"h.e.l.lo, Mister Su, nice to meet you today." Xin Mei greeted Su Yuchen with a small smile on her lips. Su Yuchen also reciprocated her smile.

"Xin Mei, how are you?"

One sentence from his mouth was enough to create curiosity among others. Her cla.s.smates were also shocked when they saw how Xin Mei knew Su Yuchen. They all looked at Zhou Mingyu with disgustful gazes and walked towards Xin Mei.

"I am good and what about you?"

"I am also fine."

They both started to talk like long lost friends. Su Zixin was also added to the chat. Most of the time they talked about their stay in City B.

Zhou Mingyu gritted her teeth so hard that she nearly broke them in her anger.

"Zhou Mingyu, why are you standing here like this? Go and ask Mister Su for a dance. If he can recognize one star of his movie then why isn"t he recognizing you?" one of her friends mocked her and Zhou Mingyu looked at her with a dark gaze.

Zhou Zichen who was not standing much far away removed sweat from his forehead when he saw how close Xin Mei was to Su Yuchen.

"Mister Su," Zhou Mingyu again plastered a smile on her lips and walked towards Su Yuchen. "Can I have a chance to dance with you? Please fulfil this small wish of the birthday girl."

Su Yuchen again ignored her, instead, he offered Xin Mei for a dance, "Miss Xin, will you pleasure me by having a dance with me?"

Xin Mei blushed for real when she heard his offer. This was not what they had planned. They wanted to show everyone that they knew one another well. The dance was nowhere in it.

"C"mon, Xin Mei, you should dance with him. This is an excellent opportunity for you." Su Zixin also pushed Xin Mei towards Su Yuchen.

"Say yes Xin Mei, this prince charming is asking you for a dance." One of her friends squealed in delight. "Mister Su, if she is not ready then you can ask me. I am all the time ready for a dance with you."

"Xin Mei, what are you waiting for? Go and have a dance with mister Su. We have already heard your duet in city B. Now let us see how well you will dance together."

Director Zhang also pushed Xin Mei towards Su Yuchen. Xin Mei smiled and looked at Su Yuchen. He forwarded his hand to her.

By now, everyone in the party hall was looking at Xin Mei and Su Yuchen. To them, it was like the prince had asked Cinderella for a dance. Everyone was waiting to hear a yes from Xin Mei and to see how well Su Yuchen could dance.

"Ok mister Su. I will have a dance with you." Xin Mei smiled and took his hand, making many male and female burn in jealousy.

Su Yuchen smiled and took Xin Mei to the dance floor.

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen were intimately dancing with one another, without caring what others were saying or doing. They had their eyes locked with one another which were filled with love and pa.s.sion.

On the other side of the stage, Su Zixin was busy noticing the expression of everyone on the dance of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen. He was sure that if the stalker of Xin Mei was here then he would be burning with jealousy on seeing the dance of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen.

"Tang Min, why are you looking at Xiao Mei with so much longing? Don"t tell me you want to have a dance with her." Su Zixin casually asked and swirled his wine in his gla.s.s.

"Who doesn"t want to have a dance with her?" Tang Min replied without averting his eyes from Xin Mei. "But guess what, I am not lucky. Why will she look at me when she has eyes of a man like Su Yuchen on herself."

Su Zixin nodded to him and talked with him for some time before making his way towards another man who was present on the set of revenge. He took the viewpoints of everyone.

He then walked toward Qian Fan who was looking at Xin Mei with open mouth. Su Zixin rolled his eyes and stopped behind him.

"I have always told you my Xiao Mei is a diamond, haven"t I?" Su Zixin grinned widely and looked at Qian Fan. "Only a man like mister Su can desire her, not a mentally discarded fool like you."

"You…" Qian Fan gritted his teeth and pointed his finger towards him.

Su Zixin chuckled when he saw the desired expression on his face and made his way towards Zhou Mingyu, to add some fire in her heart also.

"Zhou Mingyu, don"t they look so good together?" he teased. "I must give you the credits. You are the one who seduced Qian Fan and forced him to cheat on Xin Mei. All thanks to you, Xin Mei got over Qian Fan. Now she can easily allow a man like Su Yuchen to court her. Don"t you think you are her lucky star?"

