"Brother, do you know any word other than no,no and no?" Su Zixin teased Su Yuchen only to receive a deadly glare from him.

"Ok, I surrender," he said while raising his hands.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was here to meet you. I was pa.s.sing by so I thought why not meet you?" he shrugged.

"Stop lying Zixin. I know you never come to my office due to fear of disclosing your ident.i.ty. Now tell me why are you here?" Su Yuchen leaned against his chair and looked at his brother with a sharp gaze.

"Brother, you know why I am here." Su Zixin pouted and leaned close to his brother. "Brother, please give me some money. I need it for tom…."


"Brother, can"t you say any other word other than no?" he grumbled.

"I can but I am not going to give you any money. You should learn how not to spend money on useless things."

"But I spent it for your wife which indirectly for you." He cut himself off after seeing the glare of Su Yuchen.

"Zixin, you need this lesson. From now on, you think before you spend." Su Yuchen told him. "I am not going to give you a single penny for tomorrow. Now, if you are done then go."

Su Yuchen dismissed him. Su Zixin pouted and looked at his heartless brother.

"Ok, I am leaving. But brother, I will suggest you to think about what Director Zhang proposed. I think you should increase scenes of me and Xin Mei."

"No, I will not. You both already have many intimate scenes. You should be thankful that I haven"t gotten them removed."

Su Zixin shook his head with a sigh.

"Don"t decide cause of jealousy. Think about Xin Mei, if there are more scenes with me then she will have more screen time than Zhou Mingyu. What more would she need for her revenge? I think you should discuss about the scenes with Xin Mei."

"Let me decide if I need to take her advice or not. You should go. I have a lot of work. If possible, visit grandma. She is very weak nowadays."

"I will." Su Zixin replied before leaving the office.

Su Yuchen took out the file which had newly written scenes. He started going through them.

There were scenes where emperor Jun took Ruyi to the lake and they spent their love filled night under the stars, a scene where Ruyi had cooked food and emperor Jun had it while Ruyi sat on his lap…there were many more such scenes.

Su Yuchen felt his blood boiling when he read about those scenes.

He didn"t want to say yes to those scenes but as Su Zixin had said, increase in screen time of Ruyi would give a big boost to Xin Mei. She would have a chance to crush Zhou Mingyu.

Su Yuchen sighed and packed all the files given by Director Zhang in his office bag. He would need to talk with Xin Mei about the same. He would add scenes or remove them as per her suggestions.

When he reached home, Xin Mei was already waiting for him.

"Husband," she ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I have to tell you something."

"What do you want to say?" he lovingly pulled her cheeks.

"Guess what? I have said yes to Su Zixin. Tomorrow, I will be walking my first ever red carpet as an actress. Isn"t it exciting?"

"It is indeed exciting and I so wanted to accompany you but the meeting in country C is very important. Besides, we can"t disclose about our relations.h.i.+p now."

"Don"t you worry dear." Xin Mei intertwined his hand and looked up at him. "You are walking with me in every step of my life; walking on a red carpet isn"t a big thing for me. Attend the meeting in country C and win the project while your wife will walk on the carpet, winning all the limelight."

Su Yuchen smiled and caressed her cheeks lovingly.

Later that night, the couple were lying on the bed together and Xin Mei was intently looking at the script which was given by Su Yuchen.

"Truthfully, I don"t want to add any more scenes of you and Su Zixin. I don"t want you to have any scene with any male cast."

"Husband, don"t be jealous." Xin Mei chuckled. "This is the film industry where I will need to work with other actors. Nowadays, a movie won"t do well in box office if there are no intimate scenes. A kiss scene is a must in every movie."

"That"s why I haven"t deleted all the intimate scenes yet." He mumbled under his breath.

"And don"t you dare to too." Xin Mei warned him. "Besides, your brother is my co-star. Why are you jealous of him? You know he is a good actor. During all the intimate scenes which we had shot together, he never made me feel uncomfortable well except for that one time."

"I think, you should add all the scenes from this script," she said suddenly.

"Wifey," he protested. "How will I bear to see you in arms or laps of another person?"

"Who asked you to watch my scenes? Besides, you should always remember that I am just acting but in reality, I will always be in your arms and on your lap."

Xin Mei pushed more of herself onto the lap of Su Yuchen and he tightened his arms around her.

"I will still drink vinegar." He sighed when he saw her glare. "But I am ready to bear because I respect your decisions and have signed a contract to not interfere with your career."

Xin Mei smiled and kissed his jaw. "Now show me the dress."

Su Yuchen sighed and showed her the dresses. "I don"t think it is suitable for Ruyi. What do you think?"

"I think it"s perfect." Su Yuchen cursed when he heard Xin Mei.

"Wife, are you planning to make your husband drink a full bottle of vinegar? How would I survive knowing you are shooting on sets wearing such a dress? You are going to kill me. Please don"t wear this." Su Yuchen pleaded desperately. 

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard him. "I was just joking. I will wear the one you choose. Now happy?"

"Very happy." Su Yuchen chuckled. He pushed aside all the doc.u.ment and pushed Xin Mei on the bed. He climbed over her and started to kiss all over her face.

Next day, Xin Mei and Su Zixin reached in the studio where they would do dress rehearsals. Director Zhang was happy when he saw them and he instructed the designer to show them the best costumes.

"So, brother did not change his mind regarding your dress? Huh?" Su Zixin teased when he saw the costume of Xin Mei. She was wearing a long blouse with pants, completely covering her body.

Now her dress wasn"t as exposing like before. Her stomach was also hidden by this dress.

"At least, he agreed to increase our scenes. Though, I don"t know how jealous he would feel while checking out the filmed videos." Xin Mei spoke while checking her makeup in the mirror.

"You don"t know but last night, brother called me. He gave me a big lecture on how am I supposed to act in scenes with you. He had warned me that I am not allowed to get extra close to you."


"Yes. Want to hear the recording?"

Xin Mei nodded. Su Zixin played the recording and placed his cellphone near her ear, so only she could hear it.

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard the voice of Su Yuchen.

"Zixin, you are not allowed to touch her skin to skin."

"Zixin, you will not kiss her for real. You know how to create illusions."

"Zixin, don"t forget she is my wife. If you dare to get closer than required, I will kill you."

He had given many instructions to Su Zixin which made Xin Mei chuckle.

"Oh, my possessive husband! What should I do with you?"

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