Su Zixin looked down and thought about the words, which were spoken by Su Yuchen to him. He did not think about the effects of making Xin Mei drunk. He also did not think the effects, which his flirting would have on her.

"I am sorry brother. I know you love her. I will try to be more sensible when it will come to her." He pledged to himself and made his way toward his old room.

He felt satisfied upon seeing the interior. He sighed and fell on the bed. He opened his mobile and immediately came across a lot of articles about himself and Xin Mei.

Immediately words of Su Yuchen came in his mind when he read comments of some of his loyal fans, the one who believed that Chen Bai was only theirs. No other girl had any right on him. There were also comments from fans of other actresses who were once close to him.

"Go away bi*ch. How dare of you to walk with my husband?"

"She is so fake. She is nothing like my G.o.ddess Ning."

"I am sure she seduced my husband. That"s why he is praising her."

"Leave him; we don"t want Xin Mei beside our husband."

Su Zixin slapped his head when he saw such posts. On his fan page, his fans had also released a protest against Xin Mei. They wanted her to stay away from him.

Su Zixin sighed. He thought of a way in which he could do some damage control. His interview and the articles of him being a couple with Xin Mei were still not famous.

He was thinking of a way when out of the blue, all articles vanished. They all were deleted from the internet. Su Zixin was shocked but the next second he received a message from Su Yuchen.

"Look by yourself. You have done all this. Learn something from this Zixin. I don"t want my wife to be slandered badly because of some stupid fans."

Many screenshots were attached with the message. The screenshots were of the articles, which were deleted.

"Good job Huang Chu." Su Yuchen praised Huang Chu who had quickly taken action against all the articles, which were opposing Xin Mei.

"It was an easy job boss. I had only called the PR head. He had done everything. He also promised that no article about Xin Mei would go out."

"You told him about my marriage to him?" Su Yuchen asked with a raised brow.

"No boss, I only told him that Xin Mei is a new artist under us and boss will not like to see a newbie getting slandered especially due to Chen Bai, who is also under us."

Su Yuchen nodded his head and again looked on the internet, to see if there were still some articles about Xin Mei or Su Zixin were left or not. He placed his phone aside and sighed heavily. He closed his eyes only to see her beautiful body.

His little minx nearly made him lose his control!

"Soon wife, soon. Soon I will make you mine. Soon I will be fulfilling all my cravings for you." he mumbled to himself and looked out of his car"s window.

He could see that they had arrived at the airport.

Su Zixin played with his mobile, feeling bad that he had unknowingly dragged Xin Mei down. He login on his fan page where his fans were having mix reaction about Xin Mei.

Some were slandering her while some were praising her. Su Zixin sighed and thought for sometime before typing a message on his fan page.

"If you are my loyal fans then please don"t slander Xin Mei. Otherwise, I will leave this group. I don"t want fans who slander some other person and call it their loyalty for me."

With his message, Su Zixin attached a disappointed emoticon.

Once the message was sent, he placed his phone aside. He closed his eyes and within a minute, he was asleep due to exhaustion and all the drinks, which he had.

"Mother, why is my brain hammering like this?" Xin Mei groaned and opened her eyes. She held her head where she could feel life taking pain.

"Again alcohol, why had I drunk alcohol when I knew I can"t handle it?"

Xin Mei again groaned and closed her eyes. She scolded herself for drinking alcohol again when she had promised herself that she would never drink alcohol again.

Xin Mei tried to stand up from the bed when her eyes fell upon the medicine pills and a gla.s.s of water. Without thinking twice, she gulped down the pill. She closed her eyes, allowing the medicine to start their effect.

After fifteen minutes, Xin Mei was feeling quite lightheaded. The pain in her head also reduced. She sighed and stood up from the bed. She walked toward the bathroom, imagining her face to look no less than a face of vampire.

"Makeup must have smudged all over my face." She murmured and looked at herself in the mirror.

She was shocked to find her face crystal clean. There was no speck of makeup on her face.

"Who had cleaned my face? Had I cleaned my face by myself?" she thought out aloud and placed her hand on her cheeks.

She was thinking when memories of last night came rus.h.i.+ng in her mind.

"Husband, why don"t you make love to me?"

With wide eyes, Xin Mei looked at herself in the mirror. Her lips were also swollen; a proof that what she was remembering was not a dream or her imagination but reality.

"G.o.d, how can I ask him to make love to me and that too so boldly?" Xin Mei slapped her face in embarra.s.sment.  "Why have I to always embarra.s.s myself in front of him? First marriage proposal and now request of lovemaking. Mother, how am I to face my husband?"

Xin Mei slipped down against the washbasin. Her face was tomato red. She did not know if she should cry or laugh at her attics from the last night.

"Please G.o.d, make Su Yuchen forget that I had asked him to make love with me and that too so boldly."

Xin Mei covered her face and groaned out in frustration. Like last time, she again pledged to not drink ever again!

After spending an hour on scolding herself, Xin Mei had a long bath. After the bath, she was feeling very good. She was still feeling a slight headache but it was nothing, which she could not bear.

After coming out from the bathroom, she looked at the time and she was shocked to find it was already two in the afternoon.

She looked at the time with wide eyes and at the same moment, her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she had not eaten from long hours.

Xin Mei stepped out of the room and went downstairs. She was immediately hit by the mouth-watering aroma of food. She looked at it with open mouth; droll started to come out from her mouth.

"Stop looking at the food like a caveman who hadn"t eaten from centuries," Su Zixin teased her. "Come and have the food. I am sure you are hungry."

Xin Mei walked toward him and started to have her food. She was done eating it and at the same time her mobile rung with the call from Su Yuchen.

"G.o.d, how am I to talk with him now after embarra.s.sing myself in front of him?"

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