"Xin Mei, here you are. I was waiting for you." Director Zhang smiled when he saw Xin Mei who stepped out of her car.

"Director, am I late?" Xin Mei frowned.

"No, not at all. But I was waiting for you. I have to discuss something with you." he grinned with excitement.

Director Zhang directed Xin Mei towards his office in the resort which was fully booked for the shooting of revenge. He also directed w.a.n.g Wei towards the room where Xin Mei was staying.

"Director, what do you want to talk?" Xin Mei asked once she had taken her seat on the seat opposite his desk.

"Xin Mei, I want to give this script to you." Director Zhang forwarded a script toward her. There were a lot of hopes in his eyes. "I had this script ready from the last five years. I was waiting for the perfect actress and I find you to be perfect."

Xin Mei took the script from his hand. She was feeling excited that director Zhang himself was approaching her for a role.

"Xin Mei, this is the biography of my mother," Director introduced her to the script. "You don"t know but my mother was the first female piolet of the country. Once, her plane had gone out of the control. She had then saved the life of sixty pa.s.sages. You can read about the airplane incident in 1966. My mother is a hero and I want to bring her heroism on the big screen and I think you are perfect to play the role of my mother."

Xin Mei heard him and she felt hesitate towards the script. She knew biography wasn"t hot like other commercial films. Moreover, playing the role of a living personality was very difficult.

"I know you are hesitating, Xin Mei and I can understand the reason. This movie will not give you much fame or box office collection. It will be only a movie in your bag but I wish if you can act in this movie."

Director Zhang looked at Xin Mei with plead filled eyes. "I can a.s.sure you that I will finish the filming of this movie in within one month. Everything is ready, music, costumes, set….I only need your yes. You only have to give me one month of your schedule. We can shoot this film whenever you want."

"Director, I will think about this movie." Xin Mei was hesitating so she didn"t accept the script nor she rejected it. She would need to talk with He Ye and TingTing before reaching any conclusion.

"No problem." Director Zhang was about to take the script from her hand but Xin Mei rebuked.

"Director, I will like to keep the script. I will discuss it with my manager. I will also like to read it before concluding."

Hope-filled in the heart of director Zhang when he heard Xin Mei. It meant that she was not rejecting him. There was a hope that his dream to highlight his mother would become true.

Xin Mei took the script and left for her room. She securely placed the script in her bag before pulling out the script of revenge. She again started to read it.

During the afternoon, Director Zhang introduced her to the new cast who would be filming with Xin Mei in the upcoming scenes.

"Xin Mei, meet them and get close to them. They are the one with whom you will be doing the scenes in the future." Director Zhang introduced her to all the male and female cast which was completely changed from before.

Xin Mei nodded her head and shook hand with every cast member when her eyes fall upon Tang Min.

"Tang Min, what are you doing here? I thought you didn"t have any scene in hill city." Xin Mei voiced out with surprise in her voice.

"You are right; I don"t have any scene here in Hill City. I came here to spend some free time. Director Zhang had informed me that this resort is fully booked by our team. I thought why not get some benefits."

Xin Mei nodded her head unaware of the eyes of Tang Min. He had specially visited Hill city to meet Xin Mei. Only he knew how badly he was missing her. Now he felt satisfied that he had seen her face.

"Xin Mei, if you are wondering about the second male lead, then don"t worry. He will be joining us day after tomorrow." Director Zhang teased her.

"Director…." Xin Mei rebuked and rolled her eyes. "Now stop teasing me. Your teasing will not affect me."

Director chuckled and patted on the head of Xin Mei. He left her alone and made his way towards the staff which was surrounding the sets. He started to check up on the progress of sets.

Xin Mei made her way back to her room. She knew she can"t explore hill city like city b and the reason being, hill city was more developed and had a lot of tourism. Anyone could recognize her and she didn"t want to take that risk. Moreover, the shooting locations of Hill city were to be kept under wrap.

