Xin Mei shrugged. "Now I should go. I have placed food on the stove. I can"t let it burn"

Xin Mei grinned and left a frustrated Su Yuchen behind. He shook his head and decided to ditch his undergarments. He knew that his wife was playing with him and wasn"t going to return his undergarments to him.

Oh my sweet wife, what should I do about your playfulness!

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