Today was the last day of the filming of revenge. The cast and crew members were sad and happy at the same time. They were sad that they would no longer have the fun which they were having from so many months and were happy to see the end of the filming.

Everyone was looking at the scene which was getting filmed on the sets. Ruyi had fallen down on the battleground and was sobbing hard. She was crying for the loss which had happened because of the war. 

"Why have I done all this? For revenge? I am the one who has taken so many lives. I have separated so many fathers from their children, so many husbands from their wives and so many sons from their parents. I am a villain. I am the worst human alive."

She sobbed loudly, her wails were so loud and powerful that many people present on the sets started to cry when looking at her. 

"Ruyi, please don"t cry, this war was not your fault." Emperor Jun coaxed her gently. He fell on the battleground beside Ruyi and wrapped his arms around her.

"This war was unavoidable. Today or tomorrow, Jun kingdom was going to attack the Kai kingdom. So, you should not blame yourself. Now stop crying and get up. Our prince is waiting for us at home."

Emperor Jun coaxed Ruyi in his arms. She wailed loudly in his arms for some time. Finally her wails subdued. She tiredly leaned against his chest.

Emperor Jun sighed and carried Ruyi away from the battlefield and to their tent.

"And cut." Director Zhang ended the last scene for the day. An emotional smile was there on his lips. Finally, this movie, the movie which was going to change his life had been filmed.

"It"s over! Finally, it"s over!" Soon enough, everyone started to cheer in excitement. Many had happy tears in their eyes. 

Many cast members were clapping and cheering loudly where some were hugging each other emotionally. In the last seven months, from the time the shooting had started, everyone at the sets had become like a family.

Xin Mei was also feeling very emotional. Her heart was very heavy. After facing so many troubles, finally, her first film had been filmed.

"Xiao Mei, congratulations on completing your first film." Su Zixin happily wrapped his arm around her. "May you have many films to come. I want to see you wearing the crown of best actress."

Xin Mei smiled and hugged Su Zixin back. Tang Min also congratulated her followed by, any other cast and crew members.

"Can I have your attention, please? Maybe it is the last time that I am addressing you all like this." Director Zhang spoke over the microphone, his eyes turned numbed due to various emotions running in his heart.

"This eight-month journey of me with revenge movie will be very memorable for me. I am lucky to work with cast and crew like you. I know we have faced many problems, the scandal of Zhou Mingyu, an accident of Xin Mei or change of my a.s.sistant director but still, finally we have finished this movie and I am sure this movie is going to break many records."

"We all are working so hard from the last eight months and Heritage entertainment also knows about this. Therefore, mister Su has booked the paradise resort for all of us for two days and two nights. Tonight, we will have a celebratory dinner at paradise resort and then we are free to use its facilities like spa, pool, club, bar, game zone…everything."

Loud howls and cheers filled on the set. Everyone was clapping and cheering loudly. Director Zhang smiled when he saw the excitement on the faces of everyone.

"Now, now, we all should have a quick pack up so we can return home and pack our stuff. The celebratory dinner with start at eight. Remember to not be late because mister Su will be joining us."

Everyone cheered with excitement. They hooted the name of Su Yuchen because he had fulfilled their demand, without them asking about the same. They needed this relaxing time and small celebration.

Xin Mei returned to her changing room after hearing the speech of director Zhang. Once on her seat, she started to feel tired. She had given her all to the movie and now when it was finally finished, she realized how tired she was.

"What is this with your glum face?" Xin Mei asked Fang Lin who did not look very happy.

"Xin Mei, do you like me as your a.s.sistant?"

"I like you as my a.s.sistant. Why wouldn"t I like you? You were so good so far."

"Then, can I request something from you?" Fang Lin pleaded.

"What is that you want so desperately?"

"Can you make me your permanent a.s.sistant? You know I have been working with director Zhang from so long but it"s only you who has been so good and so friendly with me. Now I want to stay with you for forever as your a.s.sistant."

"Fang Lin," Xin Mei shook her head, not knowing what to say. "Fang Lin, I can not separate you from director Zhang. You have worked with him…."

"Oh, don"t worry about him. I have already talked to him. He is ready to let me go if you are ready. So, will you accept me as your permanent a.s.sistant? If you want, I can talk to your manager. What do you think Xin Mei?"

The persuasion power of Fang Lin was very strong. She reminded Xin Mei of what she had done for her as her a.s.sistant and she would keep doing the same for forever.

In last, Xin Mei had to surrender in front of the strong persuasion power of Fang Lin and had to accept her as her a.s.sistant.

"I am sure, you will not regret your decision." Fang Lin smiled and hugged Xin Mei tight. Xin Mei also returned her hug.

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