Eyes of Xin Mei also widened once the words were accidentally out of her mouth. She did not want to disclose the secret of Su Zixin but now the damage was already half done.

"I am sorry." She mouthed to Su Zixin and looked at him with a guilty smile on her face.

Su Zixin smiled and shook his head. He then stood up from his seat.

"Everyone, today I have a confession to make. Now that we are family, I don"t want to hide about my ident.i.ty from any of you."

Xin Yan, He Ye, and Gu Nan looked at him with wide eyes which were filled with curiosity.

"My real name is Su Zixin and Su Yuchen is my cousin but we are closer to one another than brothers. I am sorry that I hid my ident.i.ty from you all from so long."

He Ye was the one who was in a major shock. He had always treated Chen Bai as a common man from the time they had first met each other. He never thought the real ident.i.ty of Chen Bai was so big.

"I knew it, I just knew it." Gu Nan was the first one to come out from the surprise and shock. "Yeye, didn"t I tell you that I am suspicious about the ident.i.ty of Chen Bai? Look, how right I was? He isn"t any ordinary man."

"I can see that now." He Ye spoke, he was still in shock.

"Xiao Mei, you knew about it?" Xin Yan asked and Xin Mei nodded her head. "Then why didn"t you tell me about his ident.i.ty? Mother will go crazy after knowing that her Bai"er is her relative."

"It was his secret to tell." Xin Mei shrugged her shoulders.

"But why? I mean, why didn"t you used your real name? Why did you use your fake name?" He Ye asked with shock and looked at Su Zixin.

"I didn"t wish to use my ident.i.ty as Su to make my career." Su Zixin shrugged. "You know what will happen if my ident.i.ty as Su is exposed."

He Ye nodded his head in understanding.

"I know you are feeling shocked and somewhat betrayed but please forgive me. I never planned to disclose my ident.i.ty as Su Zixin to anyone. I am very happy with my ident.i.ty as superstar Chen Bai."

"He Ye nodded his head and smiled at Chen Bai. "So, what should I call you from now on, Su Zixin or Chen Bai?"

"Call me anything." Su Zixin lazily replied.

Then the topic of their conversation got diverted towards the childhood incidents of Su Yuchen. Su Zixin was doing a great job as a little brother. He did not leg behind in embarra.s.sing Su Yuchen by speaking out some funny incidents from his life.

Xin Yan was feeling very happy for Xin Mei. He would now be worry-free about Xin Mei after talking so openly with Su Yuchen. 

Xin Yan knew that Su Yuchen was good at heart after meeting him multiple times for the business purpose, but now today when he had seen him caring towards Xin Mei and looking at her with warm and loved filled eyes, he was sure that feelings of Su Yuchen towards Xin Mei were genuine. There was nothing for him to worry about.

Gu Nan was also feeling happy for Xin Mei. Finally, she got the prince of her dreams, the one who would dote on her and would look after her. She was happy to see the smile on the lips of Xin Mei which she had never seen before.

He Ye was also satisfied after meeting Su Yuchen. Xin Mei was always close to him, just like a real sister and he was worried about the nature of Su Yuchen towards her. But now he could relax.

He Ye knew that Su Yuchen was a very cold-hearted CEO but the way he looked at Xin Mei proved that he would change himself only for her. 

Now He Ye could go home and report to his parents that Xin Mei was living a life of a queen, the life which she truly deserved.

After talking for some time, Xin Mei served dinner. The group collected around the dining table and took their seats. They started to chat over the food.

Su Yuchen and He Ye were acting very doting men towards their women which irked the single Su Zixin. He scowled when he saw how Su Yuchen was slicing the piece of a bread for Xin Mei and how He Ye was feeding Gu Nan with his own hands.

"The four of you, can you stop feeding Mei and Xin Yan some dog food? You acting all lovey is so gross." Su Zixin made a disgusting expression on his face. "We are single for G.o.d sake, please think about us before getting all romantic."

"Who said I am single?" Xin Yan spoke nonchalantly. "I don"t mind them having romance."

"What do you mean by you are not single?" Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes. "Gege, you have a girlfriend and you didn"t tell me about her. This is a crime gege. You broke your promise."

Xin Mei looked at Xin Yan with accusation. Xin Yan poked out his tongue and ma.s.saged his neck with nervousness. He did not wish to tell anyone that he was seeing someone. It was barely a slip of his tongue and now he was caught.

"Stop giving me these looks, and tell me, who is this lucky girl?" Xin Mei raised her brow and looked at him.

"You know her."


"Da Chun."

"Are you kidding with us?" Both Xin Mei and He Ye yelled at the same time. They looked at Xin Yan with surprise in their eyes.

Xin Yan smiled in embarra.s.sment and looked down.

"Is she the same Da Chun, who had slapped you?" Xin Mei asked.

"The one whom you have gifted aunt"s ring on her birthday?" He Ye added.

"Yeah, she is the same one."

"Oh, My…" Xin Mei squealed in surprise. "You are dating her. Or don"t tell me you have gone mad that now you are imagining her as your girl?"

"Does Da Chun also think you as her boyfriend or is it one-sided love only?" He Ye asked with curiosity.

"It is two-sided love. Da Chun also likes me and we are dating from the last three months."

He Ye and Xin Mei were actively teasing Xin Yan where Su Yuchen, Gu Nan and Su Zixin were exchanging curious looks. Exactly what was the story of Xin Yan and Da Chun?

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