Xin Mei was happily humming and bouncing on her feet when she walked out of the heritage. Today she had signed another new contract for a movie and soon she would start its filming.

So, she was feeling very happy. She had liked the script and within two days she was signed by the production house!

Not only that, her revenge was so close to its finalization. After the wedding of Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu, she wanted both to suffer in their marriage without any love.

She was no longer a fool to not know that the love between Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan had already ended. They were holding onto one another because of their secrets in the past that were the illegal dealings done by them.

"Xin Mei," Xin Mei rolled her eyes when she heard the voice of Qian Fan when she was about to enter inside her car. "Why are you doing this MeiMei? Why are you forcing me to get married to Zhou Mingyu? Don"t you love me any longer?"

Qian Fan had thought hard about the name of the person who could be behind destroying him. After deep thinking, he had concluded that it could be none other than Xin Mei. She was the only one to know about the secrets like the pregnancy of Zhou Mingyu.

"Love?" Xin Mei laughed. "Qian Fan, do you still think of me as a fool? Wake up! I am already over you."

Xin Mei turned and looked at him with a mocking expression on her face. 

"Don"t say like this MeiMei, I love…" before he could complete his sentence, the fist of Xin Mei landed on his face. Xin Mei smiled widely and again punched him hard.

"Aren"t you a fool here? I had warned you to not talk about love rubbish in front of me but still…" she tusked and looked at him with ridicule.

Without saying another word, Xin Mei started to beat him hard. She twisted his arm and kicked hard on his stomach. She also gave him a black eye.

She was using him as her punching bag. From so long she had this urge to beat this fool up and today her wishes got fulfilled.

Xin Mei beat Qian Fan to the point that he became half unconscious. She glared at him and clicked his photos to show them to Su Yuchen.

"Qian Fan, I will not leave you. Soon you and your family will be destroyed." She looked at him with dark eyes and entered her car. She drove her car away.

Zhou Zichen was very happy with the pressure of Citizens which forced the Qian Family to ask for the hand of Zhou Mingyu.

He used this opportunity to force Qian corporations to invest in the Zhou family. He gave greed to Qian Mushen that they would earn a lot if Zhou Zichen was able to provide Su Yuchen with the said hospital. He kept the fact hidden that he would need to pay compensation of two billion if he failed to do so.

Qian corporations organized a meeting to decide if Zhou corporation should be given the loan or not and Zhou Zichen got the loan and all thanks to the shareholder set by the Su Yuchen.

Zhou family and Qian family were preparing for a quick wedding at a large level. They wanted to use this wedding to tie up the broken links. They wanted to invite many big names in the business world at this wedding. They knew no one said no to a marriage invitation.

All the past was forgotten and everyone blessed the newlywed couple with their best wishes.

"Mei, isn"t father"s birthday on the same date as the wedding date of Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan?" Su Yuchen asked and looked at her with a dark gaze.

"Yes, why did you ask?"

"Nothing much." Su Yuchen chuckled. "I was planning to throw a party for him with the same guest list from the wedding of Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan."

Xin Mei looked at Su Yuchen with amus.e.m.e.nt in her eyes. He was so evil. Xin Mei did not think that he could be cruel and evil at all.

"That"s a good idea, Chen. I cannot wait to see the faces of Zhou Zichen and Qian Mushen when no one would arrive at their party. There was a time when they had planned to make father fell down on his feet, now they will face the same. They will see the success of father and their defeat."

Citizens were curiously following the news of wedding of Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan. They were worried about the baby of Zhou Mingyu. Gu Nan in her show had made them very emotional for the baby.

They still had not forgiven Zhou Mingyu but they wanted the baby to receive the needed love of both its parents.

On the day of the wedding, as planned Su Yuchen threw a party for Xin Jin with an excuse that he wanted to celebrate the birthday of his business partner. 

He had invited many guests.

The guests were not fool, they knew they could not go against the Su corporation. So, they ignored the wedding invitation and made their way towards the birthday party. Besides, who cared to join the party of sinking s.h.i.+ps!

Zhou Zichen and Qian Mushen were eagerly waiting to receive the guests, at the door of the wedding hall. They were completely unaware about the birthday party for Xin Jin.

They were twisting their brows with confusion with each pa.s.sing second. They were confused as to why no one arrived. The condition was so worse that even their close relatives were absent from the wedding.

Zhou Zichen pulled out his mobile to call his close family friends only to come across the news of Xin Jin"s birthday party. It did not take him long to realize what was happening around him.

"Qian Fan, look so many people have come to attend our wedding? So many fans had come to wish me good on our wedding day." Zhou Mingyu smiled brightly.

She looked around at the empty hall and Qian Fan groaned beside her. He could see that she had already lost her mind. If not for the baby in her belly!

Qian Fan planned to bear her for the next seven months. Once the baby was born, he planned to remove this weight from his life.

Wedding of Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu was conducted only under the presence of their parents and some servants who were appointed to serve the guests.

The moment, they were announced as husband and wife, Qian Fan was ready to go home, leaving Zhou Mingyu all alone.

"Where are you going?" Qian Mushen held on his hand.

"You know father," Qian Fan sighed. 

"You are not going home but to honeymoon. Go away somewhere at the band of honeymoon and start a new life there."

Qian Mushen knew that the condition in the city A was not good. So, he decided to send Qian Fan to some other country where he could start his own business and could stand on his own feet.

Qian Mushen was here to handle the Qian corporation.

Qian Fan wanted to refuse to his father but Qian Mushen forced him to fulfil his request c.u.m order. And in the jet in the evening, both Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu were flying to country F without anything in their hand.

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