Su Zixin was continuously spending his money on one thing or another. He had bought twelve latest pair of shoes, latest watches, later brand dresses and many more things including new electronic gadgets.

Everything bought by him was speaking of luxury and royalty. It was like he had brought the items by seeing their price tag, not design or another thing.

Only a few days were left before the filming of Revenge would officially come to an end. Everyone was excited and sad at the same time. It had been so long that they all were filming for revenge and all cast and crew members had become family to one another.

Su Zixin was also excited and had a lot of money. So, he decided to throw a party at the best and most expensive club in the city. He booked the whole club for the special occasion.

"Everyone, can I have your attention, please!" he spoke over the microphone of director Zhang.

"I know we all are working very hard and soon the filming of revenge will come to an end. I was thinking, I have not thrown a party till now. So, today, I invite every one of you to the "Grand night club" for a small party. All the in-house expenses will be on me."

He announced and howls filled on the small set.

"Can we also have free drinks? I have heard drinks at grand night are very expensive."

"Yes, you can drink as much as you want. I have also booked all the private rooms. So, there is nothing to worry about."

Everyone started to howl loudly and they started to chant the name of Chen Bai. Every man was acting like an addicted who had not gotten drunk from a long time.

"Chen Bai, I am also coming with you." Xin Mei announced excitedly and climbed on the back of Su Zixin. "It has been so long that I have gotten drunk. Tonight, I want to get completely drunk."

Heart of Su Zixin shrunk when he heard Xin Mei. If Xin Mei was to drink then who would look after her? His brother would slaughter him for making Xin Mei drink.

"Xin Mei, can you please not come with us?"

"Why not?" she questioned back and then looked around. "Should I not join you guys for this small celebratory party by Chen Bai?"

"You should join for sure, Xin Mei." Director Zhang spoke. "At last, you are one of the main casts of this movie."

"See, even director Zhang is agreeing. So, I am coming with you." Xin Mei declared and Su Zixin sighed under his breath.

Everyone was given an early pack up than usual time. After pack-up, everyone collectively made their way towards the mall where they purchased and wore the dresses that were suitable for the club. Then they made their way towards the club.

Xin Mei also brought a red c.o.c.ktail dress for herself because of the force of other female cast members. They were also buying one for themselves.

Everyone was excited about the party at the club. They were excited to get drunk and dance on the dance floor. Many males were also antic.i.p.ating female hosts to entertain themselves.

"Wow, this club is so cool. No doubt it"s so famous." Xin Mei commented once she was inside the club. She looked around to study the environment of the club.

Xin Mei lost her sanity and started to down one gla.s.s after another gla.s.s. She also tossed her gla.s.s with many other male co-stars who were liking this boldness of her.

"Xin Mei, you should not drink more. You already had enough." Su Zixin tried to stop her but she pushed him away.

She giggled and gulped down another gla.s.s of wine. Su Zixin looked at her with a worried and shocked expression on his face.

"Stop looking at me. Now go and have a dance. Look how many girls are looking at you with hopeful eyes." Xin Mei pushed Su Zixin towards the one-night stands who were provided by the club.

"Why are you sitting all alone? Why aren"t you dancing?" Tang Min asked and took his seat beside her. He also ordered the bartender for his drink.

"I want to dance." Xin Mei pouted and threw her hands towards the dance floor. She looked at it with longing in her eyes. "I want to dance but no one has asked me to have a dance with him."

Then the eyes of Xin Mei brightened and she looked at Tang Min, "will you have a dance with me?"

"Really? Do you want to have a dance with me?" he asked with longing. He wanted to have a dance with her from the time he had watched her dancing with Su Yuchen at the birthday party of Zhou Mingyu.

"Sure," Xin Mei grinned and jumped off the stool, only to fell on the floor. She was very badly drunk.

"Xin Mei," realization dawned upon Tang Min and he quickly pulled back Xin Mei. "Xin Mei, you are completely drunk. I do not think you should dance. Instead, you should leave for your home or you can rest in the private room arranged by Chen Bai."

"No, I want to dance, I want to dance, I want to dance," she pouted and started to stomp her feet on the dance floor like an angry kid.

"Ok, we will dance."

Tang Min carefully wrapped his arm around her so she would not fall. He took her to the dance floor where Xin Mei instantly started to move on the beats of the song, giving a tough time to Tang Min.

"Why are you standing like this?" Xin Mei yelled over the loud music.

"Dance with me…yuhuuu…." she started to sing the song at the top of her lungs and started to dance with Tang Min.

"It"s my destiny to be with you…with you…. we will be living together…. eating together…. dancing together...!!"

They were dancing so close to one another, Xin Mei was dancing very close to Tang Min in her drunken state.

Due to the closeness of Xin Mei, the ears of Tang Min turned red in shyness and nervousness. He was looking at Xin Mei who was so bold tonight.

They were dancing, when someone accidentally pushed Xin Mei. Due to her unsteady movement, she fell upon Tang Min. They both fell on the dance floor!

Due to the force of the fall, the lips of Xin Mei moved in the direction of Tang Min!

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