Next day, Su Yuchen woke up in the afternoon. He was shocked at this discovery. He didn"t think he was so tired and sleepy.

He wanted to start doing work once he was up but he couldn"t because of his wife.

"Su Yuchen, if you dared to do any office related work then no one will be worse than me. I will not talk to you for at least a week."

And who was he to ignore the order of his wife?

So, he spent the rest of the day lazing around, all thanks to his wife and the very next day, he was extra fresh and active.

Next few days flew away in the blink of eyes where Su Yuchen again got engrossed with work and Xin Mei got busy in shooting with Chen Bai.

The scenes which were shot were the interactive scenes in between emperor Jun and Ruyi. Where Ruyi was shown ignorant of the budding feelings of emperor Jun. She was happy in her small world with the baby in her stomach.

Chen Bai and Xin Mei were burning the sets with their extra hot chemistry. The chemistry between them was so strong that director Zhang had asked the scriptwriter to add more intimate scenes for the movie. He wanted to win the viewers.h.i.+p by using their chemistry as a tool.

Xin Mei was also successful in organizing the meeting of TingTing and director Zhang. Xin Mei had barely mentioned to him about the meeting and he was already flying in the sky. He couldn"t wait to see his dream coming true.

"Director, what do you think about my plan? Xin Mei will get more exposure if your mother"s biography is released before revenge."

Director Zhang thought for some time on the proposal of TingTing before agreeing to her.

"I agree. After the completion of revenge, I will start preparing for her biography, the flying women. I will try my best to set the release date of this movie before Revenge."

Director Zhang left the office of TingTing with a satisfied smile on his lips. He knew it was going to be tough for him to shoot revenge and then flying women, immediately after it. But he was ready to work hard.

Now he had only to find an investor which he did. He had only shown the script to heritage entertainment when they agreed to it. He was happy thinking his reputation and script were strong.

But if only he knew that his script was selected because of Su Yuchen who wanted each movie of Xin Mei to be made under the big banner that was heritage entertainment.

Today, Xin Mei was again on the sets like usual and was having an intimate scene with Chen Bai. She wanted to complete the scene as soon as possible before returning home where her husband was waiting for her.

Today was Sunday and Su Yuchen was free where she had a scene like usual.

"I so wish to get over with the scenes." Xin Mei murmured to herself and relaxed on her ma.s.sage chair. It was the lunchtime and she couldn"t wait to get done with the last scene for the day.

"Xin Mei, there is again a delivery for you." a staff member rushed towards her and placed a packed box in front of her. Xin Mei sighed and nodded her head. She was well aware who the sender was!

Her Romeo! Mister SZ!

"Aren"t you a lucky girl here?" Chen Bai walked behind her and looked at the packed box in her hand. "Getting a gift daily and that too from the same person. You have gotten yourself stuck with an admirer. I have so many fans but still, no one wors.h.i.+ps me like your admirer."

Chen Bai teased her and took his seat beside her.

"Let me see what he has sent to you."

Chen Bai took the packed box from the table to find it a lunch box from one of the best takeout facility in the city.

"It smells delicious Xiao Mei. You should have it before it gets cold."

"I will not eat it." Xin Mei informed. "If you want, you can have it."

"Why should I have it? Someone had sent this for you, with so much love. So you should have it." Chen Bai again placed the box in front of Xin Mei.

"I will not have it." Xin Mei declined and at the same time, Fang Lin came and placed a lunch box in front of her.

"Xin Mei, your lunch."

"Thanks, Fang Lin you can have my lunch box." Xin Mei pushed the lunch box which she had received from Romeo in front of Fang Lin.

Fang Lin smiled gratefully and started to have food from the special lunch box.

"You share your lunch with Fang Lin?" Chen Bai asked.

"Yes," Xin Mei replied. "I don"t want any more favor or gift from him. I have started to distribute his gifts to others."

Xin Mei started to have our lunch, ignoring Chen Bai who was looking at her without any blink of eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Have your lunch. Don"t forget we still have a scene to shoot."

"My a.s.sistant has gone to retrieve my lunch."

Xin Mei shrugged her shoulder when she saw the black expression on his face. Why was he getting angry on her, out of the blue?

The next scene was a dream sequel. In this scene, emperor Jun was practicing sword fighting in his courtyard. His thoughts were lingering around Ruyi. He had caught her watching him while practicing and this was making his blood pump in his veins.

He discarded his rob and emptied a bottle of cold water on his hairs and body. He took deep breathes and closed his eyes. It was then that Ruyi came in front of him.

In the scene, Ruyi had to run her finger on his bare body. Xin Mei was feeling hesitate at the start but then she reminded herself that she was acting. And she knew the person in front of her was Chen Bai. She knew him from long.

The scene was of only ten minutes but Chen Bai was feeling naughty. He gave a lot of retakes only so that Xin Mei would touch his skin again and again.

"I am sorry director; I was feeling ticklish with her touch."

"I am sorry director; I am feeling a little hesitant that junior Mei is touching me."

"I am sorry director...….."

"I am sorry director...….."

"I am sorry director...….."

"I am sorry director...….."

Xin Mei knew he was doing mistakes intentionally which made her grit her teeth in anger. "Chen Bai, stop making this scene difficult for me. I know you are doing the mistakes intentionally."

Due to Chen Bai, the scene which Xin Mei thought would take hardly one hour to get filmed took complete three hours. She was fuming with anger by the time she reached her changing room.

"Chen Bai, I will make you regret."

She wanted to fight with him at that very moment itself but she controlled herself. She didn"t want to waste any more time with him.

She was already late to return home to her dear husband.

"Chen Bai, my husband saved you today!"

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