"Stop laughing Xiao Mei. You are lucky that I am the second male lead. Otherwise, brother would have removed nearly all of your scenes with the second male lead." Su Zixin poked her chest. "I will seriously advise you to not select any romantic movie in future. Otherwise, brother will burn your male lead with his jealousy."

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard Su Zixin. "I know I had already faced him while he was eating vinegar. I never thought a person like Su Yuchen can get so jealous."

"Why wouldn"t he be jealous?" Su Zixin pushed her steering towards the living room where they were checking out their costumes.

"Xin Mei, let me tell you something seriously. Brother has deep feelings for you. I don"t know if he has confessed to you yet or not but seeing his changes these past few days and his how he behaves around you, I can say that Brother fancies you a lot. I can see his strong feelings towards you."

Xin Mei nodded as Su Zixin explained. She was already aware that he had strong feelings for her but now after hearing the same from the mouth of Su Zixin, she could feel her heart thumping fast in her chest.

"Xin Mei, I have seen brother getting hurt for his first love. I don"t want that in your case. Please look after my brother. Please never think of cheating on him. I am sure he will place the whole world on your feet. You don"t even have to ask for it."

"Don"t worry Su Zixin, I will always remain faithful to him." Xin Mei patted on his back. "I am and will always remain true to my husband."

"Even if Qian Fan regrets upon cheating you." he tilted his head and looked at her. "What will you do if he again confesses his love to you?"

Xin Mei groaned when she heard him. Why everyone think she was still not over Qian Fan?

"I will kick him hard where the sun doesn"t s.h.i.+ne. If he ever comes back to me again, confessing about his love, then I will mess him up badly. I will break all his ribs, hands, and legs before sending him to a mental asylum."

Su Zixin laughed his head off. "I"m looking forward to it, Xin Mei." He gently knapped her on her forehead.

Xin Mei and Su Zixin spent half of their day in the studio, trying their outfits. They also tried on their armours which were specially purchased from another country and was of superior quality.

They were about to make their way towards the exit of the studio when Xin Mei"s cell phone started ringing in her pocket.

"Wifey, where are you?"

"I am about to leave the studio. What happened?"

"Huang Chu is here with a team at home."

"A team."

"Hmm, a team which will help you in getting ready for the award show."

"Husband," She groaned. "I don"t need someone to help…." She was protesting when Su Yuchen cut her off. "Xin Mei, it"s your first time where you will be appearing in the eyes of public and I want your first experience to be best. Now don"t fight me. Come home, I will see you soon."

Before Xin Mei could protest, Su Yuchen hung up.

"What happened?" Su Zixin asked her as he saw her pouting.

"Your brother has arranged for a team which will help me, getting ready for tonight." Xin Mei sighed.

"That"s good news. Why do you have such a sad face? You should count yourself lucky. Here you are and look at me, my brother isn"t giving me money to buy even a new suit!"

"But I don"t want him to waste money on me."

"He is not wasting money. He is doting on his wife. Besides, he has his private team which is ready all the time. This team helps him in getting ready for any award show or important presentation. I am sure he is getting the same team for you. I have used the service of this team a lot of times and I know you will love them. They are absolutely perfect in their work."


"Now stop protesting. Here I am, feeling jealous that you will have his team work for you whereas I don"t even have a new suit…" before he could finish what he was saying, he received a call from Su Yuchen.

"Accompany Xin Mei at home. My team is also waiting for you."

"Oh my G.o.d, really brother? You are the best. I knew you will not let me repeat my outfit for the award show." Su Zixin squealed.

"Stop b.u.t.tering me. Reach home as soon as possible. I don"t want you both to get late for the award show."

"Sure, brother." Su Zixin cut the call and looked at Xin Mei. "Yes! It"s my lucky day!"

Xin Mei shook her head at his excited expressions. She reached home. Su Zixin also followed behind her in his car.

Once they reached home, they came face to face with Huang Chu.

"Missus, boss had sent his team to you. They will help you in getting ready for today. They have also signed a nondisclosure agreement. They wouldn"t tell anyone about your ident.i.ty as the wife of the boss."

Xin Mei nodded her head and entered the living room which was not looking any less than a high-cla.s.s outlet of some designer.

Racks and racks of dresses were placed in the living room. There was also a team of the expert who were handling a suitcase of makeup products.

Su Zixin who already knew the team went to shake hands with them whereas Xin Mei looked at the alien faces.

"Xin Mei, don"t be nervous. They are experts; they will do a fantastic job."

Xin Mei sighed and nodded. She walked towards racks when a lady came and helped her in selecting a dress. Looking at the lady, Xin Mei could say she knew her job well.

"Missus, you don"t need to be nervous. We are working with Mr Su from last two years. We had always helped him with his looks. Today, we are lucky to help you."

Xin Mei nodded her head and looked at the dresses. She wanted to wear the dress from Grace which she had purchased a long ago but everyone rebuked her, including Su Yuchen.

"Wife, you can wear those dresses for some other occasion but for now wear any one of the dresses which I have selected for you."

Xin Mei sighed and hung up the call with him before looking at the dresses again. She touched the fabric with her hand and could see it was very fine. She could also predict that the work on the dresses was of real silver and gold.

Every dress was royal, the one which should be worn by the wife of Su Yuchen!

"Stop thinking so much Xin Mei, select any dress." Su Zixin said impatiently and walked to her. He had already selected a suit which he was going to wear that night.

Xin Mei nodded to him before selecting a gown. "I will wear this."

"Excellent choice missus." The lady, her a.s.sistant clapped her hand and called few girls. One of them carried her dress while the other asked her to follow her to the room.

The room which was also her bathroom, Xin Mei was given a princess-like treatment as ordered by her sweet hubby!

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