After hanging up on Xin Yan, she called He Ye.

"If you are calling me to inform me about your get together then I am already aware about it." He Ye said the moment he picked up the call. Xin Mei chuckled. 

"Gu Nan is really fast."

"Don"t you know she is my bullet train? She is the fastest."

Xin Mei again chuckled.

"Gege, I also want to talk with you on some other topic."

"What do you want to talk about?" He Ye became alert when he heard her.

"There is no need to get so serious." Xin Mei giggled. "I only want to ask, do you have any male artist under you who is free for the next month? I need a male lead for the movie "the flying women.""

"I will check my file to confirm the same. And even if no artist is free then also I will find a male lead opposite to you. I can do this much for my sister."

"I know you are the best. Only you can help me."

"Ok stop b.u.t.tering me now." He Ye chuckled. 

By the time Xin Mei was done with the call with He Ye, she had arrived at the grocery store. She stepped out of the car and entered inside to do the grocery shopping, to buy the ingredients for the dinner tonight.

When she reached home, she was surprised to see that Su Yuchen was already at home and not only that, he was giving instructions to the maids to clean the house.

"What"s happening here?" she asked with surprise. "What are you doing at home?"

"Didn"t you inform me that tonight we are throwing a get together?" Su Yuchen shrugged his shoulders. "I thought why not come home early and help you. I have noticed that the house was not much clean so I have ordered the maids to clean it carefully. I don"t want our guests to find any speck of dust in our house."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard him.

"Here missus, give me the bags." Someone took the bags from her hand and carried them to the kitchen.

"I was also planning to call an expert chef from Su residence to cook the dinner but I changed my mind, I thought you will kill me if I let a chef enter in your kitchen." He made a horror-filled face and Xin Mei again smiled.

"You did right. I do not want to feed my guests the food cooked from the hands of some chef or someone else. I will cook their dinner with my own hands."

Xin Mei made her way towards the kitchen and started to prepare for the dinner. Su Yuchen also gave her his helping hand.

He brought out bottles of some expensive and vintage wine from his cellar and placed them in the refrigerator for cooling.

"Chen, have you ever invited guests to our home?"

"I have, many times, especially when I had just purchased this mansion." Su Yuchen replied and gave washed and cleaned vegetables to Xin Mei.

"Whom have you invited?"

"Some business employees and a couple of friends." Su Yuchen shrugged nonchalantly. 

"You have friends?" Xin Mei looked at him with surprise.

"Unbelievable, but yes, I have few friends, a few good friends."

"Then why didn"t I know about them? I mean, nor you talk about them nor you have introduced me to them."

"I want to introduce you to them but my friends don"t live in city A and when they had come to meet me, you were busy with filming. I didn"t find it in my heart to disturb you to meet my friends."

"You should have introduced us." Xin Mei spoke in a soft voice. "I want to meet your friends and want to know more about you from them." 

"Ok, I will remember about it the next time they come to visit me. Now quickly chop the vegetables. I want to get dinner ready on time."

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were preparing dinner when Su Zixin arrived at home. He was shocked when he saw all the workers and inhaled delicious aroma coming from the kitchen.

"Is something special today?" he asked and entered the kitchen.

Xin Mei mentally slapped herself when she heard him. She forgot to tell him about the get-together.

"Today, I am organizing a get-together. Gu Nan, He gege and Yan gege will be coming home for the first time."

"Really? Wow, that will be fun. It had been so long that we five had so much enjoyment. Let me go and get ready for the get-together."

Su Zixin was about to make his way towards his room when Su Yuchen stopped him.

"Hey, hey, where are you running? There is still one and a half hour left before their arrival. So, in the meantime, do some productive work. Go to the garden and pluck out some fresh flowers for the vases."

Su Yuchen gave his order to Su Zixin. Su Zixin pouted and obediently walked towards the garden, to oblige the order of his brother.

By half an hour past seven, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were all ready to receive their guests. Dinner was ready, they had changed their dresses and their mansion was also cleaned. Fresh flowers were also decorated in the small living room which was looking very beautiful. All maids had also left after completing their work.

Xin Yan was the first one to arrive. He arrived at quarter to eight only. He was very excited to meet Xin Mei.

When he entered inside the estate of glory residence of Su Yuchen, he was shocked and amazed. His eyes were bright as he took in everything about their mansion.

"Wow Xiao Mei, you are very lucky huh. Your house is very big and beautiful." He looked around with amus.e.m.e.nt in his eyes and Xin Mei chuckled.

"You haven"t seen the inside of the house. I am sure you will beg Chen to give you this house in begging."

"Really?" Xin Yan looked at her with wide eyes.

Xin Yan had two dreams in his life, one was to get a big mansion with all the luxurious facilities which the mansion of Su Yuchen had and his other dream was to own big parking with the most expensive cars in the world.

So, when Su Yuchen and Xin Mei gave him the round of the glory mansion, he was seriously begging to Su Yuchen.

"Brother in law, brother in law, I have given you my precious sister, can"t you give me this house in return?"

"Brother in law, I promise to construct more big and beautiful house for you in compare to glory residency, but please give this mansion to me in charity."

Su Zixin who had also joined them rolled his eyes. When Su Yuchen was not ready to give this mansion to Su Zixin then there was no chance that he would give it to Xin Yan.

"Gege, stop acting like this. I know, you will not accept this mansion even if Chen is ready to give it to you. I know you are just joking."

Xin Mei pocked on the arm of Xin Yan. Xin Yan scratched his head and looked at her. "You know me so well."

"Now give me my gift."

Xin Yan smiled and gave Xin Mei the gift which he had brought especially for her.

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