With each pa.s.sing day, the hope of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen to find the stalker were diminis.h.i.+ng. It was like he had vanished in thin air.

Xin Mei had received only one gift, that too in her changing room, by the stalker. It had a note stuck to it.

"Don"t be very happy and satisfied because I am not going to leave you. Soon, I will make you mine."

And then, he was gone. Xin Mei stopped receiving any gift or message from him. It was like the stalker was being precautious of her. He was aware that someone was trying to find him.

Xin Mei had tried to message him, to lure him out but it was a failure because her message did not reach his location.

Xin Mei also planned to lure him in her changing room. 

That night, an intimate scene was filmed in between Ruyi and emperor Jun. Therefore, Xin Mei was wearing a simple yet s.e.xy silk red gown. She had left her hairs open. She had dark red lipstick applied on her lips. She was looking hot in it. She had also given an early off to Fang Lin that day.

She was sitting alone in her changing room, hoping that her stalker would arrive but he did not. She and her guards, hiding behind the curtains waited for someone to appear in her room, but no one came.

The next day, again Xin Mei threw the same trap but again no one came. She only received a message,

"Today, you were looking very alluring. I wanted to enter your changing room but I don"t want to risk myself in case it is a trap."

Breath of Xin Mei hitched when she read the message. At that moment, her guts feeling got confirmed that her stalked was still present on the set, monitoring her very closely and he was someone whom she had known.

After that message from him, she did not receive any message from him nor did she receive any gift which could lead her to the stalker.

Mister Peter was working very hard to find the stalker. He had investigated all the delivery boys who had delivered gifts to Xin Mei. He had also investigated the shops which had sent gifts for Xin Mei.

Even after his throughout investigation, he did not reach any conclusion. He was nowhere near the stalker. 

Every time, the person who had ordered delivery or a gift for Xin Mei was different. Not only that, on investigation no link was found in between them.  

On one fine day, fans were again allowed on the sets. They were given VIP tickets before they entered inside the sets.

They were the fans of Zhou Mingyu who had specially come to the sets because they wanted to give their support to her. They had heard Zhou Mingyu was returning on the sets after a long interval and on top of that, she was going to have a scene opposite to Xin Mei.

When Zhou Mingyu arrived on the sets, Xin Mei was shocked to see her. Zhou Mingyu was not wearing any makeup or fancy branded dress. She was wearing a plain dress and was looking completely different, completely unrecognizable.

"I have told you, she has changed completely." Fang Lin whispered in her ears and Xin Mei rolled her eyes, not trusting on Zhou Mingyu.

"MeiMei," Zhou Mingyu wailed dramatically and tears filled in her eyes. She rushed towards Xin Mei, catching her completely off guard.

"MeiMei, please forgive your Mingyu." She pleaded and fell down in front of the feet of Xin Mei. She took the hand of Xin Mei in her hand. "I know I have done the biggest mistake of my life. I should not have deceived you and your friends.h.i.+p. I am worse friend but please forgive me. Became my friend again. I promise I will pay back to you for all my wrongdoings."

Xin Mei smirked and looked at Zhou Mingyu. "Zhou Mingyu, I am not a fool to get deceived by you repeatedly. I can"t believe you have realized your mistake."

"I have." Zhou Mingyu looked at her with tears in her eyes. Her eyes were filled with purity and innocence. 

"From the last two months, I was staying at a temple at the hill in city N and was living the life of a monk. I had taken lectures from the priest and he was able to clear my soul. I did fasts and prayed daily to get forgiveness from the G.o.d. Now, I have realized all the mistakes which I have done in the past. Please forgive me for my past mistakes. Can we please have a fresh start? I want a second chance. Can you please think of me as a different Zhou Mingyu and give me a chance to be your friend?"

Zhou Mingyu sobbed and placed her head over the hands of Xin Mei. Anyone could feel pity upon seeing her sad and broken condition. The cast and crew members were also the one. Some fans who were here before time, felt happy to see their changed Mingyu.

"Now, I have changed, trust me. I have seen the truth and reality of my life. I have realized the biggest mistake of my life and that was, cheating on you. Please forgive me. Please give me a second chance."

Zhou Mingyu kept begging Xin Mei for forgiveness. She was not taking the name of moving even after several attempts of Fang Lin. 

She only left when director Zhang sent his a.s.sistant with a message for Zhou Mingyu that she should get ready for the scene instead of doing her melodrama.

"Zhou Mingyu is a great actress when it comes to deceiving others." Su Zixin chuckled and took his seat beside Xin Mei. "Do you think she has changed after getting some Buddhist teachings? Are you going to forgive her?"

"What if I tell you I trust her and am ready to give her a second chance?"

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