For shooting, director Zhang had selected this resort which was located outside of the Hill city. This resort was surrounded by green plush and tall trees which were the best location to shoot the scenes.

That night, after talking with Su Yuchen for an hour, Xin Mei retired for the bed. She was tired of her journey; besides, Su Yuchen had kept her up last night. So she was all sleepy.

Next day, she went towards the sets where she met Fang Lin. Fang Lin squealed when she saw Xin Mei.

"Xin Mei, I had missed you so much. You don"t know but behind you, I was forced to be an a.s.sistant of Zhou Mingyu and I must tell you, she is the worst actress, no worse human I had ever met. She has so much att.i.tude on her nose. I am glad that now I am back beside you."

Fang Lin grinned happily and Xin Mei chuckled.

"Fang Lin, beware of what you are saying. You don"t want loyal fans of Zhou Mingyu to attack you. You are aware that you can find her fans anywhere."

Xin Mei placed her finger on her lips and warned Fang Lin.

"But still, I am happy to be back."

Fang Lin opened her arms wide and then wrapped them around Xin Mei. Xin Mei chuckled and placed her arms around Fang Lin.

Fang Lin a.s.sisted Xin Mei in getting ready for her next scene. In the upcoming scene, Ruyi was traveling from city to city, all alone, finding for a shelter where she could give birth to a baby.

For the whole day, scenes of Ruyi were being shot. Even during the night, many scenes were shot. The sets were set outside in the forests and Xin Mei had to shoot in the bitter heat. Though, her clothes were light but a lot of makeup was applied to her face to make her look weak and tired.

"Cut." The moment the director yelled cut, Xin Mei stood up from the ground and dusted her dress. She also dusted her hairs which were now covered with mud and dirt. She was feeling very tired.

"Well done Xin Mei. I will check the films and will tell if we need to shoot more scenes of Ruyi in the forest or not." Director informed her. "Go to your room and have a rest. I am sure you are very tired. Next day, we will shoot with your second male. Your scenes are in the evening. Till then, have some rest."

"Everyone pack up."

Everyone went to their room and Xin Mei too went to her changing room. She changed her costumes and made her way towards her room. She had a long shower. She fell on the bed, feeling every muscle of her body was aching.

Today she had acted very roughly, Ruyi had fallen in the forest a lot of time. She had also rolled down on the forest and to perfect those scenes, Xin Mei had worked harder.

"Ah!!" she was moaning in pain when she received a call from Su Yuchen.

"Husband..." She answered the call. "I didn"t think you will call me today also."

"Tired? I think you worked hard today."

Su Yuchen noticed the trace of tiredness in her voice. He felt a pinch in his heart when Xin Mei agreed that she was tired.

Why was she working so hard?

If only he could lock her inside his house!

She didn"t need to work so hard. He could give her anything. But Su Yuchen wasn"t one to say anything like this. Acting was her interest and she could do anything! He would support her from the shadows.

"Husband, why are you so silent? Say something. I want to hear from you." Xin Mei mumbled tiredly and Su Yuchen sighed.

"What can I tell you, wife? You husband misses you badly." Su Yuchen spoke. "Home is so silent without you, food is also tasteless. I am missing you, wife, each second of the day."

Xin Mei chuckled when a yawn left from her lips.

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei talked for a long time. After hearing him talk Xin Mei started to feel refreshed. His voice was acting like a freshener for her.

"Husband, don"t cut the call. Keep talking with me. I am feeling refreshed after hearing to your voice."

"Is it so wife?"

"Hmm. Husband, I so wish if you were here."

"Don"t provoke me, wife, you don"t know if the very next second there is a knock on your door and you find your husband standing at the opposite side."

"Stop kidding me husband." Xin Mei chuckled and again yawned.

"Wife, you should sleep. You are tired. I will call you tomorrow."


Su Yuchen hung up the call and Xin Mei placed the mobile on the side table. She sighed heaving and closed her eyes.

The second her eyes were closed, she heard a knock on her room door!

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