Movie "Revenge" was to be released in the first week of October but then, Su Yuchen decided to change the dates to the first week of November, to the date when he married Xin Mei, to their first anniversary.

It was simple thought which had crossed his mind and he decided that Revenge would be released on their first anniversary only.

Xin Mei was very surprised when she heard him. She was very happy that the movie which was close to the heart of Su Yuchen would be released on their anniversary. Also, that way they got more time to promote the movie.

Director Zhang and the production team were very happy with this decision of Su Yuchen. In this way, they got more time to do some production work of the movie with perfection.

In the middle of September, a poster of Revenge movie was released and it was liked by many citizens. It became the most liked poster of the country A film industry.

Director Zhang had smartly decided the poster which was released first. The poster had a photo of every main cast, as to not dissatisfy the fans.

Soon after, many more posters of the movie were released, a poster where Su Zixin was climbed on the horse with a sword in his hand and Xin Mei was standing at the feet of the horse and was firing arrows.

A poster where Xin Mei was leaving the kingdom of emperor Kai and was looking ahead with revenge written in her eyes. A poster where Xin Mei and Su Zixin were getting intimate with one another. A poster where Zhou Mingyu and Tang Min were sitting on the throne.

Every poster got many positive reviews which boosted the confidence of the Revenge team. Su Yuchen was also happy with the response which they received. He wanted Revenge to become an iconic movie.

After a week, a ten-second teaser of the movie was released. The teaser had a glimpse of every cast member. It again created curiosity among the fans. Citizens started to discuss the look and role of every character of the movie.

Seeing the curiosity amongst the citizens, it was decided that the trailer would be launched at a very ma.s.s level. 

A ballroom of a hotel was booked, every critics was invited as well as media. This all was done at the name of Su Yuchen. So, no one dared to deny the invitation.

"I, Su Yuchen welcomes you all to the launch of the trailer of "Revenge." I hope you all will enjoy watching it." Su Yuchen gave an opening speech and then signalled to the production team head, Yang Soujin, to play the trailer on the large projector.

Everyone held their breath when the lights of the screen were turned on. The cast who had not watched the trailer was also looking at the screen with many expectations.

Xin Mei was also among them. She looked at the screen without a blink of eyes and held on the hand of Su Zixin. He also squeezed her hand and looked ahead.

The trailer started to play on the screen with the entry of Su Zixin. He was riding on his horse and was killing the army of his enemy at the same time. Then was the entry of Xin Mei, she was also killing many soldiers, all this while, only the glimpse of her face was shown.

The trailer kept playing on the screen and everyone was looking at it without any blink of an eye. They could see romance, fight scenes, revenge filled scenes in a single two minutes trailer. The trailer was small, but it had created curiosity among the guests.

Once the trailer ended, one after other reviews stood up from their seats and started to clap. Reporters were also shocked and they started to clap. They were excited to follow Revenge.

After the trailer, the cast acted live on  some scenes from the movie for the reporters to record them. They also gave a small interview about their fun and experience during the movie.

All this while, Zhou Mingyu was kept side casted. Reporters were strictly advised to not ask her any question and Zhou Mingyu was also advised the same. No one wanted to harm Revenge due to her big mouth.

Later that night, Su Yuchen, Xin Mei and Su Zixin celebrated the successful launch of the trailer of revenge by drinking wine and eating grilled food.

Within four hours of the release, the trailer had reached millions of views, again breaking records of many movies which were released in the Country A film industry.

The reviews on the trailer were so good, especially about Xin Mei that it made her very happy. She realized she had finally made a place in the heart of citizens.

"Watched the trailer and its so good. Already watched it so many times and now I can"t wait for the release of the movie."

"I watched the trailer to criticize Xin Mei and praise Zhou Mingyu but now I will do the opposite. 

Oh my G.o.d! I cannot believe that she was Zhou Mingyu, the best actress. What had happened to her acting? She should learn something from Xin Mei. She is so good!"

"My laptop burnt after watching the trailer. It burnt due to the hot and sizzling chemistry of Chen Bai and Xin Mei."

"I love you, Xin Mei, will you marry me? I am ready to leave my wife and kids for you."

"Xin Mei dances so beautifully! Ah, I cannot wait for the dance scenes to get released. I am also waiting for the romantic song of Chen Bai and Xin Mei."

"Can the release date of the movie be pre-pone? I can"t wait to watch the full movie."

The production team was also impressed with the response which they received. Under the supervision of Su Yuchen, they started to plan the strategy using which the movie was to be promoted.

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