When Xin Mei returned home, the whole house was filled with a delicious aroma. Her stomach rumbled when she inhaled deeply.

"Su Yuchen, what are you cooking?" she asked and entered the kitchen. "It smells delicious."

"I am cooking mushroom soup and I guess the smell is the Mexican food which I have ordered from the takeout."

"Oh." Xin Mei inspected around to find that she was inhaling the delicious aroma coming from the packed food. "Why have you ordered food in so much quant.i.ty?"

She frowned when she saw that the quant.i.ty of food was double from what they usually ordered. "Besides, why are you cooking mushroom soap? Don"t you know I don"t like mushroom soup?"

Su Yuchen switched off the gas stove and walked behind Xin Mei. He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his head on her shoulder.

"I am cooking mushroom soup for my brother. After a few minutes, we are going to entertain him."

"Wait, what?" she looked at him with wide eyes. "Why didn"t you tell me about this, beforehand? I am not ready to meet my brother in law."

Su Yuchen broke the hug and came in front of her. He held her from her shoulders and looked at her with worry.

"Relax Xin Mei, you don"t need to ready anything. You only have to present yourself in front of him. I have already prepared everything for his welcome. So don"t worry. Hmm?"

"How can I not worry? He is your brother, your family and he is coming to our home for the first time. I should leave an unforgettable impression on him."

Su Yuchen smiled when he heard our home. Finally, she had accepted this home as their home!

"You don"t need to stress about my brother. He has a carefree nature. It wouldn"t matter to him if we welcome him with a lot of preparations or no preparation. Besides, he is here to taste mushroom soup from my hand and to meet you. So chill!"

Xin Mei looked at him with nervousness. She hoped that the nature of her brother in law was the same as that of his grandparents. She wanted to impress him. She wanted to have a good relations.h.i.+p with every family member of Su Yuchen.

"Stop thinking about him, silly girl." Su Yuchen lovingly patted on her head. "Now go up and get changed into something comfortable."

"Su Yuchen, you sure I don"t need to prepare anything like some gift or anything?"

"Xin Mei, it is he who should bring a gift, not us. So, now go and get ready. Make yourself presentable."

Su Yuchen nudged Xin Mei towards the stairs. Xin Mei took a deep breath and made her way towards her room.

"Xin Mei, why are you being so nervous as if you are going to meet the villain of your life? Be chill. He is the brother of Su Yuchen. I am sure his nature will be also like grandma and grandpa."

Xin Mei consoled herself and entered inside her room. She got ready in a presentable dress to impress her brother in law. Once ready, she thought about what she could talk with him.

Outside their mansion

A black Lamborghini came to a halt in front of the large iron gates of the mansion. The guards became alert on seeing the unfamiliar car number and asked the driver to identify himself.

"Sir, please identify yourself for the entry," Guard asked with politeness.

The gla.s.ses of the car rolled down and the handsome face of a man could be seen. He grinned and looked at the old security guard who was asking for his ident.i.ty.

"What uncle! Should I now identify myself to you?"

"Second master." The old guard spoke with surprise and happiness. "Forgive me for my crime but what can I do. Second master has again changed his car and our system failed to recognize his car."

The old guard nodded to him in guilt and then asked his subordinates to enter the command to open the gates.

"Don"t worry uncle. I understand you. Besides, brother always keeps his security up to date. I have expected that I will get stopped at the gates."

He threw a smile in his way and pressed hard on the accelerator, entering the huge property of his brother. He again felt impressed upon seeing the house of his brother.

"Brother, why didn"t you find a house like yours for me?" he huffed and parked the car on the porch.

He stepped out of the car and pulled out some gifts which he had brought for his brother and his imaginary wife.

He made his way towards the door and pressed his thumb impression to enter in.

"Brother, I have arrived." He lavishly announced his presence.

He walked in the living room and placed down the gifts. He entered the kitchen where he saw his brother, cooking his favorite soup.

"Brother, you know how to make my stomach grumble with your delicious soap."

"Stop b.u.t.tering me and come here, give your brother a hug."

Su Yuchen opened his arms wide and his brother gave him a tight brother. Both brothers hugged each other tightly. They also patted on each other"s back.

"How are you Zixin? It has been so long that you have come home. Didn"t you miss me?"

"Stop making me guilty conscious big brother." Su Zixin pouted and looked at his brother. "You know how jealous and sad I feel whenever I see your house. If only you had brought a similar house for me."

"My house is unique in the whole city. I cannot find a similar house for you, anywhere in the city." Su Yuchen chuckled and patted on the back of his brother who pouted.

"Zixin, you have become an adult but still you will never stop pouting, hmm?"

"Brother, how can I stop pouting when I know you love my pouts and dote on me upon seeing my pout? I always want to remain your little brother who keeps pouting."

"Now what do you want Zixin?" Su Yuchen slapped on his head and looked at him with warm eyes.

His brother was the first person after Mian whom he had called his family. When he was brought to Su mansion at the age of fourteen, his nine-year-old brother had won his heart.

His brother, Zixin had lost his family during that period. He was also craving for love which was given to him by Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen had raised him like a father, fulfilling all his crazy demands.

Always hearing to the scoldings of his grandpa. He kept protecting Zixin behind his back. Doting of Su Yuchen was the reason that his brother was so spoilt now.

It wasn"t a hidden fact that Su Yuchen dotted on his little brother very much.

"Brother, you know I want this house."

"Not possible." Su Yuchen chuckled and shook his head when Zixin made a funny cry face, the one made by a five-year-old kid.

"Ok don"t give me your life precious house but give me something to eat now. Rats are racing in my stomach." Zixin placed his hand over his stomach and made a crying face.

Su Yuchen chuckled and pulled him towards the dining room. Both entered the dining room when Zixin noticed that there were three sets of plates on the dining table.

"Brother, why are there three sets of plates instead of two? Is someone joining us?"

"Didn"t grandma tell you that I am now a married man?"

"Sh*t, don"t tell me she was telling me the truth. Did you really marry her best friend"s granddaughter? Don"t tell me you surrendered in front of her strong persuasion power?"

Zixin looked at his brother with shock and surprise. When Bai Yue had told him that Su Yuchen was married, he didn"t believe her. He thought his brother was acting to make her happy. But the reality was something else….

He had a sister in law!

"Zixin, I hope you have brought gifts for your sister in law. You haven"t forgotten your values right?"

Zixin nodded his head. He felt lucky that he had brought some gifts for his sister in law. It was in his etiquettes to bring gifts if visiting the house of a married couple for the first time.

"Now take your seat on the chair. Your sister in law must be coming by anytime now. By the way, you already know her."

"I know her?" Zixin asked.

"Yes you….." before Su Yuchen could complete, he caught sight of Xin Mei. "Here she comes."

Zixin turned and looked at the door. With wide eyes, he looked at Xin Mei, not believing that she was his sister in law.

Xin Mei also looked at Zixin with wide eyes, not believing that this man was the brother of Su Yuchen.



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