Next morning, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen were again woken up by the loud yells of a nurse. She was calling loudly for the doctor.

The doctor rushed toward the operation room and entered in. Xin Mei and Su Yuchen also walked toward the door of the operation room, waiting to know about the condition of his grandma.

"Doctor, how is grandma? Please tell us everything. We want to know how she is doing." Su Yuchen asked and looked at the doctor with hopeful eyes. Without taking any breath, he was waiting for the reply of the doctor.

"Mister Su, your grandma is doing well." Doctor smiled. "Last night, the nurse on duty had noticed her stable heartbeats. Until then I was not sure if she will survive but she did. She has opened her eyes. You should go and meet her."

Su Yuchen smiled brightly when he heard the doctor. "Thank you so much doctor for saving her."

"Don"t thank me but thank G.o.d. Missus Su survived the operation because of your prayers. Now go and meet her. I have given her sedative so she can fall asleep anytime."

Su Yuchen smiled and walked inside the operation room. Xin Mei also followed behind him.

Their heart dropped when they saw the poor condition of Bai Yue. She was looking so weak lying on the bed with tubes attached to her body.

"Grandma." Su Yuchen walked towards her and took her left hand in his hand.

Bai Yue smiled and looked at him. "Chen," she spoke weakly.

"I am so glad that you survived grandma. I was so worried that something will happen to you," he said in a heavy voice.

Xin Mei felt he was turning emotional. She placed her hand on his shoulder to give him moral support.

"Xin Mei," Bai Yue smiled when she saw Xin Mei who was giving support to her boy and family. "Where…"

"Grandpa is resting." Xin Mei replied. "I am happy that you survived through the operation grandma."

Bai Yue smiled and looked at her grandchildren before falling unconscious due to sedative.

"Now you should leave the room. Let missus Su have the needed rest. Her condition is still very week." The nurse informed them. Nodding their heads, they walked out of the room. They felt happy that Bai Yue was survived.

After coming out from the operation room, they walked towards the room where Su Lingtian was admitted. He was still sleeping calmly while Su Zixin was sitting on the couch, looking sleepy.

"How is grandma?" he asked in a hoa.r.s.e voice.

"She opened her eyes and talked with us. For now, she is resting." Su Yuchen informed. "She survived through the operation."


"Yup." Xin Mei nodded her head.

Su Zixin sighed in relief and looked up. He thanked the G.o.d for saving his grandma.

With Huang Chu, Xin Mei went to freshen up and bring some fresh clothes of everyone and she also cooked breakfast. Then she returned to the hospital.

"Husband, you go and have a bath first." Xin Mei ordered to Su Yuchen. He obediently nodded his head and walked towards the bathroom.

After Su Yuchen, Su Zixin went to have a bath. Meanwhile, when he was bathing, Su Lingtian came into consciousness.

He started to murmur the name of Bai Yue. He became hyper and shot up from his bed. Instinctively Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were by his side.

"Bai Yue, where is she? I want to see her, I want to see her now. Nothing will happen to her." He spoke in anxiousness.

"Grandpa, nothing happens to her. Operation is successful. She has woken up. Xin Mei and I talked with her. She is all right. For now, she is taking rest." Su Yuchen spoke with urgency.

"Lie…I want to meet her."

"Ok, we will make you meet her but please calm down first. Grandma will feel bad if she sees you in this condition. Look at your clothes and hair. You are looking sicker than her." Xin Mei spoke and looked at him with concern-filled eyes.

"Grandpa, you should change first. Then I will take you to meet grandma."

Su Lingtian nodded his head.

He was still weak so Su Yuchen took him to the bathroom and helped him in a bath. Once he had a bath and was changed, Xin Mei forced him to eat breakfast.

"I am done eating. Now take me to my Yue."

Xin Mei nodded her head. She took his hand in hers and both walked toward the operating room. Su Yuchen entered in the room and felt pain in his heart when he saw her weak condition. She was looking so weak!

Su Lingtian took his seat on a stool beside her bed and took a hold of her hand. Su Lingtian did not say a thing. He kept sitting beside her, silently waiting for her to wake up.

After a long wait, Bai Yue again woke up and this time her condition was much better. She was not looking tired or weak like before. Everyone was happy when they saw her up, especially Su Yuchen.

When Bai Yue was s.h.i.+fted to her VIP room. Xin Mei took it upon herself to look after every medication of Bai Yue. She also cooked doctor advised food for her.

It was like; she had glued herself to Bai Yue, spending every second of her day in her care. Even Su Yuchen started to feel jealous of the importance, which Bai Yue was getting from Xin Mei.

"I should also get hospitalized, and then Xin Mei will spend some more time with me like she is doing with grandma."

One day, when Su Yuchen visited the hospital, he was shocked to see Xin Mei. She was preparing to sleep in the hospital with Bai Yue.

"Wife, you are not sleeping here. Nurses and grandpa are here to look after her." He informed to Xin Mei and before she could protest, he threw her on his shoulder and carried her to his car.

Bai Yue who looked at their small exchange smiled. She was happy to see her Chen was becoming so possessive and habitual of Xin Mei. She had also heard from Su Zixin about how Xin Mei had looked after everyone during her operation and after it.

"Xin Mei, I am very glad that I have chosen you as my granddaughter in law. You are the best decision of my life."

After some days, the break of Su Zixin and Xin Mei was over and they had to return on the sets. Su Zixin and Xin Mei were both reluctant to go. They wanted to spend some more time with Bai Yue but she pushed both of them away.

"I am very glad you both will be leaving me alone. I am bored of hearing your nagging, especially yours Xin Mei. Now I can breathe without any suffocation."

Xin Mei pouted when she heard Bai Yue and then it was decided that both Su Zixin and Xin Mei were returning to the sets.

On sets, Director Zhang decided to shoot all the practice scene of Ruyi and Emperor Jun before any intimate scenes. He planned to shoot intimate scenes only after the new-year break.

He, including all the crew and cast members were impressed with the acting skills of Xin Mei and Su Zixin. Acting of Su Zixin had become full of maturity.

Both of them gave their scenes with full dedication and professionalism.  

"Director, Tang Min was asking about his next schedule. What should I say to him?" a.s.sistant director, Gong Soujin asked.

"It will be after the next month. For now, I want to focus on my emperor Jun and Ruyi." Director Zhang spoke with excitement.

He badly wished if he could remove all the scenes of emperor Kai and Chunhua from the movie. They both were going to be the villains of the movie with bigger screen time but now director had already cut their scenes so many times that now they had their roles equal to the roles of some secondary leads.

He did not plan to add any filter scene of Tang Min and Zhou Mingyu in the movie, especially not with Zhou Mingyu.

"I am sure, fans will not mind for the less screen time of Zhou Mingyu after watching the buzzing chemistry of Chen Bai and Xin Mei." He thought coolly without any concern for the fans of Zhou Mingyu.

He was hundred percent sure that the chemistry of Chen Bai and Xin Mei would make his movie hit!

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