On the sets

Everyone was nervous after the accident of Xin Mei. They knew what effect her accident would have on their movie. Revenge could be put on hold if the family of Xin Mei decided to file a case.

Also, above that, they knew Su Yuchen himself was looking after this movie. No one knew how badly he would react after knowing about this accident.

Prop manager was the most nervous one. He was afraid that Su Yuchen would kick him out of the movie because of his negligence.

"Come out and tell me, who dared to tamper with the ropes of this swing?" Director Zhang yelled. He was gripping on the rope of the swing, which spoke in itself, that someone had tampered with them.

"Come out right now. I will be lenient with you but if Mister Su started to take the action, then only G.o.d can save you."

Everyone looked at one another with fear but no one came out.

"Tell me, this is your last chance to save yourself. I have heard that a team from heritage entertainment is already on its way to investigate the accident."

Director Zhang looked at everyone but again no one said that he or she was the guilty party. He sighed and looked at the broken swing.

Director Zhang knew that his career as a director would end if something happened to Xin Mei. Accident on the sets wasn"t a big thing, it had happened before but the accident of Xin Mei was a big thing for him.

He would feel guilty if something happens to her. Besides, he knew he wouldn"t be casting any other female cast in his movies after watching Xin Mei"s acting.

"G.o.d, please protect your child. Xin Mei is a good girl with a great heart. I don"t know why someone had planned to hurt her." Director Zhang sighed and looked up at the sky.

Director Zhang dismissed everyone and made his way towards the hospital, to check upon Xin Mei.

In the hospital

Su Yuchen was leaning against the door of the emergency room. His breathing was laboured and eyes were very red. His whole body was trembling with anger.

Su Zixin was standing in the corner and could feel his body shaking in fear. He didn"t know what his brother would do if something happened to Xin Mei.

"Where is my Xiao Mei?" Su Yuchen raised his head when he heard the shrill yell of He Lin. She rushed towards the emergency room. Tears were falling down her eyes.

"Why is G.o.d punis.h.i.+ng my Xiao Mei like this?" she wailed. Xin Yan felt bad for his mother. He gave her his shoulder to cry.

"Stop crying mother. Nothing will happen to Xiao Mei. She is very strong."

He Lin gripped onto the arm of Xin Yan and started to wail loudly. "My Xiao Mei….my daughter…my little daughter…"

Xin Jin walked towards Su Yuchen. He could feel that the condition of Su Yuchen wasn"t any better.

"Don"t worry son, nothing will happen to Xiao Mei. She is a very strong and lucky child. She has faced many accidents and problems in her life and has always come out as a strong girl."

Xin Jin tried to console Su Yuchen where his own heart was beating very fast out of fear. He was afraid for his daughter. Why had she faced so many problems and accidents in her life?

"Jin, I have told you that there is bad luck loaming around our daughter but you didn"t believe me. Look how badly my daughter had been suffering! First, she had an accident and was in a coma for three weeks, she also had a break up with Qian Fan and now this…."

He Lin wailed. "We should have taken her to some astrologist to take away all her bad luck."

"Mother, stop talking rubbish. No bad luck is looming around my sister. Look how lucky she is to marry Su Yuchen. Also, she is lucky to be a part of Revenge. I am sure she is again lucky and nothing serious will happen to Xin Mei."

Everyone was trying to console one another while they were praying to G.o.d that nothing serious or dangerous should happen to Xin Mei.

Director Zhang arrived outside the hospital. He rushed towards the VIP floor only to be stopped by two guards.

"Sorry sir, we can"t let you meet Miss Xin. Her family had warned us to not let anyone from the film industry to meet her." guards apologized guiltily.

"I can understand but please let me meet her. I want to know how she is doing."

"Sorry sir but we have strict orders."

Guards weren"t letting him in where Director Zhang was excessively stubborn to enter inside and meet Xin Mei. Su Zixin who was pa.s.sing nearby caught sight of director Zhang.

"Director, what are you doing here?" he rushed towards the director.

"Chen Bai, I was here to meet Xin Mei but these guards aren"t letting me in."

Su Zixin nodded to guards and directed the director towards the visiting room.

"I am a sorry director but the family of Xin Mei can"t let anyone know about her current condition. They are so afraid that someone from the sets wants to hurt her. Please try to understand them."

"But I want to know about her condition. As a director, it"s my duty. You should understand it, Chen Bai."

"I know that director and I promise that I will update you about the condition of Xin Mei. But I can"t take you to the emergency room."

Director Zhang sighed and nodded his head. "Ok Chen Bai, keep me updated about the health condition of Xin Mei. Also, ask for forgiveness from her parents. It was a mistake on my part that something like this happened to her."

Su Zixin nodded his head. "Director, I hope in the meantime you will try to find the guilty party. We don"t want such incidents to repeat again."

Director Zhang nodded his head and left the hospital. He sighed and prayed for the good health of Xin Mei.

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