Xin Mei arrived at the paradise resort earlier than the given time. Su Yuchen had gone to the neighbouring city for some meeting and she was getting bored while sitting at home. So, she decided to come to the resort and wait for Su Yuchen who would directly come here.

She did not bring an overnight bag or anything with herself because Su Yuchen had told her that he would be taking her for a small trip after the celebratory dinner. The place was unbeknown to her.

Xin Mei arrived in the restaurant and looked around at the decorations. The restaurant hall was beautifully decorated with many off and on-screen photos. Xin Mei smiled when she saw her photos which were very memorable to her. Many posters were also hung from the roof.

The hall had many tables that were surrounded by couches and chairs. There was also a stage in a corner of the hall for anyone to perform some activity or for someone to give a speech.

Closest to the stage were the chair and table for the important partners of the movie, invited by Su Yuchen. Beside them were the seats of the main cast followed by other cast and crew members.

She walked further in the restaurant and saw a gift corner where the gifts which stars had received tonight from their fans or someone else were placed.

Xin Mei looked at the corner of Su Zixin and Tang Min which were overflowing with gifts from their fans. A scowl appeared on her lips when she saw the corner of Zhou Mingyu.

Zhou Mingyu had also received gifts from her fans!

"Fans are a big fool!" Xin Mei thought.

Zhou Mingyu had dropped some tears in front of the camera, had asked forgiveness from her fans and had spoken some fake promises and it was enough for her fans to forgive her for her each crime.

They forgot that Zhou Mingyu was ready to get herself murdered so she could put forth the blame on Xin Mei. 

Her all crimes were forgiven in front of some crocodile tears which flew from her eyes!

"You can get forgiveness from your fans but what about director and producers. I don"t think anyone of them will take you in their film." Xin Mei thought to herself.

If only she knew Zhou Mingyu was already blacklisted by her husband!

Xin Mei looked at the corner with "Xin Mei"s fan club." She smiled when she saw that her corner was empty. She was the only girl who was happy to not receive any gift, she was already so fed up with them.

"Look at her, I think she has gone mad. Smiling even though she has not received any gift."

"I think she has gone mad upon seeing no gift at her corner. Maybe she was expecting many gifts from her fans after doing so many promotional stunts. Look, even my corner has more gifts than her."

Xin Mei ignored the two female cast members, gossiping about her and looked at the other corners when a hotel staff came running toward her.

"Miss Xin," hotel staff breathed hard and pa.s.sed a gift to Xin Mei. "Someone had asked me to deliver it to you."

"Thank You." Xin Mei smiled and took the gift. Hotel staff member blushed hard when he saw her smile.

"Miss Xin, you look more beautiful in real. Can I have your autograph please?" he asked shyly and pa.s.sed her his notebook with a pen.

Xin Mei smiled and gave an autograph to him. All this while, the other two female casts were burning in jealousy seeing Xin Mei giving an autograph. They were old and experienced in the film industry then why did the staff boy did not ask for their autographs?

Xin Mei unwrapped the gift delivered to her by the hotel staff boy and her eyes went wide when she saw it was the famous novel, Romeo Juliet. This novel was to remind everyone of the gifts which Xin Mei had already received from her Romeo.

This novel was sent to her by non-other than Su Zixin!

"Xin Mei, today again you have received many gifts from your fans." Prop manager commented.

"What do you…." Before she could complete, two crew members walked behind the prop manager. They were carrying baskets full of gifts in their hands. They walked toward the corner of Xin Mei and decorated it from the gift in the basket.

Eyes of Xin Mei and two gossipmonger females went wide when they saw the gifts which Xin Mei had received. Her gifts were nearly equal to the number of gifts that were received by Tang Min or Su Zixin.

"Xin Mei, I am sorry, I forgot to place your gifts at your corner earlier. I was busy with some other work." The prop manager apologized.

"No problem."

"And yes, my sister has also sent a gift to you. I am sure it is somewhere in between other gifts."

"Please say my thanks to your sister."

Xin Mei smiled and then looked at her gift corner. A sigh left her lips. She felt overwhelmed that she had fans who had sent so many gifts to her.

Soon enough, everyone started to arrive in the restaurant hall. Everyone was impressed with the decoration which was done. Many started to take their photos and did not stop themselves from posting them on their social media platforms.

"Look, look Zhou Mingyu has come." Whispers filled in the hall with the arrival of Zhou Mingyu. "Someone has said right, a queen will always remain a queen. Even after having so many scandals in within one month, Zhou Mingyu still has a strong fan base behind herself."

"She also has Qian fan who is still holding strong on her hand. Otherwise, by now anyone would have given up on a girl like Zhou Mingyu who is having scandal one after another."

Most of the female present were praising Zhou Mingyu while disrespecting her at the same time. All of them were jealous of the fan base of Zhou Mingyu and were jealous that she had a rich man like Qian fan as her boyfriend.

But if only they knew the reality which Zhou Mingyu was hiding behind her smile!

"Mingyu, don"t think that whatever I will be doing tonight is true and real. Don"t forget I am doing all this because of the pressure from our fathers." Qian Fan looked at Zhou Mingyu with emotionless eyes.

"I know. I am also doing this for them. I know you are still angry with me that I dared to burn myself and put the blame on Xin Mei. I know you would not have accompanied me tonight if not for father." Zhou Mingyu took her s.h.i.+vering lips in between her teeth.

Qian Fan sighed and shook his head.

"Now stop feeling sad. Don"t forget we have to smile for throughout the night."

Zhou Mingyu nodded her head and plastered a big smile on her lips before greeting everyone present in the restaurant.

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