On one side, Xin Mei was getting pampered. She was given hair spa, full body ma.s.sage, various types of skin treatments, foot ma.s.sage and hands spa. She was feeling very refreshed and lively. She felt rebooted.

On the other side, Zhou Mingyu was completely broken. She was broken with the realization that three males had raped her. She did not know what she should do or think about it.

When she had reached home, Zhou Zichen had slapped her hard across her face. He was h.e.l.l angry on her for her foolishness.

"How can you go somewhere without taking my permission, even if mister Su has called you? Do you have any idea about what he has done with you?" he barked angrily and pa.s.sed his mobile to Zhou Mingyu.

Su Yuchen had already sent a small video to Zhou Zichen, to remind him what he would get by offending him.

"Now what are we to say to the Qian family? They will not think twice before breaking the relations.h.i.+p between Qian and Zhou family." He yelled and pulled his hairs hard.

Zhou Zichen breathed hard in panic. The hospital project was now a big burden on his shoulder. He had to complete it before the deadline. Otherwise.....

Already, many investors had withdrawn their investment from his company. He was relying only on the financial help given by the Qian corporation. His business was relying on small thread named Qian corporation.

Zhou Mingyu looked at the mobile with wide eyes. It was not like she had not cheated on Qian Fan before. She had already slept with many people for her filmy career but she never thought her video would be leaked out.

Now, what if Qian Fan left her? She still had to find some other man. Till then she could not let him go! She would not let him go!

"Think something about this video. If possible, go and beg to that arrogant b**** Su Yuchen to not leak this video." He spat and angrily made his way towards his room.

Zhou Mingyu broke down. She fell on the floor and wailed loudly. 

"What is happening to me? Why is this happening with me? Why? Why? Why?"

"How are you feeling now?" Su Yuchen lovingly asked Xin Mei and combed her hairs with his fingers. Now he was feeling satisfied with their texture.

"I am feeling as if I have returned from heaven. I am feeling so relaxed. I didn"t know my body was so tired and was so in need of this relaxation."

Xin Mei groaned tiredly and placed her head on the shoulder of Su Yuchen. Tiredness filled sigh left from her lips.

"Now I want to sleep."

Su Yuchen smiled and helped Xin Mei toward his car. He opened the car door for her and made her comfortable inside.

Xin Mei who was feeling dizzy after getting the ma.s.sage fell asleep on the car seat.

When they reached home, without waking up Xin Mei, Su Yuchen carried her in his arms and made his way inside the house and towards their room.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you always forget that I live here in this house before doing something romantic." Su Zixin commented when he saw how Su Yuchen was carrying Xin Mei in his arms.

"Zixin, when will your apartment get repaired? It has been so long that you are staying with us like a third wheel." Su Yuchen commented and looked at him with a raised brow.

"Ahem brother, you know I don"t have money. So…." He smiled nervously and looked at Su Yuchen.

"And what happened to the money which was given to you by Xin Mei?" he raised a brow.

"Brother, that money…." Su Zixin ma.s.saged his head. "Don"t you remember I used it to throw a party at the club."

"Don"t I remember?" Su Yuchen sarcastically remarked. "If I remember correctly, all the payment for that party was done by me because that party was to catch the stalker of Xin Mei. So…" 

Su Zixin cleared his throat nervously. "I utilized all the money to buy new dresses."

"You spend sixty million won to buy new dresses?" Su Yuchen whispered yell and looked at him with an unbelievable look. "Su Zixin…. You…."

He did not know how to yell at Su Zixin. He had cut his allowance with a hope that Su Zixin would realize the importance of money but he was still….

"Su Zixin, I am getting your apartment repaired." Su Zixin smiled when he heard Su Yuchen. "Don"t smile, first hear me out, I will be cutting all the expenses of the repairs from your allowances only."

Su Zixin"s eyes went wide when he heard Su Yuchen. He knew about the expenses on his apartment and they would not be any less than at least six months of his allowance.

"No brother, please no…." he cried.

"Stop crying like a dog and my decision is final."

Su Yuchen glared at Su Zixin. With Xin Mei in his arms, he made his way towards his room. He was thinking of a way in which he could teach Su Zixin. He wanted him to realize the importance of money.

So far, Su Yuchen had badly failed in his lessons!

The next day, Xin Mei went to meet TingTing. It was TingTing and director Zhang who had invited her, they wanted to start the planning of "the flying women." Now that director Zhang was given some break from the revenge, he wanted to use that time to finish the filming of "The flying women."

"Xin Mei, I want to start the filming in the next week. What do you think? Are you free during that time?" director Zhang asked with hope in his voice.

"Director Zhang, don"t worry. Xin Mei is all free for the next two months. I had not taken any future a.s.signments for her because of you."

Director Zhang smiled widely with grat.i.tude towards Ting ting. He pulled out a script from his bag and pa.s.sed it to her.

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