Next day, when Xin Mei woke up, she blushed hard when she saw their position. For the whole night, she had slept on the chest of Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen had also wrapped his arms around her.

Slowly and carefully, she removed his arms from her waist. She parted away from him.

She loved it that Su Yuchen was a heavy sleeper!

"Oh husband, you are so handsome. I will surely miss you during my shootings but you should understand that my career is very important for me. I want to have my revenge." She sighed and looked at Su Yuchen.

She placed her fingertip under his dark hair lock and removed it from his face. She smiled when she saw his perfect face. G.o.d must have designed his face in a lot of free time.

She watched her husband for sometime before starting her day. She knew her day would go good now that she had ogled at the face of her husband.

After having her shower and getting ready, Xin Mei made her way towards the kitchen. She prepared breakfast. After breakfast, she guided the maid for cleaning and made her way towards her room, to select a suit for Su Yuchen.

Xin Mei was shocked when she entered her room. Su Yuchen was still sleeping. It wasn"t like usual. Otherwise, by this time, he was usually in the bathroom or out after taking his shower.

"Husband," she called his name with concern in her voice. She was afraid that he had fallen sick.

She walked towards him and placed her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

"His temperature is normal. Then why hasn"t he woken up till now? Didn"t he have office today?" she thought.

"Husband, Su Yuchen…" she loudly called for his name and shook his body. "Husband, you have overslept. You will get late for the office. C"mon wake up."

Su Yuchen groaned due to continuous nagging of his wife. He opened his eyes and glared at her.

"Husband, you will get late for office. Wakeup."

"I am not going to office today." He murmured. "Now let me sleep."

"Husband, I didn"t know you like me so much. Are you staying at home to spend more time with me? How sweet? Are you not going to the office for the next week?" she grinned and looked at her husband.

"Wife, have you read the story of a prince who turned into a parrot?"

"What? Why?" Xin Mei pulled her brows together.

"Today is weekend wife and I am enjoying my break. If you please leave me alone I want some sleep."

Xin Mei pouted when she heard his reply. She thought he was taking a leave from the office to spend some time with her. Has.h.!.+ How could she expect so much from him?

Su Yuchen woke up after one hour and made his way towards the bathroom. Then he went to the walk-in closet to collect his UG and towel.

"Wife," he yelled in irritation. He had expected that she would arrange his undergarments by the morning but….they were still not here!

"What happened husband?" she asked. She had completely forgotten about his UG.

"Wife, can you please return me my UG?" he pleaded.

"Oh, that." Xin Mei slapped her head. "Sorry, I forgot to arrange them back." She gave him a silly smile.

She entered in the walk-in closet and pulled out three-step stair. She climbed on it and reached for the suitcase.

"Wife, what are you doing?" Su Yuchen chided when he saw Xin Mei climbing on the stair and was trying to pull down a heavy suitcase from the shelf.

"Wife, leave it. I will pull it down. You can fall."

"Don"t worry husband, I will not fall. Yesterday, I had placed it up there and now I can pull it down."

Xin Mei reached up for the bag. In the way, her t-s.h.i.+rt got ridden up and Su Yuchen got a glimpse at her milky white waist.

With a lot of force, Xin Mei pulled down the bag. She stumbled a little due to the weight of the bag.

Su Yuchen became afraid when he saw her stumbling. He instinctively placed his hand on her waist to steady her. His hands touched the exposed skin of her waist.

Xin Mei felt a s.h.i.+ver in her spine when Su Yuchen touched her waist. In shock, she dropped the suitcase from her hand and it fell on the feet of Su Yuchen.

"Ah!" He yelled and glared at Xin Mei. Luckily he had pulled back his feet on time and wasn"t hurt badly.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry husband." Xin Mei quickly apologized and looked at him with a guilty smile.

"You women, you know how to test my patience." He groaned. "Now help me to the bed."


Xin Mei wrapped her arms around his waist and helped him towards the bed. She brought a clean cloth and a mug of water. She cleaned his feet with the water and sighed when she saw he wasn"t bleeding.

"Husband, are you angry on me?" she made a puppy face and looked at him.

"No." Su Yuchen shook his head. "I remember my promise so I will not get angry with you."

"Husband you are great. You have successfully pa.s.sed my test." Xin Mei spoke with a nervous smile on her face. "Husband you are so great. You are so forgiving. You forgive your wife for playing UG prank on you and for dropping a heavy suitcase on your feet. You are great."

"Stop b.u.t.tering me Xin Mei," Su Yuchen chuckled. "And give me my reward."

"What reward?"

"Reward for pa.s.sing your test. Now give me a kiss me."

Su Yuchen pointed towards his lips and leaned towards her. Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes. He was so shameless. How could he ask for a kiss as reward and that too so directly?

She looked at his face and could see determination and want in his eyes. Immediately, she became nervous.

"Can"t I reward you with something else?" she was nervous and s.h.i.+es to initiate a kiss with him.

"Nope, give me a reward which a wife gives to her husband."

Xin Mei sighed. "Ok, close your eyes first. I can"t kiss you with your eyes open. I will feel shy."

Su Yuchen nodded and closed his eyes. Xin Mei licked her lips and leaned towards his lips. Su Yuchen smiled when he felt her hot breath on his face.

His heart started to beat fast at the thought that his wife was going to kiss his lips.

Xin Mei leaned more closer to him and instead of lips she kissed his cheeks. After kissing, she quickly dashed away from his proximity.

Su Yuchen opened his eyes and looked at her with shock. "Wife that was cheating." He accused.

"I didn"t cheat. A wife can kiss a husband on his cheeks." Xin Mei made a poker face and nodded her head.


Su Yuchen gritted his teeth and ran after his wife. Xin Mei yelped loudly before running in the corridor.

"Xin Mei, I am not going to leave you without a kiss."

On the other side, Zhou Mingyu couldn"t rest in peace. She had a bad feeling in her heart that soon everything would be s.n.a.t.c.hed away from her. She was afraid to lose her glory in the hands of Xin Mei.

She was aware that director Zhang was cutting off her scenes. She knew that he liked Xin Mei very much. He wouldn"t lag in giving her some other role in his movies.

Zhou Mingyu had also heard that Xin Mei was now an artist under Heritage entertainment which had increased her worries by many folds.

From last one week, she had signed many movies with big and small production houses. She had also signed some reality show and advertis.e.m.e.nts. Now her schedule for the next two years was nearly full.

Her other concern was Qian Fan. She could see that he was slipping out of her hand. He would get irritated on her. He would push her back and she had seen him looking at the photo of Xin Mei.

"Xin Mei, I will not let you s.n.a.t.c.h anything from me. I have built my life with so much hard work. I will not let you destroy it. I will do anything to save my life, even if it means killing you."

She looked at the photo of Xin Mei with killing intent in her eyes. She lightened up a lightener and burnt the same photo.

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