Later that night, when Xin Mei was asleep, Su Yuchen made his way towards the police station. He visited there in a secretive manner. Police were also waiting for his arrival and they also maintained secrecy.

"Where is he?" Su Yuchen asked in a cold voice.

Police took Su Yuchen towards the room where Lee Woo was getting beatings. His hands were tied from the roof and a constable was. .h.i.tting him with a whip.

Su Yuchen looked at the treatment which Lee Woo was getting with satisfaction on his face. He then looked at Li Si, his secretary who was there with him.

"Keep beating him like this. Ensure that he should not die before getting full torture."

"Don"t worry boss. We have already cut his tongue and have taken other measures. He will not be able to commit suicide. No matter what."

Su Yuchen smiled, cruelty was visible in his smile. He looked at Lee Woo who was in a half-conscious state. Su Yuchen smiled viciously.

"Take out his eyes which dared to look at my wife with l.u.s.t." Su Yuchen ordered and soon enough, loud painful yells of Lee Woo filled in the room.

"Where were you?" Xin Mei sleepily questioned to Su Yuchen. He had just returned from the police station.

"Did I wake you up?"

Su Yuchen walked towards her and took his seat beside her.

"No, I was up from quite a long time. I was not able to sleep in the absence of your warmth." Xin Mei spoke cheekily and nudged her face in his thigh. Su Yuchen chuckled and patted on her head.

"Ok, leave me now. Let me get changed. Then I will return on the bed beside you."

"Ok." Xin Mei left him and watched him entering inside the changing room. Su Yuchen returned after some time, changed into his shorts. He walked towards the bed and take his seat beside her.

"So, from where are you coming from? Were you gone to meet Lee Woo?"

"You know me so well." Su Yuchen smiled and hugged her tight. "How can I leave a man who dared to invite my wife to sleep with him?"

Xin Mei smiled and gently ma.s.saged his head. "Chen, don"t you think the villains in our life are fools?"

"They are not fools. They think you are a innocent. So, they always keep their walls low around you. They don"t know that you have me and everyone behind holding your back."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard him and nodded her head. She had no idea that soon a very smart villain was going to enter her love life.

"Mother, why are you calling me at this hour of the night?" Xin Mei groaned when she received a call from He Lin in the middle of the night.

"Xiao Mei, I am sorry to disturb you but I needed to call you. Your grandma has fallen sick. So, Jichen and I are leaving for the city Z."

Xiao Mei sat straight when she heard He Lin. "What happened to grandma? Is she fine now?" She yelled over the phone. Her heart started to beat fast with fear and tears filled in her eyes.

"I don"t know Xiao Mei." Xin Mei could hear sadness and pain in the voice of He Lin. "Zichen gege called me. He said mother had a heart attack in her sleep. For now, she is taken to the hospital. Jichen and I are leaving to meet her."

"Mother, I am also coming to see grandma."

"No need Xiao Mei. For now, only we both are going. If mother is very serious then we will call you."

"Please call me mother. You know how close I am to grandma."

"I know my baby."

Su Yuchen who had heard her yell woke up. He looked at Xin Mei with concern. From her side of the conversation, he could understand that her maternal grandmother was sick.

"Ask mother if she needs my help in making any arrangements." He gently spoke and wrapped his hand around her waist.

"Mother, do you need Su Yuchen to arrange for his private jet for you?"

"No need," He Lin smiled over the phone. "We have already booked the ticket for the flight which will leave in half an hour."

"Ok mother, you go and meet grandma. I will look after father and gege behind your back."

"That"s why I called you. You know them, they don"t eat food from the hands of anyone else except for you and me."

"Hmm, I know."

Both talked for some time before the boarding announcement of He Lin"s flight was made. He Lin ended the call and promised to Xin Mei to report to her about her grandmother.

Xin Mei hung up the call and tears started to fell from her eyes. She clutched the phone tight to her chest and sent a quick prayer to G.o.d.

"Don"t worry Mei, nothing will happen to your grandmother." Su Yuchen lovingly wrapped his arm around Xin Mei and pulled her in his arms, to give her his needed support.

Xin Mei clutched tight on his chest and soft sobs left her mouth. "I love my grandmother a lot. We both have so many memories together. I remember she used to ma.s.sage oil on my head and cook special spicy food for me. She loved me very much."

Su Yuchen patted on the back of Xin Mei and tried to console her. Xin Mei cried for sometime before falling asleep in his arms.

The next day, Xin Mei received a call from He Lin that her grandmother was doing fine.

"Mother is fine for now. The doctor said her condition is stable but they can"t say anything else for now."

"Mother please be strong. I am sure nothing will happen to her."

"I am strong, just slightly worried for her. I hope she will soon wake up."

"She will. I am sure she will wake up and will be all fine. Then together we will celebrate her eightieth birthday."

After hanging up on her mother, she cooked lunch for her father and took it to his office. When Xin Mei entered inside the cabin of Xin Jin, she found that he was very sick which made her pale and worried for her father.

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