Su Zixin grinned and left Zhou Mingyu alone who clutched her dress. She looked down and darkness flashed in her eyes.

On one side of the hall, Ning Xiao was also burning with jealousy when she saw Xin Mei in the arms of Su Yuchen. Till now, in heritage, rumours were that she was the girlfriend of Su Yuchen. But now she was sure those rumours would get changed.

"This Xin Mei, she was always a black mark on my life, First, she destroyed my life after entering film university and now again she is destroying my life by entering in the film industry. I will not leave her!"

"Mei, you are looking so beautiful tonight. I can"t stop myself from asking a dance from you." Su Yuchen spoke gently and rubbed his nose with hers.

"But what if rumours spread about us?"

"Let them spread. If Ning Xiao can have the rumours then why can"t you? Besides, I was planning to officially court you."

"Really?" she asked with surprise.

"Yes." And with that Su Yuchen twirled Xin Mei and brought her back in his arms, pulling her close to his chest.

And with that, their song ended. Everyone present in the hall, clapped hard for them.

"Thanks for this wonderful dance, miss Xin." Su Yuchen took her hand and gently kissed on them.

Xin Mei blushed and took her lips in between her teeth. His kiss felt as if he was kissing her for the very first time! It felt so intimate.

After her dance, Xin Mei walked towards Su Zixin and stood beside him at a corner. By now, everyone was talking about her dance with Su Yuchen.

"Su Zixin, can you leave my side for a minute?"

"Why so?"

"I think Zhou Mingyu wants to implement her plan for tonight. She is only waiting for you to leave my side." Xin Mei pointed towards Zhou Mingyu who was looking at Xin Mei with two gla.s.ses of wine in her hand.

Su Zixin nodded his head and moved away from Xin Mei. He walked towards the drink counter while his eyes were on Xin Mei.

At the same time, Zhou Mingyu came towards Xin Mei and offered her a gla.s.s of wine.

"MeiMei, why are you standing here all alone? Have a gla.s.s of wine."

Zhou Mingyu looked at Xin Mei with pleading eyes. When she thought Xin Mei would reject, she pleaded badly, "Please have wine, for me, for our old friends.h.i.+p."

Xin Mei looked at Zhou Mingyu and her doubt became clear, Zhou Mingyu was using an old drug trick.

But what Xin Mei thought was not right because when she was about to take the gla.s.s, Zhou Mingyu intentionally spilled the wine all over her dress.

"Oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d, I am so sorry Xin Mei. I don"t know how I become so clumsy." Zhou Mingyu apologized guiltily. "Let me offer you a change of the dress. I have a room in this hotel. I have brought some gowns with myself. I am sure they will fit you."

"No need for that Zhou Mingyu, I am alright." Xin Mei patted on the wet area of her dress with a napkin. She wanted to yell at Zhou Mingyu for spoiling her dress but she refrained herself.

She wanted to know what more Zhou Mingyu had in her bag.

"What do you mean by alright?" Zhou Mingyu rebuked. "Let me give you a spare dress. Think it as a payback, you have always offered your dress to me whenever I was in need."


Xin Mei walked behind Zhou Mingyu towards her room. She signalled to her guards, Su Yuchen and Su Zixin who became alert.

"Here, wear this dress. I am sure it will fit you."

Xin Mei took the dress and entered the bathroom. She frowned thinking of what Zhou Mingyu was planning.

She looked at the dress to see if it had any problem in one way or another. She also looked around the bathroom in case Zhou Mingyu had planted some camera to take her video.

"What is she planning?"

And the very next second, she got the answer to her question when she heard the shrill yell of Zhou Mingyu. She quickly rushed out of the bathroom and saw the frill behind the dress of Zhou Mingyu was burning with fire.

"Help, help, Xin Mei wants to burn me. Fire, fire, someone save me."

And the next second, each guest was in the small room and was looking at Xin Mei with accusing gaze. Xin Mei did not know what to do. She did not know Zhou Mingyu would do something like this. She did not have any proof to call herself innocent!

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