Director Zhang smiled at TingTing with grat.i.tude. He pulled out a movie plan from his bag and placed it on the table in front of TingTing.

"This is the plan of the movie. Dresses for the movie are already designed and st.i.tched. Xin Mei had to only try them on. She will also need basic training about flying an airplane which will hardly need one week and after that, we can start the filming."

"But what about the sets?" TingTing asked with concern.

"Studio is already set. I guess heritage is taking this movie very seriously. Everything is all set. You need not worry about anything."

TingTing nodded her head when she heard the director Zhang. The flying women would be the first movie of Xin Mei to be released on a big screen so TingTing was a little concerned.

Director Zhang gave them a detailed view of his plan and the schedule of Xin Mei. He was talking when Xin Mei disturbed him in between.

"Director, who is the male lead opposite to me?"

"You know him." Director Zhang smiled mysteriously. "He is handsome and very rich. He also has a big fan base."

"Don"t tell me he is again Chen Bai." Xin Mei mocked and rolled her eyes.

"You are right." Director Zhang grinned and eyes of Xin Mei went wide. "You know the role of male lead is hardly of fifteen minutes. No big star is ready to play this role except for Chen Bai. So, I roped him in."

"You didn"t." Xin Mei gasped with horror.

"Yes, I did."

"Director, can you please change the male lead?" she pleaded desperately. "We are already in one movie and we have shot many commercials. I do not want any other movie with him. I want to act with some other male hero."

Xin Mei then turned and looked at TingTing. "TingTing, don"t you think I should work with some other star instead of Chen Bai?"

"I will support Xin Mei, director." TingTing sighed. "Chen Bai and Xin Mei already have many commercial and one movie. Even the movie directed by director Chang is in the pipeline. I think you should use some different face opposite to Xin Mei in the flying women."

"Ok, I will think about it." Director Zhang nodded. "It"s just, the role is small and no big hero is ready to do this role."

"I would have asked my artist to do this movie but his schedule is full and at present, he is not in the country."

Director Zhang nodded his head in understanding. "No problem, TingTing. I am sure, with my name I will be able to find some other male to play opposite to Xin Mei."

They talked about the flying women for some more time before wrapping up the meeting.

When Xin Mei came out from the Su corporation after all the discussions about the flying women, she received a call from Gu Nan.

"MeiMei," She heard a loud squeal of Gu Nan, the moment she had placed the phone over her ears.

"What happened NanNan? Why are you squealing like this?"

"Finally, I got a break of one week. I am so happy."

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard Gu Nan. 

"MeiMei, I was thinking, we both are free so why don"t we have a get-together. It has been so long that we had some fun. Not only that, we are yet to officially meet your mister husband. I have met him but you know what happened last time."

Xin Mei thought about what Gu Nan was speaking. It was true, she had not introduced Su Yuchen to her friends circle. Only Su Zixin and Xin Yan knew about him properly.

"Gu Nan, why don"t I arrange a get together at my place?" Xin Mei suggested. "This way, we will have late night fun like old days."

"That"s what I was suggesting."

"Ok then, come home by eight pm. I will do all the preparations."

"Ok, and yes, don"t forget to call your husband." Gu Nan reminded her and Xin Mei chuckled.

"Not to worry, I will call him immediately after hanging up on you."

"Good, I should go now to get ready for the get-together, MeiMei," she again squealed. "I am so excited to meet Su Yuchen. If possible, help me in getting his fresh photo and his interview."

"I will try." Xin Mei chuckled and hung up on her.

She walked towards her car and attached her smartphone with the Bluetooth. She started to drive the car and at the same time, called Su Yuchen.

"Chen, can you come home early tonight?" Xin Mei asked him the moment he picked up the call.

"Yes, why? Are you taking me somewhere? On a date perhaps?" 

"It"s nothing like that." She chuckled. "I am planning a get together at our place. I want to officially introduce you to Gu Nan and Ye gege."

"Oh ok. I will come home early today. Do I need to bring anything?"

"No need. I will do all the grocery shopping in my way."

After hanging up on Su Yuchen, she called Xin Yan.

"Am I dreaming or have you literally phone called me?" she heard the surprise filled voice of Xin Yan the moment he picked up the call.

"Stop being overdramatic gege." She rolled her eyes. "You know I am quite busy nowadays. I hardly get free from the filming."

Xin Yan chuckled. "I will not tease you. Now tell me, why have you finally remembered me?"

"I wanted to invite you to a get-together."

"Get together?"

"Yes, get together. I still have to officially introduce you all to Su Yuchen. So, I thought to arrange a get-together tonight at my place because now I am a little free from my filming schedule."

"Ok, I will be at your place by…"

"Eight in the evening." Xin Mei completed it for him.

"Do I need to bring a gift for you?"

"Off course, you are coming to your sister"s house for the first time. You wouldn"t come empty-handed, right?"

Xin Yan again chuckled when he heard her. "I will be at your place by eight. Now I should go. I have some important work to complete."

"Bye gege, see you tonight." And with that Xin Mei cut the call.

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